She was far from being as relaxed as she seemed on the surface, and a thin layer of sweat was already forming on her palms.

She didn't expect that Jiang Wang would choose such an occasion to propose to her.

The corners of Jiang Wan's mouth rose sharply.

His hand holding the ring trembled slightly, and he picked up Li Qinian's left hand with his left hand.

Li Qinian is not the only one who pretends to be calm.

The ring shining with holy silver was inserted into the woman's small and white knuckles.

perfect fit.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the other fans present went crazy! ! !

"Ahhh, daughter-in-law, welcome to the SOG team!"

"Listen up, everyone, the richest man in Jiangcheng is my daughter-in-law!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, congratulations to Mr. Jiang for embracing a beautiful woman. The undercover couple are newly married and have a precious son!"

"Give birth to a precious son early, a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

"Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one!"

In the beginning, there were all kinds of sounds on the field, but later on, they all became extremely unified——

Kiss one! !

Li Qinian looked sideways at the auditorium, and said seriously:

"Did you hear that, they all told me to kiss you quickly."

Jiang Lu: "...?"

He moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally shut up obediently.

Forget it, as long as the daughter-in-law is happy.

Li Qinian sighed invisibly.

This group of black fans is too difficult to serve.

She lifted Jiang Lu's chin, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him lightly on his thin lips.


"Ah, ah, ah, I want to see shekiss!"

Li Qinian: "?"

Are you polite?

Just as she was about to slap someone, the man lifted her chin up, and a 360-degree handsome face with no dead ends approached her eyes, surrounded by the crisp fragrance of pines and cypresses.

Just as she was about to move, she found that there was an extra hand on her waist, restraining her forcefully.


"As expected of Mr. Ba Zong, look at scaring my son!"

"The bridal chamber! The bridal chamber!"

Slogans gradually became outrageous and perverted.

"It's almost done."

Li Qinian managed to regain his breath, wiped the corners of his mouth, and rolled his eyes at the audience.

"Ah, ah, my son is acting like a baby to me! Ma Ma's heart is melting!"

"Hahaha, are you winking? It's not lethal at all!"

Everyone in the audience was very excited, except...

The two old men on the commentary stand.

Mo Wanggui and Chen Yu'an looked at each other, and they both saw anger in each other's eyes.


Or propose in public?

Seeing the scene of Jiang Lu bowing his head and kissing Li Qinian, the air pressure around the two of them became even lower.

Chen Yu'an's black eyes drooped slightly, as if he was saying to himself:

"It's just a marriage proposal."

It's just a proposal, not a marriage.

If Jiang Wang wants to marry his sister, he will definitely have to lose his skin.

Mo Wanggui exerted force on his knuckles and made a clicking sound.

This shameless old man...

Li Qinian had no idea that the two old men on the commentary stage had gone mad with anger, and she was still immersed in the joy of her successful marriage proposal.

When she stepped off the stage in a daze, the two figures on the commentary stage had disappeared.


[The undercover couple proposes in the century! 】

The number one hot search on Weibo has exploded.

Undercover Chaohua directly team building for the Chinese New Year today!

[Come, come, as long as you enter Chaohua, we will be in-laws. The three-day running feast has begun, everyone is free~]

[My son is engaged today, mom, I am in a good mood, so I will draw a lottery! Three lucky people will be drawn at random to sleep in my bed tonight! 】

Netizens who came in following the hot search spots were surprised, they didn't expect this group of CP fans to have such a style of painting!

[Please don't show any envious expressions on other CP fans, just get used to it, my master likes to sprinkle sugar the most! 】

[Pure passerby, just passing by, come in to feel happy]

[This pair of CP fathers are determined! ! What kind of peerless good man is Jiang Wang! It's fine to hand in all the salary card shares, but you have to hand in the student ID card! ? 】

[Newcomer, after you come in, do you start knocking directly? 】

[It is recommended that newcomers start from his son’s live broadcast room—the years when the Dark boss dominated the list! 】

Lu Qianli had just finished posting this post, when he looked up, he saw Li Qinian and Jiang Huan walking in, facing each other!

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, give birth to a precious son early, have a happy marriage for a hundred years, have both sons and daughters, and live forever!"

With a wistful smile on his face, he followed the others to make a fuss.

It's not in vain that he traveled thousands of miles to Europe to see the live version of the marriage proposal of the century, it's worth it!

Li Qinian: "Is your Chinese teacher still alive?"

Lu Qianli scratched his head: "I just died last month."

Li Qinian: "??"

"Brother Lu, what a man, I saw you right!" He hurried forward to flatter you!

Jiang Wang was expressionless: "I need you to see?"

Lu Qianli choked for a moment.

Seems to make sense?

Chen Yan held a thick stack of red envelopes in his hand, and distributed them to several members of the team:

"Everyone has worked hard during this period. Next, I will give you a seven-day holiday. Remember to return to the team after seven days."

"Brother Yan, aren't you going back?" Xiao San'er put his arm around her shoulder.

Chen Yan said angrily: "I'm leaving, will you bring those trainees?"

"Don't, don't, don't."

Xiao San'er immediately backed away and hid quickly.

"I'm not up to the task."

He and Lao Bai also want to travel to the Maldives for two.

He gave his travel quota to his parents, and decided to take advantage of Lao Bai's.

Lao Bai: "What about the boss?"

Li Jin didn't look like someone who would travel.

Li Jin: "I'll just stay at the base, if you need the tourist quota, use it directly."

"What about Xiao Niannian?"


Suddenly being named, Li Qinian pointed to the tip of his nose.

"Of course I'm going back to school. I owe too much homework for two years."

Li Jin glanced at Jiang Lu lightly.

"I remember that the undergraduate campus and doctoral campus of University A are separate, right?"

It's quite far away, half an hour's walk away.

Jiang Lu: "I haven't been back to school for a long time."

He is now the two-point line of the base company.

Li Qinian cleared his throat, and decisively changed the subject: "Okay, let's go to the restaurant first, I'm hungry."

A group of people walked towards the restaurant.


A day later, everyone returned home.

The base that had been cold for many days finally became lively.

In the yard, the long table was full of people.

Tonight is the celebration banquet of the SOG team.

Besides the people in the base, Lu Qianli, Chen Yu'an, and Mo Wanggui were also there.

The only ones absent were Ji Ji and Shen Nian.

"Why haven't Ji Meiren and the others arrived yet?"

Li Qinian brought two plates of beef to the table and checked the time by the way.

Jiang Wang handed her the fruit plate in his hand.

"There's a bit of a traffic jam tonight."

Li Qinian forked an apple and stuffed it into his mouth: "It should be soon, wait a little longer."

After a while, there was movement outside the door.

Season pushed the wheelchair and walked in slowly.

Seeing Shen Nian in a wheelchair, Li Qinian laughed out loud:

"Captain Shen, I haven't seen you in a month, you are quite round, it seems that my brother has raised you well."

Thank you little angel Qi Mei for your money!

Thank you for your long review!

Quan Jiu is the heroine of the next book, not the official partner of An Ying, huh!

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