She has disappeared for two years, and there is absolutely no reason to be absent again.

Tian Bureau: "Don't worry, I will apply for you in advance, and there may be some investigations later, so I need you to come to the police station."

"Since there is nothing else, I'll go first." Li Qinian stood up.

Tian Ju also stood up and sent her to the door of the office.

At the moment when he was about to leave the office, Li Qinian suddenly stopped and turned around:

"Tian Ju, what do you think of Shen Nian?"

She wanted to know whether Tian Bureau was one of the insiders about Shen Nian's affairs.

Hearing Shen Nian's name suddenly, he frowned:

"What did you suddenly mention him for? Could it met him in the Golden Triangle?"

As an old criminal investigator, he is not insensitive.

Li Qinian shook his head: "I just suddenly thought of such a person. After all, I was still thinking at first whether he would be an undercover agent like me..."

Tian Ju: "If there is no evidence, it's better not to talk about it outside. There are too many people talking, and it is easy to get into trouble."



When Li Qinian came out of the police station, a black Bentley stopped at the entrance of the police station.

The man lowered the car window, revealing a delicate and dignified profile.

"Are we finished?"

"It's over!"

It's finally over.

She opened the door and sat in the co-pilot.

"What are you going to do next?" Jiang Wang started the vehicle.

"The training has been delayed for two years, and the hand speed has probably dropped a lot, alas..."

Li Qinian sighed.

"I also delayed my studies for two years. It's a good thing now. When I go back, I will become the apprentices of those stupid sons."

She had to start over from freshman year.

Hearing her arrangement, Jiang Wan's eyes flickered:

"You don't have to start from the freshman year. If you have a special situation, you can ask the field bureau to issue a certificate to the school, and then make up the final exams for the freshman and sophomore year. You can start directly from the junior year."

"But I missed so many classes, and I have to find someone to make up for it."

Li Qinian looked bitter.

"Then who am I looking for..."

She had searched the names in a circle in her mind.

Jiang Wang suddenly parked the car on the side of the road: "Nian Nian, did you forget something?"

"What?" She was confused.

Jiang Wang suddenly handed her the phone: "Album."

Li Qinian clicked on the photo album and found that there were very few photos in it, only a dozen or so, of which six were of her, two were of Seven, and two more...

She clicked on it.

It's his doctorate diploma.

One of the degrees awarded is astronomy.

Li Qinian's thin lips parted slightly: "Doctor?"

Isn't he a graduate student? !

Why did you graduate with a Ph.D.?

Is this fucking something a human can do? !

Jiang Lu stared at her dazed little face, and laughed softly, with a sullen and magnetic voice, approaching her ear, and said in a low voice:

"So now...Xiao Qi, am I qualified to teach you?"

The breath was blown into her ears, Li Qinian's ears moved, and her scalp went numb...



Is this to play teacher-student play with her? !

"Not too good, Mrs. Jiang is so busy..."

"Then let's try first."


after an hour.

In the huge CEO's office, Li Qinian is holding a pen in his right hand, a book in his left hand, and his buttocks...

Also padded two legs.

She was held in the arms of a man like a child, with a pair of strong arms around her waist.

"Mr. Jiang, is our posture not very good?"

She tilted her head and bit the tip of her pen.

"What's wrong?"

A pair of gold-rimmed glasses was added to Mr. Jiang's tall nose, adding a bit of the integrity of a teacher, and he asked solemnly.

Li Qinian felt it for a while, and resolutely complained:

"Your cushion is a bit hard, kick your ass."

Jiang Lu: "..."

"Also, your teachers here are too enthusiastic. They always take the initiative to teach by precepts and deeds..."

Li Qinian patted the two arms on his waist.

"Don't you like it?"

He didn't move at all, and he didn't feel any guilt about his behavior as a beast.

Li Qinian turned back with a smile, met his eyes, and suddenly stretched out two arms, hanging around his neck, with a lazy and charming voice:

"Then Teacher you like it?"

In the next second, Teacher Jiang pressed the person under him, and proved with practical actions whether he liked it or not.

When Li Qinian woke up again, night fell, and the window was gray.

She was alone on the big bed in the lounge, she got dressed, opened the door and went out.

The desk lamp in the office was still on, and the man was sitting at the desk with a pen in his hand.

"Woke up?"

He heard movement, turned around and stood up.

Seeing Li Qinian rubbing her waist, he strode forward and stretched out his hand to rub her.

"Is your waist uncomfortable?"

Li Qinian: "..."

dog man!

piss off!

"Next time I will try to slow down." A certain man finally realized his conscience.

"no next time."

Li Qinian pushed him away expressionlessly, and began to look for her textbooks expressionlessly.

After searching for a long time, I found two crumpled textbooks under the sofa...

As for why the textbooks run from the desk to the sofa, as for why the textbooks are crumpled...

Li Qinian closed her eyes, unwilling to recall the scene in the afternoon again! !

She put down her book, turned on her mobile phone, and finally freed up time to deal with things on the Internet.

Entering the familiar Weibo account and password, she first logged in to whisper's Weibo.

Because there were too many messages, the phone vibrated for two minutes before it finally stopped. She clicked on the screen...


Another series of shocks.

Li Qinian: "..."

This is all right, it just crashed.

Hundreds of thousands of private messages and comments, a series of small red dots, made her eyes turn red.


The phone vibrated crazily again.

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows, there is news again so soon?

She clicked on the comment and found that the latest comment was posted just now.

What happened again, this group of people crazily commented on themselves?

She clicked on the hot search on Weibo with familiarity, and saw a ridiculous title——

[President Jiang cheated on a female star! ! 】

Li Qinian: "..."

She stretched out her long legs on the sofa and looked at the man sitting at the desk.

"Brother Wang, I heard that you cheated on a big star?"

Jiang Lu: "??"

Seeing the smile in her eyes, he walked over and took her mobile phone.

A photo stayed on the screen, which was the itinerary map at the airport today.

Because there were too many people gathered, he habitually stretched out his hand to protect Li Qinian, holding her half in his arms.

The Weibo with the most likes was posted by a marketing account——

[Jiang's president cheated on a female celebrity, and the model couple suspected of being in love. In those years, the undercover CP we chased together was finally BE! ! 】

The comment area was directly slaughtered.

[Is this fucking Jiang Yao really? 】

[Who is this woman? Where did the coquettish slut come from, who dared to seduce my daughter-in-law? ! 】

【Fuck! It's really not worth it, my son is recuperating abroad, but you are lucky, the beauty is in your arms, so you are at ease! 】

good night~

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