Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1042 Women's Clothes Recording Variety Show with Brother

"Come, come, old rules, two groups, go together."

Li Qinian smiled lightly and hooked his fingers, smiling presumptuously.


Two hours later.

"Brother! Brother Seven, you are my good brother!"

"Brother Seven, what happened to that move just now? I didn't even see you, so I was beaten to death by you..."

The people who were originally called Seventh Sister changed their names one after another, calling each other Seventh Brother, without any sense of disobedience.

Li Qinian stood up from the gaming chair: "Let Lao Bai tell you, brother, I have something to deal with."

She called back the call she hadn't received just now.

"Hello, brother?"

"Nian Nian, there is something I want to discuss with you." Chen Yu'an's gentle voice came.

"What's up?"

Chen Yu'an went straight to the point: "I saw the news on the Internet, you and Jiang Wang must be planning to clarify, just today a program team contacted me, asking if you can sell them a face, and go to a variety show..."

Li Qinian was a little surprised: "They know I'm a woman?"

"do not know."

Chen Yu'an put aside the relationship.

"I didn't say anything, it's just that your affairs are causing a lot of trouble now. Many netizens sympathize with your experience and become your fans."

No one expected that whisper, which had been silent for two years, would be like this when it became the top trending search again.

Li Qinian rubbed his chin unexpectedly: "Brother, this is not like your style..."

"This director can be regarded as my predecessor.

It helped me a lot when I first started out. "

Chen Yu'an understood what she meant and continued to explain to her.

"Nian Nian, I'm not asking you to pay back my favor, but I think you will be interested in this variety show recording."

"Huh?" Li Qinian became interested.

"It's a variety show supplemented by puzzle solving and poverty alleviation. The program team will set up checkpoints and invite guests to break through the checkpoints. It's a bit like an escape room."

Hearing the words of riddles, Li Qinian became more interested.

"What's the matter with helping the poor again?"

"The checkpoints are divided into three levels: low, middle and high. After clearing the high-level secret room, you can get a one million poverty alleviation start-up fund. All the 1 million poverty alleviation funds will be handed over to the guests. The guests will go to the poverty alleviation areas in person and cooperate with the local government. Help local residents out of poverty."

Li Qinian probably understood the rules: "You have to figure out the way to get rid of poverty?"

"Yes, the program team will not interfere."

Chen Yu'an gave her an affirmative answer.

So there is still a certain risk. If you think of a bunch of unrealistic ideas without brains, it is very likely that you will be sprayed out by the audience...

It is precisely for this reason that many people in the circle are unwilling to accept this variety show.

This variety show has too high a requirement for guests. The director searched half of the entertainment industry, but couldn't find a suitable person. So far, he and another female guest have only been found.

"Recording time? Where?"

Li Qinian is not interested in variety show recording, but simply wants to challenge the one million poverty alleviation fund.

She doesn't need the money, but people in poor areas do.

"It's near Jiangcheng. As long as we find all the people, we can start the recording at any time."

The darkness in Li Qinian's eyes surged: "Not all the people are there?"

"Four to go."

"That's it..."

There was a sly smile in her eyes.

"It's okay if you're not an insider?"

An ominous premonition flashed in Chen Yu'an's heart: "...that's fine."

"That's easy to handle. I, Brother Lu, Sao Fox, and Ji Meiren, aren't there just four of us?"

Chen Yu'an: "..."

Is this lineup planning to play the role of the director team?

The abacus in Li Qinian's heart was rattling:

"With these few people as teammates, I don't believe that I can't pass the high-level secret room."


Criminal investigation captain.

Arms tycoon.

Campus academic god.

Just pull out one, they are all fried chicken masters in various fields! !

Chen Yu'an: "..."

He understands the truth, but he just doesn't want to see those dead faces.

Recording a program with the season of Mo Wanggui, so why not rob my sister every day?

"Nian Nian, I think we can discuss it again..."

Li Qinian sighed helplessly: "Brother, I really don't want to play with idiots."

She had really had enough of the many days in the area.

Obviously she just did a very common and common thing, but there was a group of people who crazily and embarrassingly praised her.

She really doesn't want to steal the limelight.

Chen Yu'an hesitated for a moment, but finally made a concession:

"Then I'll discuss it with the director first."

"it is good."

Li Qinian hung up the phone.

The reason why Li Jin was not brought along was because, as the captain of the team, he had no way to escape.


The director's reply was unexpectedly quick.

In less than ten minutes, Li Qinian was pulled into a WeChat group, and the recording time, location and salary were confirmed.

"No salary, let's donate together as a poverty alleviation fund. I want to talk to those few people. If they agree, I will bring them in again."

"Good good!!"

The director is going crazy!

Oh shit!

It's outrageous!

In a variety show, several great gods were invited!

You must know that Mo Wanggui has a lot of discussions on the Internet. As the richest man in Jiangcheng, the diamond king in the eyes of lovers, I don't know how many women want to get close to him!

But this master never accepts interviews, and the only photos that have been circulated are secretly taken by the media!

It was a profile photo.

The man was wearing a black shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned, revealing his art-like collarbone and looming chest.

He was leaning lazily in the corridor, with his head slightly raised, cigarettes were held between his well-articulated knuckles, smoke rings were blowing out from his thin lips, and his protruding Adam's apple was rolling, sexy and ascetic! Lured one! !

At night, the empty corridor and the dim lights were all reduced to his back.

Take a picture casually, and you will feel full of atmosphere!

It was precisely because of this photo that he became popular and attracted many fans!

And now!

This boss who has never been interviewed has the opportunity to record his variety show!

He clenched his fists and used all his strength to keep himself from laughing into the phone.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, just watch."


Not only Li Qinian, Jiang Wang, another person involved in the "derailment incident", is also coming!

Don't say anything else, just focus on this point, the program group already has its own hot spots and traffic!

Li Qinian hung up the phone and contacted the other people directly.

Mo Wanggui didn't even want to agree directly.

Ji Ji hesitated for a while, and after asking about the recording time, he confirmed that he could participate in the recording.

As for Jiang Wang...

Li Qinian agreed directly for him.


The recording time of the program is five days later.

There are still ten or so days until the end of the annual holiday of the season.

The day before the recording of the show, Li Qinian finally logged into his account and posted a Weibo——

[whisper: See you tomorrow @密室流流program group]

[Stolen account? ? 】

[Dead for two years, suddenly fraudulent corpse, crazy? ? 】

Good night! Three brothers, one love brother, put on women's clothes and think about intellectual variety shows, what kind of sparks will they create~

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