In the past two years, because of the cooperation between the two companies, they often met.

Without Li Qinian in the middle, Mo Wanggui gradually saw Jiang Lu's bright spots.

Prejudice aside, the strength of Jiang Lu, a younger generation, has indeed far surpassed many older generations in the business world.

Jiang Huan glanced at him indifferently, but did not speak any more.

The relationship between the two has only changed from a tense relationship to a gentle acquaintance.

That's all.

It is impossible to want them to be as close as brothers in this life.

Mo Wanggui quickly turned on his phone to check the air ticket to Province Y that day.

Remaining votes, 0.


He cursed in a low voice.

He ordered a ticket for the next day, and the nearest flight had to wait until 12:00 noon tomorrow.

A whole day, 24 hours, he will be a ghost if he can wait!

He made a direct call:

"Now, right now, get me a helicopter right now."

"I don't care how you apply? I have to fly to Province Y today."

The person on the other side didn't know what to say, he listened for a while, and then hung up the phone, it seemed that the negotiation was successful.


Golden Triangle.

Two years ago, a huge mysterious force suddenly invaded the Golden Triangle.

This force is extremely low-key, and did not arouse the vigilance of others at the beginning. It was not until half a year later that it invaded and overthrew the largest organization in the Golden Triangle in one fell swoop and successfully replaced it, and everyone knew the name of this force——


There are no longer four guardians, and the leader of the Crouching Dragon organization is named Wolf Killer.

Everyone knows that Wolf Killer has a sharp humanoid weapon under his command——


Shadow, the famous God of Death in the Golden Triangle.

The shadow always wears a mask. According to rumors, it is because the shadow is so ugly that it is unwilling to show its true colors.

No one has ever seen his true face, except Killing Wolf.

"My lord, the leader is looking for you."

There was a voice outside the door.


The people in the room refused cleanly, their voices were like stones hitting jade, clear and melodious, with a hint of domineering laziness.

The famous God of Killing in the Golden Triangle is actually a woman!


The man waiting outside the door was a little embarrassed.

Master Shadow is always like this, walking alone.

When she is in a good mood, she is willing to talk to the beggars on the side of the road. When she is in a bad mood, even if the king of heaven comes, she will not open the door.


A single word in a calm tone made the man at the door tremble, and he scrambled away.

From this tone, one could tell that Lord Shadow was in a bad mood today.

After a long time, the wooden door of the stilted building creaked and slowly opened.

The breeze lifted a touch of red skirt, and a slender white leg stepped out of the door.

Further up, there is a thin waist of willow branches that cannot be grasped.

She took off the wooden hairpin lightly with her porcelain-white five fingers, and her waist-length hair like seaweed poured down, and three thousand blue strands flew in the wind.

Just a back view is shockingly beautiful, and one can't help but look into her face as soon as one's breath is suffocated.

Unfortunately, a dark mask covered most of her face, only revealing a pair of charming eyes.

In the lower right corner of her face, there was a black birthmark above her chin, which was particularly ugly and glaring.

Everyone who saw it couldn't help but let out a sigh of regret.

It's a pity that a good beauty is ruined by an ugly birthmark.

"Nian Nian, are you in a bad mood again?"

Nan Nan jumped from her arms, onto her shoulders, and rubbed her head against her neck.

Li Qinian: "A little sleepy."

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