Que Yining never noticed the gaze upstairs, and was gently sighed by the cold winter night wind, rubbing her palms.

Wang Lu arrived in the car, opened the door for Que Yining, drove the car slowly, waiting for Que Yining to say where he was going.

Que Yining fiddled with her nails: "Go to Yunwu."

Que Yining originally wanted to go home, but when he thought about going out with special makeup, there was no need to go back so early, so he simply went to deal with what he wanted to deal with, such as this nail and this hair.

If one day the original owner comes back suddenly, she knows that her skin has been worn by others, of course, if there is such a situation.

‘Yunwu’ is a high-end beauty care club with good products and good service attitude. It has a very good reputation in the circle, and both celebrities and ladies prefer it.

The original owner often goes there for skin care, and the nails are also made there.

When the car drove to the clubhouse, Que Yining waved his hand to let Wang Lu go back first, and carried the bag into the clubhouse.

As soon as I entered, a young girl in pink overalls and a mask came over.

Xiao Lin immediately smiled when he saw his old customer, and said, "Miss Que is here, what project do you want to do this time?"

Que Yining shook his finger, Xiao Lin immediately understood, leading Que Yining towards the nail workbench.

"What kind of nails does Miss Que want to make this time? We have designed several more recently. Look at this brochure."

Xiao Lin handed over the booklet, and Que Yining took it, but did not open it.

Que Yining looked at him and made her own request: "Don't do it this time. Help me remove my nails and then cut them off."

Xiao Lin was surprised, as if a little puzzled, and said with regret: "Miss Que's nails are beautiful and they are well maintained. Do you really want to cut them off like this?"

This is not to be complimented by Kobayashi. Que Yining's hands are indeed good-looking. Even the nails are just right. They are not easy to break and break. The nail art is very beautiful, and it is the kind of existence that can be printed in the book and used as a reference for other people.

Que Yining didn't hesitate: "Cut it off."

Que Yining also kept his nails before, but isn't the situation different now. After cutting his nails, first express his sincerity, in case there is a chance to visit the mountains and snow.

Seeing that she was so sure, Xiao Lin had to touch her hand in front of him and began to remove the manicure from her hand.

The chair Que Yining was sitting on was a soft chair, which was quite comfortable when she lay down. She simply closed her eyes and calmed down, waiting for Xiaolin to unload it for her.

In the workplace, there is only one nail nail polisher at this moment, quietly.

After removing the manicure, Kobayashi used nail clippers to trim Que Yining's nails neatly and applied a coat of nail polish.

"Miss Que, do you need some nail polish?"

Xiaolin looked at the slender hands with ten fingers, and then at Que Yining's face. He felt that this pair of white and colorless aggressive hands didn't match this person.

I can't say what it feels like, but I just think the person in front of me should wear red or black nail polish, no matter what he holds, he looks enchanting and lazy.

Que Yining was also thinking about it in her heart. It seemed too veggie if she didn't apply it, and she seemed to look good before she cut her nails.

Before she hesitated, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground came from the door.

People who walked in were obviously surprised to see her, but after the accident they turned into a meaningful smile: "Isn't this Miss Que, but it's a coincidence that I actually met you here, do you come to do your nails too?"

The man approached, sat next to Que Yining, saw Que Yining's hand, and was quite surprised to cover her lips: "Is Miss Que even cut off her nails when she is broken in love, ah, no, I was wrong, how can she be broken in love? Well, it was decided not to have unrequited love anymore."

Que Yining raised her eyebrows to look at her, her face faint: "Miss Zhou is still as noisy as ever."

She looked at Xiaolin: "Paint it red, the color is correct."

She turned her gaze on Zhou Yueyi again. The Miss Zhou in front of her also took a lot of weight in the memory of the original owner. It can be said that she is one of the most hated people of the original owner.

The reason is related to Fu Wenjing, because the original owner regards Zhou Yueyi as a love rival.

Zhou Yueyi also likes Fu Wenjing, but unlike the original owner who must show his love when he takes the opportunity, Zhou Yueyi is empathetic.

She looks generous and does not deliberately pretend to be weak. She is knowledgeable and reasonable. She is a talented woman who graduated from a higher education institution. She is commensurate with Fu Wenjing's friend, like a perfect interpretive flower.

But she was not so gentle and harmless on the surface. Que Yining discovered from her memory that this person was actually very scheming. He often planted and framed the original owner, caused the original owner to be misunderstood by Fu Wenjing, or angered the original owner, making the original owner look incompetent and furious, more prominent Her image.

The original owner thought that Zhou Yueyi was a scheming woman who wanted to steal a man from her, but Que Yining felt that this was not the case.

At least in her opinion, Zhou Yueyi does not like Fu Wenjing like the original owner is obsessed with Fu Wenjing. She feels that Fu Wenjing is a very agreeable marriage partner and is planning for this.

Therefore, all Zhou Yueyi's frame-up and attack on the original owner is like dealing with the woman who haunts her husband in advance, and there is always a sense of superiority in front of the original owner.

Que Yining thought it was funny, this kind of self-righteous person was the most funny.

But... it's not completely useless.

Zhou Yueyi was a little uncomfortable with the look of Que Yining's eyes, she couldn't help touching her face, and couldn't even take care of the noise of being said by Que Yining.

Zhou Yueyi's hair stood on end when Que Yining was watching, she couldn't help frowning: "Why... why are you looking at me like this?"

I don’t know if it’s Zhou Yueyi’s illusion. I always feel that today’s Que Yining is different from the past. It looks strange. Even when I saw her, I didn’t have the same disdain and resentment on my face. On the contrary, it was unusually peaceful, so peaceful that Zhou Yueyi’s heart was shocked and felt. It seems that something is beyond control.

Is it that Que Yining really intends to give up Fu Wenjing, so it's like a different person?

This is not impossible. After all, everyone knows that Que Yining has liked Fu Wenjing for so many years. If she really put it down, it would definitely feel different.

But Zhou Yueyi still couldn't believe it, so Que Yining really just let it go?

Que Yining heard the words with a smile on her face, and said: "I found that Miss Zhou looks very good today, and she has a very good temperament even when she wears it."

Que Yining was not a compliment, she did think that Zhou Yueyi was good at wearing clothes and showing her own advantages.

Zhou Yueyi was praised by her, but her expression was as unspeakable as stepping on shit. She looked at Que Yining inquiringly, wondering which nerve she had gotten wrong.

"But it would be better to change the color of the lipstick, and the orange color would be more white."

Que Yining suggested, Zhou Yueyi looked at her suspiciously, took a mirror on the workbench to look at her makeup, changed her lipstick tone in her mind, and found that it might be better.

Xiao Lin's speed is very fast. When Que Yining was chatting with Zhou Yueyi like this, she had already painted her ten fingers with red nail polish, which made her hands white, and her fingertips were full of amorous feelings.

Que Yining stood up, waved to Xiaolin, motioned her to follow, and then turned to Zhou Yueyi and chuckled, "Miss Zhou, I wish you all the best."

Her words meant something: "Come on."

Don't let me down.

Zhou Yueyi didn't know which one of Que Yi Ning played, looked at her with a slightly horrified look, feeling a little trance. She was inexplicably angry when she was praised by Que, but she didn't know how to fight back.

Que Yining went out in a good mood, and asked Xiao Lin to take her to the skin care project.

She just sincerely wished Zhou Yueyi success, after all, she had not forgotten that Fu Wenjing was the protagonist of this book.

She hadn't read this book, and naturally she didn't know how Fu Wenjing and Gu Shanxue got together, let alone how they impressed each other, so naturally there was no way to stop everything first.

But Que Yining doesn’t need to stop it. Otherwise, it’s like trying to grab someone’s marriage. She is here to chase a woman, not to grab a woman. If you can get it, you can get it. If you can’t get it, it’s just a matter of interest. There is no obsession.

If they were to go all the way, that would be boring and tasteless to Que Yining. If you want to do it, you can do some "Que Ning", use her own means to pick up, and by the way, make a trip to the rival. Miss Zhou Yueyi is a good candidate, but whether Fu Wenjing will accept it is two things. If Zhou Yueyi was too knowledgeable and consciously changing the target, there would be no way, and Que Yining wouldn't go to tease her, just follow the fate.

Tonight may be the first official meeting between Fu Wenjing and Gu Shanxue. After all, at the gate of Xiangqing Shuixie, the two of them were still very strange to each other, and they should have never known each other, but is there anything similar to social interaction? Que Yining is not clear about the connection on the Internet.

When Que Yining arrived in the special care room, Xiao Lin closed the door, and when Que Yining was lying on the bed, she used makeup remover to help Que Yining remove her makeup a little bit, and began to help her with skin care.

"Miss Que's skin condition is a bit bad recently. Have you stayed up all night continuously?"

Que Yi Ning replied, and his mind began to turn.

In fact, she didn’t know. She only came into this world yesterday afternoon. Although she could think of some things when she saw some people, she had no impression of some small details, such as what she ate or what she did. .

She didn't even remember what the original owner did before last night, whether he stayed up late or where he went to play, she didn't even know.

Including remembering this place for skin care, it was also Que Yining where she wanted to go to get a nail treatment. The name of the shop appeared in her mind. This memory point did not appear actively, but was triggered by Que Yining's thoughts.

"Do you remember when I came last time?"

Kobayashi recalled for a moment and said, "Did you visit the store last time, it should have been a week ago."

Then she said as if thinking of something: "But I seemed to have seen you yesterday afternoon."

Que Yining opened his eyes: "Yesterday afternoon?"

Xiao Lin listened to her tone, lest she denied it unhappily: "Maybe I was wrong. It shouldn't be you. It shouldn't be when I think about it. It's just that the back looks too similar, probably because I misunderstood."

Que Yining: "Tell me, what did you see?"

Seeing how interested she was, Xiao Lin said what she saw yesterday: "It was about 6 o'clock in the afternoon when I saw that man walked into an alley and looked soaked. Now it's winter. How cold. So maybe I was confused at that time and I was at a loss."

Que Yining: "You didn't see that person's face?"

Kobayashi: "It seems...but I can't remember, it's strange, my memory should be pretty good."

Xiao Lin has a good memory, and he is very accurate in recognizing people, especially if Que Yining is her customer. She has helped her care more than once, so yesterday afternoon Xiao Lin felt that she was right.

But in this cold winter, with sub-zero temperatures, how could such a rich lady walk into the alley soaked all over.

Xiaolin himself wanted to be confused, as if he remembered it but didn't seem to remember, and now he began to wonder if he saw it.

Kobayashi: "Oh, Miss Que, you just ignore my nonsense. Maybe I'm too tired recently to create hallucinations. Or can I use the product you used last time? Closing your mouth is very effective."

Que Yi Ning replied, but he remembered this point in his heart, and the person floating on the river under the moonlight appeared in his mind.

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