[Fuck, what are these? 】

[Ahhh, why is there a small box next to it! 】

[Laughing, my first reaction was to send a stack of test papers]

[Hurry up, open it, I want to see it! 】

Li Qinian stared at the box full of paper documents, the corners of his mouth twitching wildly:

"You are..."

What did you send a bunch of? ?

The files were folded and laid flat at the bottom of the box, and she couldn't see the contents at a glance.

Jiang Lu: "Some small gifts."

Li Qinian picked up one and said, "This is too much."

"Open the box first."

The man suddenly reached out and interrupted her movement.

Li Qinian changed direction and picked up the blue velvet box on the right.

"It's so mysterious..."

She paused as she spoke, her eyes fixed on the box.

A light blue diamond is set in a cluster of silver mint leaves, very thin, twisted into silver threads to wrap around the edge of the diamond.

Under the direct sunlight, the blue diamond shines with magnificent and gorgeous color, and the light flows, just like the crystal clear sea level under the direct sunlight.

If you look closely, you can see that the sea blue is mixed with a trace of dark blue.

It is the deep blue of that water-blue planet in the vast universe.

Li Qinian's heart trembled, her peach eyes widened, and a crazy idea clamored in her mind!

Holding the box, Jiang Wang slowly squatted down and knelt down on one knee under the eyes of thousands of people! !

"Ah ah ah!!!"


Realizing what was going to happen next, fans screamed wildly.

"Marry him! Marry him!"

"I agreed for you, give me a little quickness and kiss directly!"

"Undercover cp yyds!"

Jiang Wan was dressed in a white suit, with his back straight, looked up at his young man, and said softly:

"Nian Nian, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Seeing him speak, the noisy screams at the scene stopped tacitly, and everyone stared at the big screen, trying hard to hear what he said next.

Amid all the hustle and bustle, Jiang Jue only had the reflection of Li Qinian in his eyes.

"Before I met you, I never thought of getting married. After I met you, I never thought of marrying someone else."

"Grandpa once asked me, there are so many people in the world, why it is only you."

He looked at Li Qinian, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and his left hand touched the position of his heart.

"Because this place... will only dance for you."

It's been too long since the days of walking dead, he thought his whole life should be like this.

Until one day, she went on a rampage, broke into his comfort zone arrogantly and savagely, and told him that he could also feel the emotions of normal people.

"Ah ah ah ah marry him! Marry him! Don't hesitate!!"

The fans are booing.

Li Qinian could no longer hear the screams around her.

She only had Jiang Huang in her eyes.

The man's voice was low and intoxicating, and he took out the ring from the velvet box:

"The name of this ring is The origin of everything."

The origin of everything.

The origin of all things.

His world used to be barren and barren, but she came here for a while, and everything grew miraculously in the deserted fields.

She is his newborn.

She is the beginning of all things for him.

It is ten miles of Yangzhou fireworks, with endless lights.

He took out a paper-like document from the box and handed it to Li Qinian.

"Here's the birth certificate."


He took out an old photo that was slightly yellowed:

"This is a birthday photo when I was one year old."

He took out another crumpled test paper:

"This was the first time I got a 100-point math test when I was 3 years old."

Although nearly 20 years have passed, all the documents have been well sealed, and the handwriting is clear, which shows the subtle intentions of the people who preserved them.

This is what Jiang's mother left behind.

That wise and elegant woman, like a bouquet of cherry blossoms in spring, used to silently record everything about her son in many late nights.

Go further back and everything is gone.

After Jiang's mother passed away, Jiang Zhu never left anything behind.

"Here are all my bank card account numbers and passwords."

"This is all the shares and real estate in my name."

"This is a notarized proof of all property."

At this moment, enough wealth to drive everyone in the world crazy is gathered in this small box.

The people present stared at the box with hot eyes.

And Li Qinian...

He didn't even look at the property notarization certificate, but instead picked up the small ID photo on the side.

"Jiang Wang, Class 2, Grade 1, Jiang Zhong Primary School?"

In the ID photo, the little boy, about five or six years old, already has a mature facial expression. He is expressionless in front of the camera, looking down on all sentient beings, as if the person in front of him is an idiot.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect you to be so cute when you were young."

Li Qinian's tone contained a deep smile.

Jiang Lu raised his eyebrows slightly, and responded to the fact that a big man was said to be cute:

"now what?"

"It's even cuter."

Li Qinian raised his eyes, squinted his eyes, and said provocative words without realizing it.

Jiang Wang's eyes were smudged with layers of ripples.

His eyes were deep, like waves slowly churning under the moonlight.

The man knelt on one knee, held up the ring, and the curvature of his jawline softened. In front of the national audience, he softly coaxed and said:

"He's so cute, do you want to think about it?"

In his long and narrow black eyes, there was only her reflection.

Li Qinian felt like she was about to drown.

Drowned in his tenderness.

Jiang Wang was not in a hurry, but just raised his eyes and looked at her quietly.

Li Qinian suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled him up from the ground.

The audience was in an uproar.

"What's going on, whisper is rejecting Jiang Lu's marriage proposal?"


"Don't BE!!"

Li Qinian didn't care about the noise around her at all, the world was so big, she could only pretend to be one person in her eyes.

She took Jiang Lu's box, the corners of her mouth raised, and her whole face became vivid and seductive.

Under her lover's trusting gaze, she tilted her head:

"Mr. Jiang, has anyone ever told you that the marriage proposal... should be initiated by the sponsor?"


Fuck, what the hell?

The sudden plot reversal frightened everyone!

Jiang Lu laughed lowly, his shoulders trembled and his chest heaved, as if he wanted to make up for all the laughter that had been lost in the past ten years.

For a long time, he restrained his mind, but his voice was still stained with a smile:

"So, my dear Master Jin, are you willing to accept everything from me and marry me back home?"

He carries everything he has.

His birth, his progress, his growth, all his wealth.

and also.

A sincere heart.

Li Qinian wrinkled his nose: "You stole my lines again."

Shouldn't she get down on one knee and propose to him?

Jiang Zhu's black eyes were as deep as the deep sea, waiting for her answer.

Li Qinian took a breath, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, said solemnly:

"I would."

Li Cheng, send it to the bridal chamber!

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