The angle of the photo is very tricky, you can only see Jiang Wang hugging the woman's waist, with a displeased expression on his face, full of strong possessiveness all over his body,

The woman in her arms could not see her face clearly except for her delicate and fair chin and ears. She could only be seen as a great beauty from her figure.

[Which eighteen line is this? Give me the name of Weibo, and immediately rushed to her! 】

【Help, my old father was heartbroken. My son suffered a severe hand injury and his career was severely damaged. I thought someone would accompany him for me, but I didn't expect a man to be unreliable at all! 】

【How sad my son must be now! 】

[To be honest, I don’t believe that Jiang Wang is such a person. He can learn astronomy for his son and accept interviews on his son’s birthday every year. As a man standing on the top of the pyramid, he doesn’t need to pretend to be an affectionate person...]

[Upstairs, are you Jiang Wang's trumpet? They were all hugged in their arms, and they almost kissed on the spot. Do you still believe that these two people are okay? ! 】

【Oh, I really can't explain it, Jiang Lu is too disappointing...】

In the comment area, there were all comments scolding Jiang Huang, and Li Qinian, as a "victim", had already fallen into Weibo and received condolence comments from all over the world.

"Scumbag, everyone is scolding you."

Li Qinian stepped on his thigh with her snow-white instep, and lightly traced the outline of his leg with her toes.

He stretched out his hand to hold her jade feet in his hand: "Don't make trouble, do you think your waist is not sore enough?"

Li Qinian shut up obediently, flipping through private messages on Weibo:

"Let me clarify for you? It's not an option to continue scolding like this, and you will be scolded out of your wits."

"How do you want to clarify?" Jiang Wang asked suddenly.

Li Qinian paused as he was about to post on Weibo.

Yeah, how can she clarify?

Said that the girl she hugged was actually herself?

Can she really admit her identity to the outside world without causing the world of the novel to collapse?

With an idea in mind, she decided to try it.

After editing Weibo, she clicked send...

Something strange happened.

After clicking send, the phone screen still stays on the original interface, and the send button seems to be out of order, which has no effect at all.

Li Qinian's smile restrained, and his thin lips were tightly pursed into an arc.


Or not.

The binding relationship between her and 438 has not been lifted, she does not belong to the novel world, and will still be bound by the laws of the world.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Wang noticed her depressed mood and moved forward sensitively.

Li Qinian turned off the phone screen: "It's nothing, I just saw a few brainless fans talking without thinking."

She still felt that something was wrong with the world.

She can wear women's clothes on the street, why can't posting Weibo?

"Then don't look at it."

Jiang Wang confiscated her mobile phone and took her hand.

"Go eat first, and I'll take you back to the base after eating."



Xiao San'er sat on the sofa looking forward to it, as if there was a needle on the sofa, fidgeting and standing up from time to time to take a few steps.

"Where's the person? Didn't you say to come back at eight o'clock in the evening? It's nine o'clock now!"

Damn, he went out to do some errands in the afternoon and just missed a few minutes when Li Qinian came back.

The old god Li Jin was sitting beside him, soaking a cup of Yuqian Longjing in his hand, he seemed not in a hurry, but he looked out of the gate from time to time.

Lao Bai: "I saw the hot search, I didn't expect Xiao Niannian's women's clothing to be so good-looking, wearing sunglasses, the marketing account thought she was a big star..."

Xiao San'er: "Damn it! I've seen all the marketing accounts, but I haven't seen it yet!"

The good brother has suddenly become a master of women's clothing, and he can't wait to meet Li Qinian!

Suddenly there was the sound of a car turning off in the yard.

Xiaosan's eyes lit up, she rubbed against the sofa, popped out of the sofa, and ran towards the door!

The door of the black Bentley opened slowly, revealing a section of slender white and slender legs, one person got out of the car, with black hair and red skirt, the hem of the skirt was rippling layer upon layer...

Little San'er: "???"

Is this the fucking whisperer who wears big underpants every day and squats on a chair and eats skewers wildly?

"Beauty, who are you?"

He still asked in disbelief.

Li Qinian walked up to him and patted his shoulder:

"San'er, listen to me, donate your eyes."

Little San'er: "..."

Oh shit!

He dare not move at all!

He was patted on the shoulder by the big beauty.

This beauty is still his brother! ?

Xiao San'er: "Brother, you have changed too much..." He dared not admit it.

He has seen many beauties, but none of them can compare with Li Qinian.

Li Qinian in women's clothing is really amazing.

It turned out that the lazy brows and eyes were dyed brightly, and the enchanting peach blossom eyes were a little more charming, but just standing there quietly was a beautiful scenery in the crowd.

If you want to say that men's clothing and women's clothing have something in common, that is her arrogant aura, and Zaun's quotations that can piss people off as soon as she speaks...

"It's over, Xiao Niannian, I have a hunch that you are going to be hot."

Xiao San'er suddenly looked serious.

"Female players are rare in the e-sports circle, and you have the face of a vixen who is disastrous to the country and the people. This circle must not be overthrown by you..."

No one can refuse such a face.

Li Qinian rolled his eyes angrily: "I wasn't popular enough before?"


Little San'er scratched his head.

Suddenly there was a big beauty in the base, and the other trainees poked their heads out of the training room to look at her secretly.

Li Qinian: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen your father?"

"Seventh Brother... No, Seventh Sister, are you really a girl?"

There was a young girl in the training room who blushed and was pushed out by the teammates behind her to talk to her.

Li Qinian hasn't seen these kids for two years, and still misses them a little:

"Otherwise? I went to Thailand for breast augmentation?"

"...I, I, I don't mean that, I just think,, you are too..."

Ben was thirteen or fourteen years old, in the middle of puberty, training in the base every day, and suddenly had a conversation with a beautiful opposite sex, the boy blushed and stuttered.

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

He suddenly remembered that when he went to the kitchen to find snacks, he was shirtless many times!

Li Qinian sat in the living room many times, and even raised his head to say hello to him!

"Don't talk if you can't speak." Li Jin said suddenly.


When the captain spoke, he had no choice but to shut up obediently.

Xiao San'er also thought of the scene where he walked around without his shirt on after taking a shower, and coughed uncomfortably:

"... You bastards, put on your clothes for me in the future, and let me see you running around without clothes. Don't even think about the holiday at the end of this month."

He is also for their good.

Who made the captain a madman who loves his sister?

Li Qinian crossed his arms and held a lollipop in his mouth:


She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't you guys still think about it, let me go in the training match in the future?"

Dad laughed.

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