Dressed As a Wealthy and Rebellious Female Match

Chapter 56: test dad's attitude

After finishing chatting with Little Lemon, Xia Ye heard someone knock on the door as soon as he exited the chat software.

She got up to open the door and saw Xia Zhi standing outside the door with a blushing face that seemed to say "I'm very happy, I'm very happy, I want to share my happiness with you".

The key point, she also deliberately put a pair of hands in front of Xia Ye's eyes, Xia Ye saw at a glance that she was wearing a silver-white ring on the **** of her right hand, looking low-key but delicate.

Before Xia Zhi opened her mouth, she asked face-to-face, "Have Su Xiao confessed to you?"

Xia Zhi's cheeks were flushed and she nodded slightly, "He said, he wanted to tell me a long time ago, but he was worried that it would affect my studies, so... I will wait until after the college entrance examination."

"Then you have made up your mind now, which university do you want to go to?" Xia Ye asked.

She remembered that Xia Zhi had said before that although she had decided to stay in Tangcheng, she had been wandering between Tangda and Tangshi University.

Xia Zhi shook his head, "I haven't decided yet, but...you said before...you would help me find out what my father said..."

Xia Ye let her into the room, went to the water dispenser, poured her a glass of water, and said, "Drink a glass of water to calm down. I can help you talk to Dad, but are you going to confess directly, or Just let me go and find out what my father said?"

Xia Zhi clenched the cup in his hand, hesitated for a while, and said, "Let's talk about it first, I'm afraid my father will object. He knows Su Xiao's parents, if..."

If Dad was very angry and went directly to Su Xiao's parents and raised objections, then her previous relationship with Su Xiao would definitely be greatly affected.

Xia Ye nodded, "Okay, I'll get up early tomorrow, before Dad goes out, to help you find out."

Xia Zhi immediately showed a grateful smile, hesitated for a few seconds, and couldn't help but say, "I heard from my mother that my father is going to marry you and Little Lemon's uncle..."

Xia Ye:…

She stared at Xia Zhi in astonishment, and after a while, she asked, "Where did she hear these inaccurate news?"

According to the current state of Xia Bingli and Xu Han, there must be no communication between the two. Xu Han would guess so randomly, someone must be talking about it in front of her.

Xia Zhi shook her head ignorantly, "I didn't ask carefully, but I saw that my mother looked very determined, and I thought, she must have heard something outside. Has Dad mentioned this to you?"

Xia Ye shook his head, "Dad never told me such a thing. Besides, Uncle Lemon is very kind to me, but...it can't be because of...that kind of reason."

When he said these words, Xia Ye's mind quickly flashed a few pictures of getting along with Feng Yao, and his thoughts were confused for a moment.

What kind of existence is Uncle Lemon to her?

Said to be an elder, but he didn't look like an elder at all. If he said that he was a friend, Uncle Lemon would take care of himself like little Lemon.

Xia Ye found that she had no way to give Feng Yao a specific position.

Seeing her sister in a daze, Xia Zhi stretched out her hand and shook it in front of her, and said, "What are you thinking? Actually, there's no need to worry. Even if Dad really has that plan, if you don't want it, he can't force you."

In Xia Zhi's opinion, if the boyfriend she was looking for is not accepted by her parents, then she will indeed be sad and embarrassed.

But if parents disregard their own wishes and force themselves to marry a person who has no feelings, then they will definitely resist.

Moreover, Ye Zi's character is much more straightforward than himself. If his father is really reluctant, Ye Zi's resistance will definitely be much stronger than himself.

Xia Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "Dad won't force me, don't think too much."

Hearing what she said, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

The two sisters chatted for a few more words, and Xia Zhi went back to her own room. Before leaving, she reminded Ye Zi again and asked her to help test her father's tone.

Xia Ye agreed, and when Xia Zhi left, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to scan the space, only to find a message from Uncle Lemon, asking her to go to the next door to practice the car tomorrow.

Although there is no special training ground on the uncle's side, the space is quite large, and it must be enough for her to play.

Xia Ye naturally had no opinion. During the chat with Feng Yao, she inevitably thought of the question that Xia Zhi just said, but she only thought that there was something wrong with Xu Han's mind. If she told Uncle Lemon about it, Will definitely be vicious.

The two chatted aimlessly, chatting and chatting, Xia Ye fell asleep holding the phone.

Woke up the next day, after Xia Ye's fingerprint was unlocked, she saw the chat window above, and suddenly realized that she had been chatting with Uncle Lemon quite frequently recently.

And more than once, the two of them were chatting, and she fell asleep. The first two times she would explain to Uncle Lemon that she was too sleepy. Later, it seemed that she was used to it, and she didn't explain it.

Xia Ye shook his head and quickly got up to wash, because yesterday he promised Xia Zhi to test his father's attitude. If she didn't go downstairs earlier, Xia Bingli might have already gone out.

After finishing packing and going downstairs, Xia Ye saw Xia Bingli eating at the dining table. When she came down, Xia Bingli was quite surprised and asked, "After the college entrance examination is finally over, you didn't even want to sleep in and relax?"

Xia Ye sat across from him and replied with a smile, "Because I made an appointment with Uncle Lemon yesterday, he wants to take me to learn how to drive. When I learn it, I'll go straight to take the driver's license test."

Xia Bingli glanced at her sideways, "Can you learn to drive with him? I think it's more reliable to find a coach to learn."

"He used to drive me and Xiao Lemon to and from school every day. The skills are pretty good. I'm not stupid, so I can definitely learn it." Xia Ye said.

Xia Bingli was taken aback and asked, "Before, he personally sent you to school every day?"

Xia Ye didn't understand where he was surprised, so he could only nod his head and said, "Yes, Xiao Lemon doesn't want to go to self-study in the morning and evening, so he borrowed a house with his uncle and moved in to monitor Xiao Lemon every day."

Xia Bingli: …

If he didn't know everything a few days ago, he might have been fooled by this ghost girl.

In this way, Feng Yao did not tell her that he already knew everything.

Thinking that at the end of the conversation that day, he did talk to Feng Yao, and hoped that he would not tell Ye Ye, that he had found him privately.

Now it seems that Feng Yao is trustworthy, otherwise Ye Ye wouldn't be able to continue to play stupid in front of him.

Xia Bingli took a cool look at her second daughter and thought to herself: Since you want to hide it, then I will reluctantly cooperate with you, it depends on how long you can act!

Soon, the chef brought out Xia Ye's breakfast. While drinking milk, she asked casually, "Dad, what kind of boyfriend do you want me to find in the future?"

Xia Bingli: …

I just thought she was good at acting, so I can't sit still?

After Xia Ye asked the question, she looked at the cheap dad without blinking. Although she was helping Xia Zhi to test, it should be the same when the object was replaced by herself.

Xia Bingli glanced at her incredulously, and said, "Didn't I say before that it's better to find a colleague, someone like your uncle would be good."

Xia Ye was silent for two seconds and asked, "Is it possible to find another type?"

"What type?" Xia Bingli asked calmly.

Xia Ye thought about it and said, "He looks good and has a very gentle personality, just..."

General family.

But before she could say the last sentence, she was interrupted by the cheap dad, "I think when girls look at people, the filter should not be too thick."

Feng Yao looks good, he admits it, but gentle? My daughter is afraid that she has never heard the evaluation of him by those people in the mall.

Xia Ye frowned suspiciously. She felt that Su Xiao looked really gentle and caring. When evaluating him, she didn't wear a filter.

She simply stopped going around in circles and said directly: "Of course, these are not really important. What I want to ask is, in love and marriage, is it important to be in the same household?"

Xia Bingli glanced silently, then slowly retracted his gaze, and asked, "Are you connoting me?"

Xia Ye:…

She suddenly remembered that the cheap father had been married twice, but the two ex-wives were not of the same class as him, and it could even be said that they were far from each other.

Xia Ye quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm just asking casually, but I don't mean that, I just want to chat with you, just tell me what you think!"

Seeing her eager to explain, Xia Bingli finally had a smile in her eyes, and said, "I never thought of relying on you and Zhizhi to get married, so I don't value the portal very much, but I hope you two sisters can find a relationship. An object with ordinary conditions, as long as it is in harmony with each other.”

He really won't stop the love between his second daughter and Feng Yao, he will only wait and see what happens, because a few years are long or short, who knows what will happen in the future!

He said this because he didn't want Ye Ye to have any psychological burden when he fell in love with Feng Yao, and he wronged herself for fear of affecting her cooperation with Feng Yao.

Xia Ye heard his words, his eyes lit up, and he asked, "That is to say, as long as my sister and I like it, my father will not object?"

When she asked this sentence, Xia Bingli was just finishing breakfast, he wiped his mouth, reached out and rubbed the top of his daughter's head, and said, "I will not object to meeting someone you like and wanting to fall in love at your age. , As for marriage... is it too early?"

Thinking of the two agreements, he added: "People in love look at each other with the thickest filter, they are willing to give in everything, and they are willing to give everything. People can take what they give, and they can't be foolishly moved."

Xia Ye didn't understand why he said this all of a sudden, but he also heard what the cheap dad meant, that is, if you fall in love in the future, you can't just accept other people's valuables.

She nodded quickly, "I know."

Looking at his well-behaved appearance, Xia Bingli couldn't say anything. It was expected that Feng Yao wouldn't be able to tell her about the prenuptial agreement right now. He said too much, but it would be annoying.

It would be better to ask someone from the Legal Department to collect some cases of husband and wife who signed an unequal agreement before marriage, turned against each other after marriage, and whose husband became an extrajudicial fanatic for profit. Put it in a conspicuous position at home, let the daughter go to see it by herself, and frighten her, she will naturally know what to do.

"I'm in a hurry to go to the company. If you want to learn to drive with Feng Yao, you can learn it. If you're bored, you can ask your sister to go shopping together. I've raised the limit of both of your supplementary cards to two million. I said." Xia Bingli said.

Xia Ye:…

Enough, very enough.

Watching Xia Bingli go out, she took the time to settle the breakfast, and saw Xia Zhi also come to the dining room, looking at her expectantly.

Xia Ye knew what she was expecting, so he repeated what Dad Chey had just said, and finally said, "I don't think Dad will object, so you can rest assured."

After listening to Xia Zhi, she really relaxed a lot. She looked at Xia Ye and whispered, "Thank you."

After thinking for a while, he asked again, "Then do I need to... take time to tell Dad that I'm in love?"

Xia Ye spread out his hands, "I have no experience, look at yourself, you think the time is ripe, just say what you want!"

Judging from the conversation with my father just this morning, he seemed to know something, but also seemed to know nothing. There were a few words that made her feel strange, but after thinking about it carefully, she had no clue.

Unable to think of a reason, Xia Ye simply didn't want to.

Because she agreed to learn to drive with Feng Yao, Xia Ye didn't stay at home for too long, so she went to the next door. She found that Feng Yao had found a coach from nowhere.

Seeing the coach car, Xia Ye's originally nervous mood was relieved. After all, the coach car is safe to watch.

"Use this first, and when you're proficient, let's switch to something else." Feng Yao said.

After getting in the car, Feng Yao began to explain step by step, all of which were practical things, and he was quite patient when he spoke.

Xia Ye felt that she should be quite talented. She remembered the steps very well, and the actual operation was not a big problem. The most important thing is that Feng Yao didn't even have a vicious tongue, which should prove that she is really good.

During the noon break, Feng Yao gave her another booklet and a question bank, saying that it should not be a problem for her to memorize and do some simulation questions.

Xia Ye knew after reading the booklet that Feng Yao did not teach himself in order, but it didn't really matter, because when he was learning the operation, he had already explained all the theories that he would use.

As for the traffic rules, according to my own memory, it is no problem to read it two or three times. Anyway, I am just practicing the operation now, and I am not on the road, so I am not afraid of making mistakes.

At noon, Xia Ye took the initiative to fry several dishes for him and made a lot of snacks in order to thank Coach Feng for teaching himself dutifully.

It's a pity that Little Lemon didn't come today, otherwise she would be happiest when making snacks.

Seeing that she had found a box to hold the snacks, Feng Yao asked, "For that kid?"

"Yes, our class graduation dinner tonight, Little Lemon will definitely go, I will bring her there." Xia Ye said.

Feng Yao glanced at the number of dim sum in the box and said, "She shouldn't be able to eat so much."

Xia Ye said with a smile: "The graduation dinner, there must be a lot of people. Bring more and let others taste it."

Feng Yao was silent for two seconds and said, "I'll take you to the dinner place later, and I'll pick you up when it's over."

Xia Ye glanced at him curiously and asked, "Don't you need to be busy with work these two days?"

Feng Yao glanced at her inexplicably and said, "If the company can't operate without me, then why am I raising those people?"

Xia Ye:…

Well, she really doesn't know much about this.

In the afternoon, Feng Yao took her to learn how to drive for a while, and then sent her to the hotel where the class had dinner. After Xia Ye got off the bus, he found that Little Lemon had arrived first, and was still waiting for him on the flower table at the entrance.

She hurriedly handed over the snack box and said, "I brought it for you. It's a bit too much to make. You can share some of it with other classmates."

Little Lemon held the box, smiled and said, "I knew the leaves were the best! I'll be with you tonight, back to my uncle."

Before Feng Yao closed the car door, he heard her say this, and suddenly he said: "Have I invited you? The college entrance examination is over, where did you come from, where do you go, I don't welcome you brat!"

Little Lemon:…

Is this the legend: before the college entrance examination is a national treasure, after the college entrance examination is the four evils?

Seeing Xiao Lemon's aggrieved look, Xia Ye couldn't help but smiled and hugged her shoulders, saying, "Uncle Lemon told me at noon that when the dinner is over, he will come to pick us up, he just teased you. "

Little Lemon hummed, looked at Feng Yao, and protested: "I'm already a prospective college student, you can't always make fun of me as a child."

Feng Yao didn't give face at all: "Fourteen-year-old kid, still want to pretend to be mature? Ha."

Little Lemon glared at him, "That's better than you. A twenty-two-year-old man has no girlfriend yet. When I go back to summer vacation, I will tell my grandfather to let him arrange a blind date for you, so that you won't be single for the rest of your life!"

Feng Yaote looked at her calmly. After listening to her, he patted the top of her head with a smile and said, "Then I will find you a little aunt earlier and let her play with you?"

Seeing that he was not only not angry, Xiao Lemon was talking to her so peacefully. She felt that what she said just now seemed to be too much. She rolled her eyes slowly and said with a guilty conscience: "You don't need to play with me, as long as my little aunt can bear it in the future. With your vicious tongue, our family should be thankful for not being scared away by you."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Xia Ye and said, "Let's go in quickly, Brother Xi and the squad leader have already arrived. Lao Zhao looks very happy, because Brother Xi and the squad leader are looking for answers on the Internet. Seems to be doing pretty well."

Xia Ye nodded, greeted Uncle Lemon, and went into the hotel with Little Lemon.

When riding the elevator, Little Lemon asked again, "Did you get the answer right? I'm not right, anyway, I'm sure I can get into Tang University, and I'll definitely fail you and Brother Xi, so I don't think the answer is interesting."

Xia Ye said with a smile: "I didn't have the right answer either, let's wait for the result!"

This time, the brain circuits of her and Little Lemon are surprisingly similar, and she also thought that there is a high probability that Xi Yang will fail the test, so it is better to wait for the result quietly.

Entering the dining room, Xia Ye found that most of the people had arrived, led by Teacher Zhao, most of the teachers paid close attention to her and Little Lemon's grades and asked them how they were doing.

Xia Ye didn't dare to say that he didn't have the right answer, so he could only say with a smile, "I can't pass the Xixue Shen exam anyway, but it should be about the same as usual."

It's also possible that it's better than usual.

Hearing what she said, those teachers were very happy. According to Xia Ye's grades, as long as he performed normally, he would definitely miss the famous school.

After being seated, Little Lemon put the snack box in his hand on the table and said, "The dessert made from leaves, come and get it if you want, but there are not many, and each person can share at most one."

Hearing what Xiao Lemon said, many of the classmates were giving away snacks for the past, but Qiu Ze didn't. He walked over to Xia Ye and asked curiously, "Do you still make snacks?"

Xia Ye nodded with a smile, "I don't do hobbies often."

Qiu Ze nodded and said, "I feel that I did well in the test this time, maybe I won't lose to you."

Xi Yang put the snack in his mouth, came over and hooked his shoulder, and said, "I used to say something similar to me every time I didn't get my grades in an exam, and the result..."

Qiu Ze: …

Can we communicate well? ? ?

On the day of the college entrance examination, Su Xiao took out the ring he had prepared for a long time and confessed to Xia Zhi. He was also very nervous at the time, but when Zhizhi handed over his finger with a blushing face, he only felt that the whole world had changed. Gotta be bright.

After sending Zhizhi back, he didn't fall asleep as fast as usual when he returned home, and finally fell asleep until after three o'clock.

The next day was the weekend. He made an appointment with Zhizhi to go shopping and watch a movie the next day, and woke up early again. He went to the bathroom mirror to take a closer look and found that there were no dark circles under his eyes, and Su Xiao was relieved.

For the next few hours, Su Xiao felt as if his days were like a year, and he finally arrived at the place he had agreed with with Zhizhi an hour earlier.

Su Xiao went to a nearby Starbucks to order a cup of coffee, and waited for Zhizhi to arrive while playing with his mobile phone.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Zhizhi's mother was waiting for him.

Xu Han looked down at Su Xiao and sat down directly opposite him.

Su Xiao greeted her, "Auntie..."

Xu Han raised his hand to stop him, "We met in the hospital before, you must be very clear about my purpose today, you must be a smart person who can be admitted to the Department of Physics of Tang University, and you know how to choose, right? ?"

Su Xiao had long expected that Zhizhi's mother would prevent her from interacting with Zhizhi, but she did not expect that she would say so directly.

After calming down for a while, the expression on Su Xiao's face became lighter. He looked directly into Xu Han's eyes and said, "I am indeed dating Zhizhi, we are in the same mind, she likes me, and I like her..."

Xu Han snorted and interrupted him, "Like? Do you like her, or do you like her family background?"

Before Su Xiao spoke, she continued: "Ming people don't speak secretly, I went back last night and asked someone to investigate you. Your parents are both professors of Tang University, and they take on a lot of projects every year, and both of them earn money. Together, there are two or three million a year at least. As their only child, you have inherited their excellent genes, and you can get scholarships every year, so you should not be short of money, right?"

Su Xiao couldn't help frowning when he heard that Xu Han was investigating the situation in his home in private, but he didn't know what Xu Han would say next, so he simply kept silent.

"As long as the money is not bad, you are going to be a tutor for Zhizhi. What is your heart, you don't need me to clarify?" Xu Han looked at Su Xiao with deep contempt.

Su Xiao shook his head and explained, "I did make up lessons for Zhizhi, but I didn't meet her because I was a tutor, but... I hit her with my car."

Xu Han didn't know that there was such a thing, which means that her daughter, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, had lied to her long ago.

She actually lied to herself for the sake of the boy from a mediocre family in front of her!

Now that Zhizhi's injury has healed long ago, and there are no sequelae, Xu Han has no plans to pursue the original matter.

She looked at Su Xiao with a strong attitude and said, "I don't care how you know each other, you just need to know that the two of you are not suitable, and I hope you can break up as soon as possible."

Su Xiao shook his head, "Even if you are Zhizhi's mother, you can't help her make decisions. She is an independent individual, and she has her own thoughts."

Xu Han took out the checkbook and signature pen from the handbag, filled it out and handed it over, "This is 30 million, enough for your parents to work hard for ten years. You should know how to choose."

Su Xiao had completely thought that the scene in the TV series would happen to him. Just as he was about to refuse, he heard Xia Zhi's familiar voice.

"Mom, what are you doing? I'm just in a relationship. Is it necessary for you to insult people like this?"

Xia Zhi hurriedly walked in front of the two of them. Seeing Su Xiao's indifferent expression, she didn't know what he was thinking, so she could only look at Xu Han with pleading eyes.

Xu Han had long known about her date with Su Xiao today, but she didn't expect Su Xiao to be calmer than she thought, which further proves that he has a deep mind and has no good intentions towards his daughter.

Xu Han looked at Xia Zhi and said, "He doesn't deserve you at all."

Xia Zhi was originally worried that Xu Han would object to her and Su Xiao's affairs, but she has been uneasy since she was in a relationship. Now that worry has become a reality, she is in a mess.

She was worried that her mother's words would affect Su Xiao's position, but what was even more sad was that her mother never considered her feelings and always made decisions on her own.

She looked at Xu Han and said with a firm attitude: "Love is my personal matter. I want to make my own decisions. Whether he is worthy of me or not is up to me."

Xu Han was very angry and shouted: "Do you know that I am all for your own good?"

Xia Zhi looked at her, hesitant to say anything, but finally couldn't hold back, and said, "The grandparents opposed you and Dad back then, and thought it was for Dad's good, but you still married Dad."

Xu Han:…

This...is that really what the daughter who has been spoiled by her since childhood said?

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