Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Four hundred and three hurricane box office

""Golden Harvest DreamWorks united, set off a box-office frenzy""

Just like a whirlwind blowing across the Hong Kong, the box office of express soars like a rocket. [;First release] In just one week, the cumulative box office has reached 14.57 million, attracting a voice of amazement inside and outside Hong Kong Island.

The only pity is that the average occupancy rate is dropping rapidly, even dropping to 50% at one point. The main reason is that the audience base in Hong Kong is too small, and the 41 cinemas are too dense, so the overall attendance rate has been lowered.

After reducing the number of theaters to 30, the attendance rate quickly stabilized, growing at the rate of millions of box office per day.

"It's really profitable to make movies!" Ye Xueping couldn't help but said with a sense of reason, looking at the fans pouring into the theater outside the car window.

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: "There are also many movies that lose money. More than a dozen film companies close down in Hong Kong every year. And this time I won't make it alone. Jiahe and the theater chain have a share of the pie, plus the movie's budget. It is high, and no matter how well it sells in Hong Kong, it cannot recover the cost, and it can only make money by relying on the overseas box office.”

Ye Xueping is just a young literary and artistic youth who likes movies. He doesn't know anything about the filming and distribution of movies. He asked in surprise: "Didn't the newspapers say that the box office of this movie will definitely break 30 million? Why can't the cost be recovered? ."

Kang Jianfei said: "The filming budget is 50 million yuan, plus nearly 2 million yuan in publicity expenses, and the academy has to split more than 40% of the box office. How can you recover the cost?"

Ye Xueping said in amazement: "Isn't there a gap of more than 30 million?"

Kang Jianfei nodded: "Cheng Long and Lin Qingxia have good influence in Japan. The Japanese box office must be profitable."

The two were chatting about the movie. Li Saifeng's father, Li Qiming, sat in the passenger seat and turned to them and said, "The instant noodles produced by the Kangle Food Factory can be distributed to supply and marketing cooperatives, department stores and the railway system in the Guangdong/East region next week. Goods, do you want to go to the factory to have a look?"

since the establishment of the factory. Ye Xueping was only busy opening up sales channels, and Kang Jianfei didn't care after spending money, and only sent an accountant to do the accounting, and neither of them had been to Shenzhen/Shenzhen.

On the contrary, Li Qiming was the most active. After this fellow had a career goal, he even threw his lover aside, ate and lived on the factory site, and was responsible for recruiting and training workers, which greatly shortened the construction time of the factory.

"I don't have to go, as long as there is money to be made." Kang Jianfei didn't want to go back to Shenzhen/Shenzhen. His current identity is that of a Hong Kong escapee from there. It would be bad if he returned to his "hometown" to reveal his flaws.

Ye Xueping glanced at Gao Yahu, who was looking at the car, and said to Kang Jianfei: "Next month, the head of the central government will visit the south. I can contact you to see if we can add our factory to the inspection route of the head of the central government. You can go there as the head of the factory. Reception."

Kang Jianfei waved his hands again and again. He said, "Forget it, the meeting with Deng Gong will definitely be in the newspapers, I'm afraid that I will offend the Taiwan authorities." Pay attention to."

"I don't need it either." Li Qiming was taken aback. He had long admired the head of the central government, and he was in awe, and there was not much respect.

"Actually, this is a really good opportunity. Old Li should go there. Others won't be able to see the chief if they want to." Ye Xueping advised. He himself must not come forward, because he has invested hundreds of thousands in the recreational food company, which is definitely a huge sum of money in the mainland, and Ye Xueping can't explain the reason at all.

Although the mainland is currently engaged in reform and opening up, it is still very strict with many things, and some things can be done in private. Once it is put on the table, even if Ye Xueping's father is the founding father of the country, he cannot escape the sanctions of the law.

Because of this, in another time and space, Ye Xueping immigrated to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter in the 1980s, but it was not until the 1990s that he dared to open a company in his own name.

The three talked about the development plan of the food company, and it was only from Ye Xueping that Kang Jianfei and Li Qiming learned the real purpose of the central government chief's southern tour.

It turns out that since the reform and opening up, many areas in the south have developed rapidly and rapidly. In some places, even entire towns and cities have begun to do business, causing a series of problems.

Some people made a lot of money, which naturally caused the jealousy of other people, and the addition of various collective enterprises harmed the vested interests of many people. In this way, the officials and the people had the basis to oppose the reform. Coupled with the opposition of conservative officials and the deterioration of public security, there is now a trend of reform and reflection in mainland China, and some people even deliberately create appalling public opinion that China will become capitalist.

Just in the second half of last year, some self-employed people in the south were fined and confiscated, and those who hit the gun were even sentenced directly. There is a very famous businessman who started a small business quietly before the Cultural Revolution was over. He already had tens of thousands of funds during the reform and opening up, and then he helped state-owned enterprises to re-sell inventory goods. Over the years, this gentleman has accumulated tens of millions of properties. This guy was naturally the target of local strikes, but when he heard the wind, he ran away ahead of time, but his factory was directly confiscated. According to his later recollection, during the few years he was on the run, he had been to a coal mine in Heilongjiang as far as possible...

It is precisely because the local government liquidated capitalists that many self-employed individuals selling tea eggs did not dare to set up stalls, and some companies that invested in the mainland were also affected and some closed their doors and withdrawn their capital, which greatly affected the deepening of reform and opening up. develop.

Shenzhen/Shenzhen has always been the forefront of reform. A slogan put forward by the local area two years ago is called: Time is money.

This sentence is nothing today, but it caused great controversy at the time, and even some newspapers criticized the officials of Shenzhen/Shenzhen as a money-worshipper who wanted to subvert the good * system.

The head of the central government's southern tour is directly to Shenzhen/Shenzhen for inspection. As long as the head of the central government recognizes the local reform achievements, it will give a boost to the reformers across the country.

The reason why 1984 became the first year of China's companies was precisely because of Duke Deng's southern tour, which allowed those who aspired to start a business to scramble to create their own private companies.

Li Qiming thought about it, and finally agreed, and asked, "Can you change Mr. Deng's inspection route?"

Ye Xueping said with a smile: "Of course it can't be changed. It is still feasible to temporarily add an inspection unit. However, the factory must cooperate with the inspection in advance. You can also go back and prepare a document, and you can pass the review."

Kang Jianfei didn't pay much attention to this. He asked Gao Yahu, who was driving, and said, "Brother Gao, do you know any good veterans? I would like to hire a few as drivers and bodyguards."

Gao Yahu was still driving intently and asked, "It's easy to hire a retired soldier, but it's hard to say if you are good at it. Is there an age limit for the person Mr. Kang wants?"

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, "You should be under 40 years old, but don't be too young. Young people do things insecurely. The key is to be honest in your character and be able to control your eyes and mouth."

Ye Xueping interjected: "Isn't it just a few retired soldiers, this is all on me."

At this time, it is really easy to recruit retired soldiers from the mainland. Last year, Deng Gongcai proposed a 1 million disarmament plan, and the railway soldiers were transferred to the local area collectively. However, these dismissed soldiers were the most common soldiers, and few of them could meet Kang Jianfei's requirements.

The soldier introduced by Ye Xueping, Kang Jianfei believed in his ability, but had absolutely no confidence in his loyalty.

It has to be said that no matter how Kang Jianfei's mentality changes, it can't change his problem of being too suspicious. He always feels that everyone in the world might deal with him.

Gao Yahu drove Kang Jianfei to Ye Xueping's house, the little girl Ye Zijing ran over, holding Kang Jianfei's thigh and looking at him with wide eyes, obviously waiting for Kang Jianfei to bring out the small gift.

Su Yuanyuan came out with the cleaned apple, Ye Zipei didn't care about the eyes of others, and sat directly next to Kang Jianfei to help her man peel the apple. Since the two had an adulterous affair, Ye Zipei, a pretty widow who was serious and self-loving, would go to Hong Kong every one or two months, just to spend the night with Kang Jianfei.

Li Qiming disliked Ye Zipei, the "fox spirit", because his daughter Li Saifeng was also Kang Jianfei's lover, so naturally he had no good impression of his daughter's rival.

Kang Jianfei now owns Phoenix TV, Oriental DreamWorks, Oriental Entertainment and Popular Records, as well as a film and television city under construction, as well as several buildings and some cinemas that he bought at a low price. There are rumors that Kang Jianfei's net worth has exceeded 1 billion, and he has become the youngest top rich man in Hong Kong without relying on the funds absorbed by the stock market.

Li Qiming believes that he has worked hard all his life and has tens of millions of assets, so he admires Kang Jianfei, a rich man, and he sends his daughter to hug her thighs without shame~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kang Jianfei is not married yet, Li Qiming has the idea of ​​marrying his daughter to Kang Jianfei. No matter how many women Kang Jianfei has around him, as long as he doesn't get married for a day, Li Qiming feels that his daughter still has a chance.

"A Fei, I heard that your movie has sold out again? I haven't had time to go to the cinema yet." Ye Zipei cut an apple and fed it affectionately to Kang Jianfei's mouth.

Before Kang Jianfei was chewing on the apple, Su Yuanyuan couldn't wait to say: "Zipei, that movie is really good. I went to the theater and watched it three times in a row. Cheng Long's kung fu is amazing, and he makes people laugh when he fights. Stomach hurts, Lin Qingxia and Sophie Marceau are both beautiful. Look at my hairstyle, I did it like Sophie Marceau in the movie. "

Ye Pei said: "I have seen Cheng Long's movies, and they are really funny."

For the Hong Kong film industry, the advent of , is not just as simple as looking good and selling well. The successful cooperation of the two largest film companies has brought a very delicate atmosphere to the major film companies that have always been against each other. Those independent film companies and small directors have benefited from this, and their living space is larger than before. .

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