Gu Shanxue watched the wooden railing tilt his head and opened his mouth when he walked into the Xiangqing Water Pavilion.

"Which floor are you going to?"

Que Yining's eyes flashed under the lamp, and she looked at Gu Shanxue and asked, "Which floor are you going to?"

Gu Shanxue: "Fourth floor."

Que Yining smiled and his eyes curled up: "It's a coincidence, I'll also go to the fourth floor."

However, as soon as she arrived on the fourth floor, Que Yining knew that her little lie had been exposed.

Because the fourth floor is the tallest box loft in the Champs, there is only one room, and it has been booked down at this moment to be used as a meeting place.

According to the original owner's personality, it is impossible to come here.

The corridor is at right angles, and when you turn around, your vision is exposed.

When Que Yining just wanted to say that she had gone wrong to exit the stage, someone inside saw her through the curtain and called her name.

"Hey, how come Miss Que is here? Wen Jing hasn't arrived yet, you're here early."

The person inside amused the others who were sitting.

Que Yining heard that the ridicule was not malicious, but was rather helpless about their deep-rooted views of the original master, especially since Gu Shanxue was still here.

It's really a bad thing to let the girl she is going to pursue know how much she used to pursue another person with great fanfare, and how to have no regrets for the other person.

Que Yining simply answered, "I just touched him downstairs. What's the matter, he also came to this room for dinner?"

Liu Senxu joked: "Oh, listening to you, didn't you come for our Young Master Fu?"

Que Yining: "Of course not. Qiao Yuchu and I made an appointment to come here for dinner, but she didn't make it clear which floor she was on. I ran into a familiar sister outside and came in together."

Que Yining smiled and pulled Gu Shanxue's hand, holding Gu Shanxue's hand and shook it slightly: "Don't you think?"

Que Yining's eyebrows were very pretty, and the ecstatic demon was hidden in her voice, and she ran straight into Gu Shanxue's eyes.

Gu Shanxue has a slight habit of cleanliness and doesn't like others to touch her at will, but Que Yining holds her hand, but she can't give birth to any repulsive heart.

Probably the person in front of her looks very clean, the palms of her hands are dry and warm, leaning against her, as if it is smooth and boneless, and also like good jade.

She took out her hand calmly: "Yeah."

Gu Shanxue opened the curtain. This curtain has two layers to isolate the cold in winter. The attic is surrounded by glass, which can ensure safety and control the temperature.

Que Yining didn't go in, and stood at the door and waved to the people inside: "Then I won't go in, see you next time."

Her face is also healthy white in winter. Today, she wore a dark red sweater, and her neck-cut and gorgeous face became more white and smooth. The smiling face made everyone in the room shake in the light. God.

Liu Senxu murmured: "Why do I think Que Yining is getting better and better, even the temperament is up."

The person next to him poked him in the waist jokingly: "If you like it, go after it."

Liu Senxu slapped his hand away and said, "Going on the other side, who doesn't know that our sister Que belongs to her heart. It's not our Yanfu to look better."

Gu Shanxue, who was sitting by the side, listened to them. Although she hadn't heard her self-introduction in that person's mouth, she remembered her name.

Que Yining.

Liu Senxu: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, here, our Yanfu Master is here."

Fu Wenjing: "What?"

Yan Zishu: "It's 100% saying Que Yining, but she is very strange today, is it a change of the routine of refusing to welcome?"

They passed her by when they went upstairs just now. Que Yining didn't even look at them. It was really strange.

Fu Wenjing's face turned cold: "What are you doing to mention her, are you all here?"

He nodded politely when he saw Gu Shanxue, and Gu Shanxue responded politely.

She looked at Fu Wenjing's face, but there was something else in her mind.

Although others say that Que Yining likes Fu Wenjing very conclusively, it seems that Fu Wenjing herself feels so, but she doesn't think so.

But if that person is covering it up very well, maybe that's not the case.

Gu Shanxue squinted her eyes, hiding the complex thoughts in her mind.

Liu Senxu: "Come here, come together, meet our new friend, Gu Shanxue!"

In fact, Gu Shanxue's situation is not as miserable as others thought. She did not return to China without everything. She has already gained fame in foreign business circles. This time she returned to China only with her own plans.

Although Liu Senxu’s group of people cannot be said to be the elites of the rich second generation, they are indeed good-minded. They are rich and have brains. They are either heirs to the family industry or are fighting for inheritance rights, and naturally seek cooperation. Baotuan Development expressed great welcome to Gu Shanxue's arrival.

After all, as long as Gu Shanxue got the shares of their family, it would also be a boost for them. First give favors, and then the rewards would naturally not be less.

The atmosphere in the room was harmonious, and Que Yining over there also met Qiao Yuchu.

Qiao Yuchu: "Your wingman reports! What are we going to do now?"

Qiao Yuchu rubbed his hands and said with great interest: "Am I going to create a chance for you or something? For example, bump into that sister, or accidentally bump you and let you go to that sister. In your arms? Or did you want to bring a drink or something, accidentally hit by me and spilled on that sister?"

Qiao Yuchu's receptive ability is still very strong. After staying in the circle for a long time, she has seen all kinds of things. In her eyes, Que Yining's situation is too painful to be broken in love. Since then, she is unwilling to contaminate a man, and she just bends. It's quite reasonable to be Ji Lao.

Anyway, this is better than continuing to hang on Fu Wenjing, everything is better than that.

Que Yining's temples bulged with her words like a gun, and said, "Where did you learn these vulgar dramas?"

Qiao Yuchu: "Hey, isn't this a common way for them to strike up a conversation? I can see it three times out of ten times. Although the method is a little bit mentally retarded, it is always effective. Let that sister feel your enthusiasm and your softness. Jiaofu!"

Qiao Yuchu looked at Que Yining's chest with envy, and patted his chest which was still flat even after wearing two clothes.

Que Yining: "Farewell, let's eat first, you may be on standby for a while today."

Qiao Yuchu was disappointed: "Ah, why."

Que Yining: "Fu Wenjing is also here."

Qiao Yuchu: "You still care about him, you can't forget it?"

Que Yining: "I don't want to impress Gu Shanxue with a straight daughter."

The words of Que Yining Zhenger's Eight Classics made Qiao Yuchu laugh.

Qiao Yuchu: "Okay, no problem, the impression of God's **** daughter hahahahahaha. But ah, Gu Shanxue is straight or curved, do you know that you will hit it?"

Qiao Yuchu: "I don't want you to make a pit and jump into another pit."

Que Yining: "It's probably straight."

Que Yining thought, since Gu Shanxue is the heroine of this book, and this book also has a male protagonist, it means that Gu Shanxue should be a woman of the opposite sex.

Qiao Yuchu: "Probably? It's straight!"

Qiao Yuchu's shocked reaction fully showed her uneasy heart. Que Yining covered her mouth with her bag, looked at the waiter who came by, and motioned for her to be quiet.

After booking a box and sitting down to have a meal, Qiao Yuchu couldn't wait to continue the topic just now, almost beginning to exhort him.

"Ning'er, although I don't know the circle well, there is a kind of person in the world who is really a straight woman of steel. Don't hit another southern wall, and you will be bloodied again."

Que Yining squeezed her long hair, with a loose and interesting tone, and smiled at Qiao Yuchu: "Try it first."

This look was charming and charming, which made Qiao Yuchu look in a daze.

Qiao Yuchu recovered and smashed the taste just now, and unconsciously shook his body: "Wow, the look in your eyes just now is okay, it made me feel like a mess, where are you going to report to the fairy training class? , Coach, I want to learn this too!"

Que Yi condensed his lips and raised the corners of his lips: "It all depends on enlightenment."

Qiao Yuchu curled his lips: "This is boring."

Que Yi's condensed seat can see the stairs. As long as someone comes down from above, she can see movement, but she has finished the meal, and the person he wants to see has not yet come down.

Que Yining didn't plan to chase after him, after all, the pursuit of this kind of thing depends on opportunities, and simply called Qiao Yuchu to go home.

Qiao Yuchu: "The Cowherd shop yesterday was quite interesting. Unfortunately, sister, you can't enjoy it with me now. If you want to go home, go home. I plan to go and play again."

Que Yining: "Don't drink the fragments, you can play there, don't be too serious."

Qiao Yuchu: "An, I know, that wine is pretty good, I'll bring you a bottle next time."

Que Yi Ning nodded and waved to her.

Qiao Yuchu took a taxi to Play's Nest, Que Yining stood by the side of the road and waited for the driver to pick her up.

The weather is dry and cold, Lu Su is a city to the north, and the outdoor temperature has reached below zero at this moment.

Que Yi condensed the white mist, looking at the dark night sky, his eyes were a little empty because of the mist.

It's been almost a whole day since I've been here, except for the change of people around me, it's actually not much different from my previous life.

Perhaps there are still differences. At least it is a lot easier. You don't need to see those annoying enemies, and you don't need to try to plan and plan. But after letting go of the burden, facing these relaxed situations, Que Yining is still a little at a loss.

Gu Shanxue looked down from the attic and happened to see this scene.

At night, in the neon lights, the girl in dark red clothes looks like a beautiful painting.

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