Li Qinian blushed instantly!

"You promise me, I will wear it."

The corners of Jiang Lu's mouth slowly curled up, his desolate demeanor faded completely.

Li Qinian was ashamed and angry!


This dog man!

How come I didn't find him so sullen before!

Thinking of the strange clothes in the closet, she gritted her teeth.

There were so many clothes hanging in the closet that she had no chance to try them on in just two days...

Of course, she didn't have the courage to look carefully one by one. She didn't really know what clothes were inside.

But right now...

"Okay, deal."

She gritted her back molars hard, with a tragic face about to go to the guillotine.

A smile flashed across the man's eyes, and he led the waiter to speak:

"It's just these two."

The conversation between the two just now was in Chinese, and the clerk couldn't understand the conversation between the two, so he could only guess one or two from Li Qinian's embarrassing and indignant expression.

When the two walked out of the clothing store again, they had already changed into new clothes.

Li Qinian deliberately walked behind Jiang Huang, grabbing his cat's tail.

"You little tail is so cute."

She just wanted to deliberately tease Jiang Huang.

However, the man did not show disgust as she imagined.

Jiang Juan looked calm and let her fiddle with it.

"Niannian's tail is not as good-looking."

He spoke meaningfully.

Li Qinian thought of what happened last night, and the smile froze on his face.


Show off!

It's just too coquettish!


The two finally went to a French restaurant. The waiter who ordered food was dressed in black and white maid outfits, smiling kindly and enthusiastically.

"Welcome, what do you two want to eat?"

Li Qinian stared at her clothes, thinking of what Jiang Wang said in her ear, the tips of her ears turned red strangely.

Her mood gradually drifted away, and finally she pointed to the menu and ordered a few dishes casually, but she didn't expect that when she looked up again, she met the surprised eyes of the waiter and Jiang Lu...

Li Qinian: "???"

"What's wrong?"

She was at a loss.

The waiter hesitated to speak, but Jiang Wang spoke first. He is serious:

"Nian Nian, we are still very young."

Li Qinian: "??"

She just ordered a dish, what does it have to do with being young or not? !

She looked down at the menu she had ordered—

French bullwhip, creamy oysters, spicy pork kidney...

Li Qinian: "..."

Without exception, they are all nourishing ingredients!

She finally understood why the waiter's eyes were so strange!

"Cough, sorry, I didn't pay attention just now, I will order another one."

"Okay, okay."

The waiter tried to hold back a smile and nodded.

Li Qinian bit the bullet and finished his meal, and dragged Jiang Lu for a walk, anyway, he just didn't want to go back...

"Honey, it's almost eleven o'clock."

Jiang Zhuang reminded.

"I know, I know, isn't it still early?" Li Qinian was stubborn.

The silver moonlight shines on the beach, illuminating the figures of two people, one tall and one short.

There were only the two of them on the whole beach.

Jiang Lu suddenly stopped, Li Qinian turned his head for some reason.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Wang saw through all her little thoughts:

"Nian Nian, delaying time is the most ineffective way."

Li Qinian was hit by the words, so he pursed his lips: "I just want to go shopping again..."

Who made her agree to such an outrageous thing from him during the day!

Jiang Huo laughed softly, his back was facing the moonlight, his brows and eyes were hidden in the darkness, making them more profound, he suddenly approached Li Qinian's ear:

"Little friend, if I really want to do something, this moment is the best opportunity."

In the middle of the night, deserted beaches, romantic moonlight and gentle waves...

Even if she yelled out her throat, no one could hear her.

Li Qinian swallowed, pushed the chest of the man in front of him, and resolutely persuaded:

" about we go back?"

This dog man can do anything in a hurry!

Jiang Jue chuckled softly: "Okay."

The sea breeze in the middle of the night was slightly cool, blowing on the person with a slight chill, he wrapped the young man beside him into his arms, and used his body to cover most of the bitter sea wind for her.


It was already twelve o'clock in the evening when the two approached the hotel.

Before entering the hall, I heard a loud noise.

"It's so late, why are there so many people staying?"

Li Qinian could vaguely see a dark group of people standing in the hall.

Everyone wore uniform white shirts and black trousers, and they all looked like elites in society.

"Who knows."

Jiang Lu's mind was obviously not here, he lowered his head, as if he was replying to the message.

The two passed the lobby, went directly to the elevator, and pressed the elevator button.

The group of tourists seemed to have completed the check-in procedures and followed them to the elevator.

"Ding dong—"

The elevator doors opened.

Li Qinian pushed Jiang Huang, "Okay, let's go in first."

There was an accident in the company that required him to stay in charge, so he had to use his mobile phone to contact while returning to his room.

Jiang Wang held the back of her hand with his backhand, still processing the news:


"Boss Jiang?!"

A surprised voice sounded.

Jiang Wang's movements of replying to the message were slightly stiff.

He looked up and happened to meet the mirror in the elevator, and at this moment, the man in the mirror was wearing a black cartoon T-shirt, with a silly cat with a pink bow drawn on his chest, and a curly cat tail hanging from the back of his clothes ...

Jiang Lu: "..."

"Mr. Jiang, is it really you?"

The man in the elevator continued to speak, getting more and more excited as he talked, arguing with the people beside him:

"Look, I just said that this person is Mr. Jiang, but you have to say no, it's impossible for Mr. Jiang to wear such stupid clothes..."

"Hey, stop talking."

Hearing the word idiot, the man beside him hurriedly covered his mouth.

Can this be said!

Even if this is the truth, it's not their turn to speak!

"Hahahaha Mr. Jiang, he drank a lot tonight, and his mind is a little unconscious... Your clothes are quite special, much better than your usual suits..."

He tried to make amends.

Jiang Lu: "..."

He recognized it.

This is the team leader of a branch of Jiang's, and the reason why he appeared here is probably because of the company's affairs.

Li Qinian tried her best not to let herself laugh out loud.

The man is still sycophating—

"Presumably this one is the rumored wife of the president? It's true that seeing is worse than hearing a hundred times. I didn't expect that my wife is more beautiful than the rumors..."

Jiang Lu's complexion improved a little.

Wearing silly clothes and being watched by a group of subordinates as monkeys, he didn't want to experience such a death scene.


Fortunately, the elevator doors finally opened.

Both sides breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Let's go first, Mr. Jiang, you can contact us if you have anything..."

A group of men ran out of the elevator quickly, as if a dog was chasing after them!

The elevator doors slowly closed.

"This dress is too childish..."

"That's right, I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to be a love brain."

"More than that, at least he is still a strict wife."

Good night, the chapter where I did the experiment yesterday was blocked woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

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