Bian Ji'an quickly inquired about where he was going at night from his old brother, and turned his head to tell Que Yining.

[Bian Ji'an]: At the Champagne Pavilion, it was around seven o'clock this evening. I don't know the exact time and which floor. It will be strange if I ask my brother again.

[Que Yining]: Okk, thanks, I will invite you to dinner another day.

[Bian Ji'an]: It doesn't matter if we eat. We will see each other someday, but you can tell me honestly, do you want to deal with Fu Wenjing through Gu Shanxue?

[Bian Ji'an]: If you want to do this, then I can advise you to dispel this idea as soon as possible

[Bian Ji'an]: Want to join the circle is not such a fusion method, you and him are two people in the world.

Que Yining looked at the text on the phone, thinking that everyone knows that the original owner likes the protagonist.

[Que Yining]: I do have other ideas, but not what you think.

[Que Yining]: Starting today, don't mention that man's name in front of me.

[Bian Ji'an]:? ?

[Bian Ji'an]: If you are kidnapped, you blink.

[Que Yining]: Seriously, no kidding.

[Bian Ji'an]: Do you want to drive, plan to escape from the sea of ​​suffering?

Although Bian Ji’an couldn’t say that she had a particularly good relationship with Que Yining, she also regarded people as friends. From this way, she also knew that Que Yining liked Fu Wenjing. He also made a bet on whether she would be able to catch Fu Wenjing, but so much. Years passed, he thought that Que Yining might as well give up.

[Que Yining]: Yes.

[Bian Ji'an]: That's right, where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, why bother to love a single flower.

Que Yi Ning returned a sympathetic emoji, and did not continue to discuss this issue with Bian Ji'an.

After all, she has no feeling for the male protagonist, and she doesn't have to deny it loudly in advance. When someone asks him, she will raise her mouth. Anyway, she will inevitably meet at that time. Isn't it clear whether she likes this kind of thing?

After seven o'clock in the evening, Champagne Water Pavilion.

Que Yining remembered the location and began to choose the clothes to wear tonight.

You have to get in touch with the other person before you can understand the other person's preferences and sexual orientation.

Gu Shanxue doesn't know whether she likes women. Que Yining doesn't know. Although she knows that she mostly likes women, she has never been in love, let alone talked with girls, so there is no Jiquan radar.

After choosing the clothes, Que Yining ate something, and then stayed in the room and began to liquidate all the property he had now or under the name of the original owner.

After doing an inventory, Que Yining found that in terms of the wealth and strength of the Que family, the original owner, Kali, had more money, including real estate, than she thought.

Que Yining carefully recalled the limited memory of this body owner, and understood why Kari still had so much money.

Judging from Que Yining’s own experience, she feels that the original owner is not a person who is arrogant and lustful and greedy for pleasure. She does not go crazy buying luxury goods, she will not spend a lot of money to buy fun, and she will not go to some messy places to attend so-called gatherings, clothes at home Will buy for her. There is no place to spend money, so more and more pocket money in the card, piled up into a considerable amount.

It was Fu Wenjing who made her spend the most money. Although most of the expensive gifts she gave were returned, she did not get the results she wanted.

All her thoughts were put on the male lead, thinking about it this way, Que Yining's expression was a bit complicated.

Because Que Yining suddenly thought that this is a book, did the original owner really have a spontaneous fascination with Fu Wenjing in his heart, or was it just set like that?

However, Que Yining didn't think about it carefully. After all, if you want to enter this kind of complicated human nature, you will probably enter the realm of philosophy and doubt your true life.

Que Yining didn't know what the original owner did after he became the female partner, but if the corpse in his memory was really the original owner's own words, is it heralding an ending, or perhaps the beginning of this matter?

Memories became complicated again for a while, Que Yi condensed his mind and began to use the Internet to check other contents of the world.

Que Yining wants to learn more about the world and do something. Although Que's family is very rich, and she is now their nominal child, Que Yining will not be more confident to enjoy everything.

There is no shortage of opportunities in this era. As long as it is operated properly and promoted by capital, there will be considerable returns.

Que Yining looked at the computer for several hours, and only stopped when his eyes were slightly swollen and painful, and looked out the window.

It is winter, and the trees outside the window have long turned into bare branches, full of silent silence.

Que Yining opened the window to let the cold wind flow into the room, dissipating some of the stuffy heat caused by the air conditioner.

Her mind seemed to be a little more awake by the wind. Que Yining stepped on her slippers and walked to the corridor, asking Uncle Chen to prepare her a cup of hot coffee.

When Que Yining returned to the room, he found that the phone on the bed rang.

She changed the noisy phone ringtone to pure music last night, and when she saw the name of the caller ID, Que Yining answered.

Qiao Yuchu’s sound source had a hint of urgency: "Yining, you really figured it out, do you really no longer like Fu Wenjing? Is it true this time?"

Although Qiao Yuchu had this speculation when he saw Que Yining’s reaction yesterday, she couldn’t believe it. After all, as Que Yining’s little sister, she couldn’t ask for it when she looked at her, and Que Yining said more than once that you don’t like Fu Wenjing anymore, but After buying drunk late at night, two days later, he couldn't help pestering others. Therefore, in Qiao Yuchu's place, the credibility of Que Yining's sentence is to be compromised.

Que Yining: "Yes, but why did you suddenly ask this?"

Que Yining's mobile phone is connected to the wireless network. When answering the phone, he can see the messages on the app. When he sees his WeChat, there are many more messages, and I am a little strange and click on it.

The people who sent the message were unfamiliar but had a little memory. They almost asked one thing, whether she really stopped chasing Fu Wenjing.

Qiao Yuchu: "Bian Ji'an has posted a circle of friends, good news! I played too late last night. I only saw that when I just woke up. Someone came to ask me if it was true. Someone wanted me to talk to you. Say don’t give up, shit, it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement."

Qiao Yuchu: "By the way, everyone knows about what you did with Wang Ruiyuan yesterday. Although I didn't see it, what was described is called a vivid picture. You said that you went up to open a scoop. I was so small and talked about other things that I was so angry that I started arguing."

Que Yining sat on the soft chair and spoke indifferently: "Don't care, don't commit it."

Que Yining didn't even need to think about it. Her image had taken a step further outside. She might have said something stupid before, but now she might have gained a reputation for being violent and ruthless.

Qiao Yuchu didn't agree with: "Sister, it's all our face, so let others chew their tongues there?"

Que Yi curled his lips: "Actually, if I am not a bad name, I will slap Xiao Bailian in the future. People think it is my normal style."

Que Yining felt that there are advantages to any person setting, and that the original owner is notorious, anyway, no matter whether it is taken or not, it will not make people feel bullied.

Qiao Yuchu was also happy over there: "You have such a big opinion on Xiao Bailian now. I saw you still have time to believe her before."

On the face of it, Gu Xiqian and Que Yining have nothing to do with each other. Sometimes Gu Xiqian blames them to please others, and their habitual behavior can confuse people, and most of them can't see through.

Qiao Yuchu didn’t hate her at first. At first, she hated her because Qiao Yuchu’s ex-boyfriend was pryed by Gu Xiqian. To be precise, it was not pryed. Gu Xiqian’s great thing is that he can let her boyfriend help her. Speaking, after that, Qiao Yuchu was very annoyed with Gu Xiqian, but Lu Su was so big, the circle was so big, and I could not see it when I looked up, and Qiao Yuchu just stabbed a few words on the face.

Que Yining: "That was before, but now it's different."

Qiao Yuchu came to be interested: "Why is it different?"

Que Yining: "I like her sister."

Que Yining has nothing to say. He is not a child even though he is a 20-year-old adult who still has a crush.

If Gu Shanxue heard something interesting to her from others, she couldn't ask for it, wouldn't it be a bit more credibility?

Qiao Yuchu was choked by his own saliva. For a time, he thought he was hearing a hallucination: "What? What did you say? I heard it right? Is that what I thought?"

Qiao Yuchu's several interrogative sentences in succession fully expressed his emotional shock and great confusion.

Que Yining didn't rush and said, "That's what you think."

The servant outside the door knocked softly, Que Yi condensed the hot coffee and came back, blowing hot air.

Qiao Yuchu’s voice was rather cautious: "You shouldn’t be stupid because you are being stimulated. You have turned the real one hundred and eighty degrees, and there is no need to hit another wall so quickly just to forget a relationship. Right?"

Que Yining responded frankly: "No, I just got interested in it."

Qiao Yuchu over there was shocked, not knowing how the sisters would bend.

Que Yining: "Come with me to the Xiangqing Water Pavilion at seven o'clock."

Qiao Yuchu: "...Where is that?"

Que Yining: "It sounds like it should be a place to eat."

Qiao Yuchu: "What are you going to do?"

Que Yining: "Be my wingman, don't be fantastical, you know it all by yourself now, do you understand what I mean?"

Qiao Yuchu: "...I should understand, you let me slow down."

At seven o'clock, the Champagne Water Pavilion.

This is a high-style antique restaurant. It covers a large area with curving water, pavilions and rockeries, and the screens are scattered and elegant, and it looks quite elegant.

Before Qiao Yuchu came, Que Yining stood at the door waiting for her, but she didn't realize it. He waited for the person she wanted to see first.

Gu Shanxue was wearing a long beige coat with a white sweater inside. This should have been a gentle color, and it also gave her a sense of coldness.

When Gu Shanxue saw her, her pace obviously slowed down.

Que Yining thought, she might not know who she is, but she must have an impression of her.

When Que Yining was about to talk to him, another voice came in first.

"Hey, our Miss Que's news is really well-informed. I didn't say that I had no idea this morning. Why are you coming here eagerly now?"

The voice was a bit ridiculous, and Que Yining looked over the voice and saw Yan Zishu who was talking, and Fu Wenjing standing beside him.

Que Yining's head seemed to be hit hard by someone, and something came out, flashing in front of her eyes very quickly, and Que Yining disappeared before he could remember it.

But there was still an extremely unwilling feeling of resentment in my heart, an emotion that was completely out of the control of Que Yining.

Que suppressed the emotions in his heart with condensed strength, and raised his leg to move towards his goal.

Fu Wenjing's expression was faint, but he frowned slightly when he saw Que Yining walking in his direction.

When he was about to make a sound, he saw Que pass straight through him and walked behind him.

"Are you here to eat too?"

Que Yining had a pair of beautiful eyes Yingying, and looked up at Gu Shanxue who was slightly taller than her.

There were bright surprises in those eyes, and the spring-like eyes made Gu Shanxue slightly startled.

"Then go in together."

She naturally sent out the invitation, and Gu Shanxue nodded her head without refusal.

The author has something to say: Sister Que: the original owner, your emotions will be discussed later, I am chasing sister [serious

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