Xia Zhi said a word, and Xu Han's temple jumped suddenly.

Her daughter, who had been obedient and sensible since she was a child, would contradict herself for a boy who had only known each other for less than half a year, and her words were so ugly, how could she not feel uncomfortable.

Xia Zhi saw that her mother was in a bad mood, and felt guilty in her heart. She knew that she shouldn't contradict her mother like this, but she didn't want to break up with Su Xiao.

Her eyes instantly turned red, she looked at Xu Han, and said, "Su Xiao is really not what you think, he is very good, you just don't know him, wait for you..."

Xu Han came back to his senses, his face was cold, "I don't need to know him, I only know that the two of you are not suitable, and your father can't agree with you to be with him."

Xia Zhi shook his head and whispered: "Zi Zi has already helped me test my father's attitude. Dad said that as long as we are willing to love, he will not interfere."

Xu Han sneered and asked, "You can believe whatever Xia Ye says? Then why doesn't she find a poor boy to fall in love with? Feng Yao is fine, of course she doesn't have back pain when she is standing and talking, how can you do that? Stupid like this?"

Xu Han was targeted by Feng Yao, so naturally he didn't have a good impression of him, but he had to admit that Feng Yao was definitely a leader among the younger generation, and Xia Bingli had no such achievements at his age.

But Xu Han also knew that such a man could be met but not sought. If it wasn't for Xia Bingli to deal with it, I'm afraid it would not be Xia Ye's turn.

At the beginning, Xia Bingli always showed her daughter in the circle of friends. She thought that the other party had changed sex, but now Xu Han finally understands that Xia Bingli was showing it to Feng Yao, and he did it just to express in front of Feng Yao. It's just how much he values ​​his second daughter.

Otherwise, she didn't believe it was a coincidence that she didn't show up early, and she didn't show up late, but it happened at that time.

Xia Zhi listened to Xu Han's words, but lowered his head and refused to say a word.

Su Xiao stood next to Xia Zhi and looked at Xu Han with disapproval, but because Xu Han was Zhizhi's mother, it was not easy to contradict her.

Seeing Xia Zhi's expression, Xu Han knew that her daughter had fallen in. She turned her eyes to Su Xiao, her eyes becoming poisonous, "Since you don't want to break up with Zhizhi, then I can only go to your family, you Your father and your mother are both powerful people, and I don't think they want to make things too ugly, right?"

Su Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and Xia Zhi also looked at Xu Han with a look of horror, and shouted, "Mom, you can't do this!"

If her mother really went to make trouble with Su Xiao's parents, it would be tantamount to stepping on Su Xiao's parents' faces under her feet. Even if Su Xiao liked him again, it was impossible not to ignore his parents' feelings.

Xia Zhi just fell in love yesterday, but she was asked to break up by her mother in less than 24 hours, still with such a tough attitude, she really couldn't accept it.

Xu Han also didn't want to make things bigger and affect her daughter's reputation. She pointed at Su Xiao and said, "Then you break up with him. As long as you break up, his parents and I are strangers, so naturally I won't bother."

Xia Zhi never thought that her biological mother would be so unreasonable, and tears fell out of her eyes. She cried and asked, "Why are you embarrassing me like this? After I broke up with him? Let you give it to me. Arrange for the right boyfriend? But I don't like it, I just don't like it, I only like Su Xiao, why can't you understand me?"

Seeing her crying so sadly, Su Xiao's eyes flashed with distress, he stood in front of Xia Zhi, looked at Xu Han unbearably, and said, "I respect you because you are Zhizhi's mother, and in your heart, you can match It should be a boy from the same wealthy family, but have you ever thought about how Zhizhi feels?"

"Her ideal is to become a university professor like my parents. She likes reading books and quiet. She doesn't like all kinds of entertainment between rich and famous ladies."

"Compared with the Xia family, my family conditions are indeed very average. I may be like my parents in the future. I will take over projects every year and earn one or two million yuan. Zhizhi is with me. I really can't give her. The best material conditions, but I will do my best to make her life carefree."

"You are Zhizhi's mother, but do you know that she is actually very insecure? She needs someone to take care of her, to care for her, to understand her inner world, and she doesn't need you to arrange everything for her, because That's not what she wanted at all."

When Su Xiao was talking, Xia Zhi looked up at him, and her tears became more fierce. She used to think that Su Xiao and her had a good understanding. Many times, with just one look from her, Su Xiao knew what she wanted to say and what she wanted to say. what did you do.

But she never knew that Su Xiao could see that she was a very insecure person.

Xu Han couldn't hear Su Xiao's tirade. In her mind, this was someone who was cunning and seduced her daughter.

She looked at Su Xiao and smiled sarcastically, "You don't have to tell me so many useless things, I'm too lazy to listen, you have parents, so naturally your own parents should discipline you."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xia Zhi and said with a stern face, "You're not going home with me yet? Are you trying to make people laugh here?"

It was only then that Xia Zhi noticed that the voices they had just talked were not small, which had already attracted the attention of the people in the cafe.

However, she did not want to leave with her mother.

Seeing that she didn't move, Xu Han asked, "Do you want me to find his parents now?"

When Xia Zhi heard this, she was immediately scared, but Su Xiao said, "My parents will understand me."

Xu Han seemed to have heard a joke, "What do you understand? After you understand that you seduced my daughter, you don't have to fight anymore? It turns out that your whole family is like this!"

"Mom, you can't say that, Su Xiao is not what you think, and Uncle Su and Aunt Zhang are not what you said!" Xia Zhi retorted.

Xu Han was completely irritated, and she also knew that her daughter was completely out of her mind. She wouldn't listen to what she said. In this case, she could only go to Su Xiao's parents to solve it.

After all, someone who has been a professor for so many years will always be shy about some face.

Thinking of this, Xu Han tore up the check he had just written to Su Xiao and threw it into the trash can, then grabbed the handbag on the table and walked away.

Xia Zhi turned to look at Su Xiao, and asked helplessly, "What should I do? My mother will definitely find your parents..."

Su Xiao didn't expect that Zhizhi's mother would be so arrogant and unreasonable. At this moment, he felt more distressed for Zhizhi and for her growing up under such control.

However, he was also worried that Zhizhi's mother would really go to his parents. After thinking about it, he said, "I'll call my parents and let them avoid them temporarily."

"But, my mother won't just give up... By the way, I can ask my father to stop my mother." Thinking of Xia Bingli, Xia Zhi's eyes lit up as if she suddenly had a backbone.

Su Xiao was silent for a few seconds and asked, "What if Uncle Xia also objected?"

Su Xiao grew up under the care of his parents, and his studies went smoothly. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever given him such embarrassment.

So even though his family was so different from Zhizhi's family, he never felt that he was not worthy of Zhizhi.

But just now Zhizhi's mother's reaction was so big, but he wasn't quite sure.

If Uncle Xia also felt that he approached her because of Zhizhi's family background, and strongly opposed it...

Then, can Zhizhi persist like this?

Xia Zhi quickly explained and said, "Zi Zi helped me ask my father's attitude, and my father does not object to my free love."

After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Xia Bingli's number.

After the call was connected, Xia Bingli said unexpectedly, "Why did you suddenly remember to call Dad today?"

"Dad, I'm in love." Xia Zhi said straight to the point, which was very different from her usual style. It wasn't that she didn't want to be euphemistic, but she was really worried that her mother had gone to Su Xiao's parents.

Xia Bingli: …

The two daughters have negotiated and "surprise" themselves?

"I'm with Su Xiao." Xia Zhi continued.

Xia Bingli was stunned again, but after regaining his senses, he felt that this seemed to be expected. When he was in the hospital, he felt that the two children had some signs, but he couldn't be sure, but he didn't expect that Zhizhi would confess to himself so quickly.

"So, the strange questions Ye Ye asked in the morning were not for herself, but for you?" Xia Bingli asked.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you right away, but we're in trouble now. Mom doesn't agree, and she said she's going to find Su Xiao's parents..." Xia Zhi tried to keep the story short.

Xia Bingli frowned and raised his voice, "What is she crazy about?"

Seeing that Xia Zhi was too frightened to speak, he comforted him: "You and Xiao'er don't have to worry, I'll call your mother now to stop her behavior."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhi looked at Su Xiao, "Dad said he would stop mother's behavior."

Su Xiao nodded and said, "But I'm still not at ease. I'll go home first to see what's going on at home. I can only watch a movie with you next time."

Xia Zhi couldn't be in the mood to watch a movie, she frowned and said, "I'll go back with you, I'm worried that my father won't be able to stop my mother."

After a little thought, Su Xiao agreed. The two went out of Starbucks, took a taxi and went straight to Tangcheng University.

At this time, Xu Han drove by himself to the direction of Tangcheng University.

She was really angry with her daughter, so now there is only one thought in her mind, that is to find Su Xiao's parents and let them discipline her son properly.

But less than three minutes after the car started, Xia Bingli called.

Looking at the familiar name on the phone screen, Xu Han raised his eyebrows in surprise. Although Xia Bingli blocked her long ago, she did not block Xia Bingli, but she never thought that Xia Bingli would even call her.

Although surprised, Xu Han still clicked to answer.

"If you want to go crazy, just go crazy by yourself, don't interfere with Zhizhi's life, and don't interfere with the life of Professor Zhang's family." Xia Bingli's voice was full of anger.

Xu Han was stunned and asked loudly, "Do you know that Zhizhi is in love with that kid named Su?"

"Just found out." Xia Bingli said.

Xu Han sneered, "As expected, you never really cared about Zhizhi. She called you and asked you to stop me, right?"

"She doesn't want you to interfere with her life, let me stop you."

"If she asks you to stop you, stop it? Have you ever learned about Su Xiao's family background?" Xu Han asked.

"Su Xiao's parents are both university professors, so their family is not bad, at least..." Xia Bingli paused and continued, "It's much better than when you were your family."

Xu Han:…

"You want to say that he's not worthy of Zhizhi? But my parents didn't agree with us back then, and you didn't think you were worthy of me!" Xia Bingli sarcastically mercilessly.

Hearing this, Xu Han wanted to rush to Xia Bingli and fight him.

But I also understand that Xia Bingli has no affection for her anymore, and it is futile to say more.

But about her daughter, she must not give in.

Stopping the car on the side of the road, she began to reason with Xia Bingli, "I've seen that Su Xiao, he seems to have a lot of scheming, and he is with Zhizhi, and his purpose is definitely not simple."

"Do you think his purpose with Zhizhi is not simple because you were with me back then?" Xia Bingli asked.

Xu Han said angrily: "We are already divorced, it's totally pointless to turn over these old accounts, but Zhizhi is your daughter, you can't ignore her affairs!"

Instead, Xia Bingli calmed down and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't care. I think Xiao'er is pretty good, and I don't object to them falling in love."

Xu Han:…

She can't be sure now whether Xia Bingli really doesn't want to care about Zhizhi's affairs, or he just said this to be angry with himself.

Xu Han took a deep breath and said, "You introduced Feng Yao to Ye Zi, but let Zhi Zhi fall in love with a person with poor family background and character problems. Do you really want to be so biased?"

The angrier Xu Han became, the calmer Xia Bingli became. He smiled and said, "I have never introduced a person to Ye Zi. Besides, you are the one who has problems with your character, and you are the one who is biased. You don't need to save others by yourself."

Xu Han:…

She found that Xia Bingli's ability to irritate people is really getting stronger and stronger.

She had no choice but to take a step back and said, "I know you have a great opinion of me, but Zhizhi is your own. If that Su Xiao had ulterior motives and hurt her daughter, wouldn't you feel guilty?"

"You don't have to worry about this at all. I know Professor Su and Professor Zhang. I am very relieved about the son they educated."

Hearing Xia Bingli say this, Xu Han realized that Zhizhi didn't completely deceive herself, Su Xiao's parents really knew Xia Bingli.

"What's the matter with knowing, knowing the face but not the heart..."

Xia Bingli interrupted her directly, "The person who was able to go to the disaster area as a volunteer, rescued me from the rubble, and took the initiative to give me blood transfusions, no matter how well-informed they are, it's not that you lied to me for more than ten years. can be compared with people.”

Xu Han:…

What Xia Bingli just said meant that the person who saved him back then was Su Xiao's mother?

For Xu Han, this news was like a bolt from the blue. She was bombed for a while before she came back to her senses.

"You mean, the person who saved you back then was Su Xiao's mother?" Xu Han asked, her voice no longer had the momentum she had before.


Xia Bingli's words broke her last fantasies.

Xu Han also knew that Xia Bingli came to approach him because of a life-saving grace, that is to say, he married into the Xia family with the credit of Su Xiao's mother.

She thought that after so many years, Xia Bingli could no longer find his so-called savior, but unexpectedly, he not only found it, but also wanted his daughter to marry the savior's son.

Xu Han felt that she could not accept this result at all.

"Xia Bingli, I know you've always wanted to find your savior, and now that you have found it, I should congratulate you, but you shouldn't use your daughter's to repay your kindness, Zhizhi she..."

"What crazy talk are you talking about?" Xia Bingli interrupted her directly.

"What I'm talking about, you know in your own heart that you have always been thinking about your life-saving benefactor, but unfortunately they are already married, so you want her son to marry your daughter, not just to fulfill your own. Think carefully? But Zhizhi is innocent, and her life was not saved by that woman." Xu Han was calm at first, but later became more and more excited.

Xia Bingli was simply laughed at by her.

He thought that when he said that Su Xiao's mother had saved his life, Xu Han would feel guilty because of the previous impostor, and would no longer make trouble so confidently.

But what he didn't expect was that Xu Han would think that he was using his own daughter as a favor to repay the life-saving grace that year.

He was really happy to see the matter between Zhizhi and Xiaoer, but it was also because the two children looked at each other. If they didn't call, would it be possible for him to force it?

Xia Bingli forced himself to calm down, and after a while, he said, "Zhizhi and Xiaoer are in free love, I will not object."

"You don't object, I object! I'll go to that woman now and tell her that she is your benefactor, but not mine, nor Zhizhi's!"

Xia Bingli was irritated by her, and sneered: "I think you are idle, okay, you can go if you want, I won't stop you, but almost all of your money should be invested in your brother's company? The company can also make him bankrupt now, if you don't believe it, you can try it?"

After saying this, Xia Bingli didn't bother to listen to her continuing to make trouble, and hung up the phone directly.

Xu Han:…

I have to say that Xia Bingli's last words grabbed her lifeline.

When she found that Xia Bingli had hung up the phone, she immediately called back, but she soon discovered that Xia Bingli still hadn't released her from the blacklist.

Xu Han was so angry that he almost smashed his phone.

Feng Yao threatened her for Xia Ye, and now Xia Bingli is threatening her because of the branches. Even though she is divorced, she still lives in the shadow of Xia Bingli.

However, at this moment, she really didn't dare to go to Su Xiao's parents, because according to Xia Bingli's character, it was not easy for him to take action against his brother's company.

Xu Han forced herself to calm down, she comforted herself, Zhizhi was just in love with Su Xiao, as long as she thought of a way to make her give up, then Xia Bingli should have nothing to say.

Yes, she can't be in a mess, there will be a long time in the future, and there will definitely be a turning point.

In the private room of the hotel, the students in Class 1 of Senior 3 were chatting while eating hot pot. Even the teachers who were reticent before became more talkative after drinking a few glasses of wine, and occasionally joked with the students. The distance between the students was narrowed.

The boys in the class basically chose to drink, and almost half of the girls also chose to drink, and there were even girls who asked boys to drink alcohol. Later, some people played small games.

Xia Ye wasn't really interested in games like that. She held a glass of the only soy milk in her hand and stayed by Little Lemon's side to watch her play Truth or Dare with a group of people.

It's just that she didn't expect that these people would involve herself in playing games.

In the latest game, after Xi Yang lost, he chose the punishment of a big risk.

A boy in the class pointed in the direction of Xia Ye and said with a wicked smile: "We all know that Xi Xueshen has not had a girlfriend in three years in high school, so he will get close to our class, otherwise, he will be with our class. Hug one?"

After the boy said this, a few people immediately followed suit, but Xia Ye's face became unnatural. She just felt that many people played the game of truth or dare, so she didn't participate.

Unexpectedly, the fire still burned her body.

Xia Shuyun glanced at Xia Ye gloatingly, and thought to herself: If Xi Yang really hugged her, the squad leader would definitely quarrel with her.

Seeing Xi Yang really walking in his direction, Xia Ye frowned slightly and took two steps back subconsciously, but the next moment, he found that Xi Yang had turned a corner and gave Xiao Lemon a bear hug.

Little Lemon was hugged inexplicably and called out, "Brother Xi, what the **** are you doing?"

Xi Yang quickly let go of her, and said innocently: "They asked me to hold the class, I think you are the best in our class, you should be right?"

Little Lemon:…

Obviously, the leaves are more beautiful, right?

Although, she is not bad, but in terms of height and face, she is similar to that of a child, which she has to admit.

She felt that Brother Xi's eyes should be treated.

The boy just asked Xi Yang to hug Xia Ye just out of bad taste and wanted to see if there was any spark between the two.

Ke Xi Yang's sudden behavior was completely unexpected.

Although he is also holding a girl, it is well known that Little Lemon is only fourteen years old, and she is quite childish in her words and actions. People usually don't regard her as her peers at all.

Xi Yang's hug was similar to that of a brother hugging his sister, and there was no such thing as an ambiguous atmosphere.

Seeing that someone still wanted to coax the opposition, Qiu Ze immediately said: "You just asked Xi Yang to hold the class flower, and they have already held the class flower in their minds, so don't make it difficult for others!"

Hearing what Qiu Ze said, many people in the class laughed meaningfully, but they did not continue to embarrass Xi Yang.

After the dinner, as usual someone said to go to KTV to sing, Xiao Lemon was the first to stand up against it, saying, "My uncle won't let me go to KTV, Ye Ye and I are leaving."

Listening to Xiao Lemon's words, Teacher Zhao smiled and said, "If you don't go to play, why don't you let Xia Ye play? She is an adult."

He still remembered that he joked with Xia Ye before that if she could pass Qiu Ze's exam, he would be a matchmaker for her.

As a result, in the last semester of the third year of high school, Qiu Ze was almost crushed by this little girl. He just saw that Qiu Ze was making a clearance for Xia Ye, and thought that the two might really have fun.

Little Lemon looked up at Xia Ye and asked, "Are you going to sing? If you must go, then we will sneak away through the back door without telling my uncle."

Xia Ye shook his head, "I'm not going, my dad also told me to go home earlier."

At this time, Xiao Lemon has moved her uncle out, so it's totally fine to move out the cheap dad by herself.

After greeting the teacher and classmates, Xia Ye and Xiao Lemon left together.

Seeing that Qiu Ze's eyes moved with Xia Ye's back, Mr. Zhao couldn't help laughing, and said, "If you want to chase, hurry up and chase. How old are you, do you need someone to remind you?"

Anyway, now that he has graduated, and most of the students are adults, he will naturally not care about the students' romance.

Qiu Ze hesitated for a while, looked at Xi Yang, and said, "Go sing first, I'll come over later."

Seeing Qiu Ze chasing out, Xia Shuyun walked up to Xi Yang and whispered, "Do you like my second sister too? If you like it, just chase it. It's not that there is no chance, I'm more optimistic about you!"

Xi Yang looked down at her, "Do you want to watch jokes more?"

Xia Shuyun:…

Has this been found?

In her opinion, Xia Ye and Qiu Ze would definitely not succeed. She kindly reminded that day that Xia Ye still bit Lu Dongbin, she wanted to see a joke now, so what happened!

It's a pity that Xi Xueshen is not fooled, and it has no meaning at all.

Xia Ye and Xiao Lemon had just left the hotel, and before they saw Feng Yao's car, they saw Qiu Ze chasing after him and said, "Xia Ye, I...I'll take you home."

No matter how slow Xia Ye was, he knew what he meant at this time, and politely refused: "I'll go home with Little Lemon, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Qiu Ze hesitated for two seconds and said, "I have something to tell you."

Xia Ye:…

Although she has politely refused, the monitor doesn't seem to understand.

Some things, it's actually good to make it clear earlier.

Xia Ye turned to look at Little Lemon and said, "You go to your uncle first, okay?"

Little Lemon was not very happy, but nodded anyway, "Okay! However, I will let my uncle wait for you. The squad leader will talk to you and let's go together."

Xiao Lemon took the empty snack box and found Feng Yao's car. After opening the door, he heard his uncle ask, "Where's Xiao Ye'er?"

"The squad leader said that there is something to look for her, let me come to you first, but I think we should wait for her."

Feng Yao: …

"I think the squad leader must regret rejecting Ye Ye at the beginning, and now he wants to chase Ye Ye. Alas! I don't know if Ye Ye will eat back grass!"

Anyway, he had leaked his mouth in front of his uncle before, so Little Lemon didn't plan to hide it from him.

Feng Yao: …

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