This washing lasted for two full days and two nights.

Li Qi Niansheng looked at the ceiling with no love, and when she caught a glimpse of the little clothes that were broken into pieces on the ground, her face was stained with two blushes! !


This dog man is not a temporary idea at all!

Otherwise, how to explain the whole cabinet of "exotic clothes" in the hotel room? !


She was wrapped in a bath towel and was about to go to the bathroom to wash up. When her snow-white toes stepped on the cat ears on the ground, the bells on her ears made a crackling sound, which was so seductive.

Li Qinian: "..."

She walked on and stepped on another fluffy cat's tail.

Li Qinian: "..."


The man on the bed hadn't opened his eyes yet, when he heard the bell ringing, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly in a deep magnetic voice:

"Little wild cat, where do you want to go?"

The man opened his eyes after falling asleep, his voice was soft and magnetic, Li Qinian's legs went limp when he heard it, and he almost sat down on the ground.


She finally couldn't help cursing out loud.

This seductive goblin who does not abide by male virtues! !

"Jiang Wan, I warn you, I have to go out today!"

She spoke viciously with her name and surname.

On the first night, she asked to see the stars, and the man agreed.

She was ecstatic in her heart, thinking that she finally had the chance to go out!


The dog man pressed a switch next to the bedside table, and the originally closed roof suddenly and slowly opened to both sides, revealing a layer of transparent glass cover! !

This attic can actually be opened!

Also fucking transparent!

transparent! !

That night, she got her wish and watched the stars in the room all night.



The man agreed to her request again.

"Get dressed and go out."

This time, he agreed so easily?

Li Qinian was dubious, went to the bathroom as fast as he could and changed his clothes.

When she went out again, Jiang Jue was already fully dressed.

"come over."

He held out a hand towards her.

"People look like dogs..."

Li Qinian muttered, ignored his movements, and walked ahead angrily.

She wore an island-style floral dress today, and a white sunscreen over it. Her waist-length hair was disheveled behind her head, revealing her glamorous and enchanting face.

The corners of Jiang Wan's mouth raised, and he quickened his pace to follow her, and slowly slid his five fingers into her fingertips.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is always attractive. Passers-by stare at these two oriental faces curiously, with admiration in their eyes.

"This small island has not officially opened to tourists. The people you see now are all the aborigines of this island."

Jiang Wang explained to her.

He bought this island seven years ago, and it took five years of construction before the facilities on the island were perfected.

Most of the people on the island are the shopkeepers who have settled in, waiting for tourists to go to the island for vacation after the island is put into use.

Li Qinian probably counted, there were very few people on the island, they walked for more than ten minutes and only met two or three people.

Li Qinian: "Then how long do you plan to open the island?"

Building an island requires immeasurable financial and material resources. If it remains closed to the outside world, the island will not be able to make a profit.

Jiang Lu smiled: "It depends on what Jiang's proprietress has to say."

Li Qinian: "...what does it matter to me?"

"This island is called Qiqi Island."

He stopped and pointed to the street sign beside him.

The name was decided three years ago.

Li Qinian was dumbfounded.

Qiqi Island?

Named after her again?

"Tell me the truth, is that how Seven's stupid cat got its name?"

Seven is her gift to him.

Jiang Lu's black eyes were gentle: ""

At that time, he hadn't determined his intentions, and he didn't know it when he fell into the trap. Thinking about it now, he was a fan of the authorities at that time.

Li Qinian's resentment from being held in captivity for two days and two nights dissipated a lot in an instant, and he clasped his five fingers with his backhand.

"...I didn't expect that some people seem to be aloof, and they look like they can only be seen from a distance, but they have already made plans behind their backs."

"Nian Nian wants to tease me?"

Teacher Jiang, who is the best at drawing key points in the world, is online again.

Li Qinian: "???"

Is this what I mean?

Jiang Lu has a delicate body and a soft body, letting Jun Caijie look like him, with a provocative voice:

"welcome any time."

Li Qinian: "!!!"



Most of the facilities on the island are complete, with supermarkets and clothing stores.

Jiang Wang didn't bring an assistant with him when he went out this time, and he didn't even use the privileges to stay in the hotel. He just came to the island as an ordinary tourist.

The two came in a hurry, and apart from the suit they were wearing, they had nothing else to wear.

Li Qinian stopped in front of the clothing store:

"Go in?"

In the hotel for the past two days, they all wore bathrobes.

Jiang Wan took her hand and walked in.

"Welcome to Qiqi Island~"

The clerk greeted him warmly.

In addition to the aborigines on the island, there is another kind of people, that is, the leaders and designers who came to inspect.

When Li Qinian heard his name being pronounced, he was in a bad mood, his toes were scratching the ground, and townhouses sprang up one after another.

"May I ask if you two want to buy women's clothing or men's clothing?"

The clerk glanced at the two orientals in front of him, his heart was filled with amazement.

"We still have couple clothes in our store, you two might as well take a look."

Following the direction of her fingers, Li Qinian saw rows of lovers' outfits hanging on the wall...

how to say.

Most of them are childish and cute.

Her eyes fell on the two black T-shirts on the far side.

In the center of the front of the T-shirt, there is a Q version of a white puppet cat. The puppet cat wags its big tail and wears a pink bow on its head. Seven.

The most important thing is...

A perverted smile appeared on the corner of Li Qinian's mouth.

There is a small tail on the back of the T-shirt!

The tail is about the length of two index fingers, and the black tail is bent together in circles, which is indescribably childish and cute.

Li Qinian imagined the scene of Jiang Huang wearing this dress, and every cell in his body began to get excited! !

She clenched her fists, tried hard to suppress the excitement in her heart, and said expressionlessly:


She pretended to be angry.

"Do you want me to calm down?"

Jiang Lu: ""

There was a look of vigilance in his eyes.

The corner of Li Qinian's mouth raised:

"Then wear this with me, and I won't be angry after wearing it!"

Jiang Lu stared at the childish and flamboyant dress: "..."

His brows were tightly frowned, and a look of disgust flashed instinctively. He had never worn such childish and stupid clothes in his life.

Seeing him hesitate, Li Qinian tugged at his arm:

"Anyway, no one on this island knows you, so just wear it this time..."

Jiang Wan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly approached her ear and said a word.

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