It's the rainy season, the Golden Triangle is raining lightly and continuously, and there is always a damp smell in the air.

Nan Nan looked up, but found that the direction she was looking at was the direction of Jiangcheng.

It felt sore.

That stinky guy named 438 was a big liar and said he wanted to go back to the Lord God's Dimension, but since then, it never came back, and there was no news of it, leaving only Nian Nian alone.

In the past two years, it was the only one who stayed by Li Qinian's side.

"Nian Nian, why don't we go back, it's been two years..."

Nan Nan considered her tone and tentatively opened her mouth.

"Maybe that unlucky Shen Nian has really died..."

Two years ago, they were taken away by a group of people in southern Xinjiang, smuggled out of the country, and came to the Golden Triangle.

Li Qinian was thrown directly to the plantation.

Plant poppies.

In order to find out about Shen Nian's whereabouts, Li Qinian even took the risk to make a plan to make Shi Lang notice her skills and use them for him.

It took two years for her to become the famous murderer in the Golden Triangle.

"Wait a little longer."

Outside the Diaojiao building, the sound of rain hitting the bamboo building is clear and sweet, and the surrounding is misty and rainy. She is wearing a red dress and standing in the bamboo building listening to the rain, like a fairy.

The man who came with an umbrella not far away just looked at him and stayed where he was.

"Why are you losing your temper today?"

The rain was so heavy that even though he was holding an umbrella, his trouser legs were wet.

He walked up the stairs to the second floor, came to Li Qinian's side, and put aside the dripping umbrella.


Li Qinian was neither salty nor dull, and greeted him.

The person here is the only leader of the Wolong organization now——

kill wolves.

Killing Wolf is 189, tall and burly, with strong muscles and muscles. Because he has been in Y province for a long time, his skin is dark, his facial features are correct, and he exudes an iron-blooded masculinity.

"The people under him said, you don't want to see me again."

Killing Wolf stood shoulder to shoulder with her, watching the rain outside the corridor.

Li Qinian felt the scorching gaze falling on her, and didn't look back:

"It's not that I don't want to see you, it's just that it's been raining recently, and I'm a little sleepy."

Killing Wolf stared at the white jade chin exposed on the left side of Li Qinian's face, his eyes became hotter and hotter:

"I've had a hard time in the past few days. If you didn't charge forward to support me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see the sun today."

Some time ago, in order to occupy a piece of land, he fought with others, but unexpectedly, the other party set up an ambush in advance and arranged a large number of reinforcements.

If it wasn't for Li Qinian, he probably wouldn't have died, but serious injuries were inevitable.

Such an exaggeration is just because he wants to please the beauty.

"It should."

Li Qinian just said indifferently.

Killing Wolf: "This is a great achievement, what reward do you want, you might as well tell me."

"Two gold bars."

It just so happened that Nan Nan's molar stick was gone.

Although this little guy is not flat, he has been with her for two years.

"That's too little. People who don't know think I'm harsh on you. You saved my life. My life is worth several billion."

She is still the same as before, she does not seek power, does not seek profit, and does not want positions in the organization, at most occasionally a few gold bars.

Li Qinian turned around and finally took a look at him: "Then let's plant another row of pines and cypresses in the yard."

Upon hearing that, Killing Wolf frowned slightly:

"The pines and cypresses can only survive in cold regions. The pines and cypresses transplanted last time all died in the end."

good night

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