[I am so happy to see the daughter, goose and son-in-law looking at the starry sky, the desert, and the sea together, but I can’t help but feel sad in the excitement, the most beautiful is always fleeting...]

[It took ten years to get a moment of stability, please don't leave them, the screenwriter, I kowtow to you! 】

[I beg HE, don't separate them! You can kill me! 】

No matter how much the netizens begged, the day of parting came as scheduled.

The ancient trees in the extreme north transformed into human beings again, but the bright red clothes began to become transparent.

Tian Ge looked at the man in white in front of him, and reached out to touch his black eyes, but his five fingers directly passed through his face.

Her body was disappearing, and it was no longer enough to maintain her physicality.

"You cried."

She opened her black and white eyes, looked down at her transparent palm, and a daze flashed in her eyes.

"Why are you crying..."

"People say they cry when they are sad, Mantou, are you sad?"

She looked into his eyes carefully, as if trying to find the answer.

The man didn't speak, and the god's tears fell on the barren ice field, causing colorful flowers to bloom in the extreme north, and green vines to grow wildly. In an instant, spring was full of vitality.

Tian Ge stared at the drop of water in the corner of his eyes, her chest felt tight and painful, as if someone had placed a stone weighing tens of thousands of catties on her heart, making her breathless.

"Stop crying."

She was at a loss.

"Seeing you cry, it hurts me so much."

Her voice was as soft as a feather, and she reached out to caress the left atrium.

She has never been loved for a day, and she doesn't even understand what love is.

She grabbed her sleeves and wanted to wipe his tears again and again, but her arms penetrated his body time and time again. After five times, her voice was stained with crying, but she still stubbornly wanted to wipe his tears.

"Good, I didn't cry."

The man's voice was softer than ever before.

"I'm just... happy."

His voice choked for a moment.

"...The little friend I picked up with my own hands back then, she did not live up to my expectations. She is great. In the days without me, she still became a very kind person."

He could tell the demonic blood in her body with just one glance.

Gods and demons have been at odds since ancient times, but looking at those watery eyes like a newborn little beast, he finally moved with compassion and rescued her from the claws of monsters, even though she is very likely to become the one who will overthrow the Three Realms in the future. The devil head.

Only now, he suddenly regretted it.

Regret taught her kindness.

He even hoped that she would be cold-blooded and ruthless, and not care about his life or death. In this way, she could continue to be the female demon king above the Three Realms, instead of falling into the situation she is today.

"But my place...it hurts so much."

Tian Ge touched his chest with a dazed expression, "Why does it hurt so much... Mantou, is this what mortals often say about heartache..."

She has never been able to understand why a healthy, uninjured heart suddenly aches.

Now she seems to understand.

"Mantou, when I die, go to a place for me."

Tian Ge's figure was losing weight.

"you say."

"In the ten years I've been looking for you, I've been to many places and met many people..."

The bright red skirt began to disappear.

"At the entrance of Wuyi Lane in Yong'an City, there is a century-old tree covered with red strings. Someone told me that as long as the red strings with the names of the two people are tied together, twist them into a red string and hang them on the tree. When the wind blows, the two of you can be together forever...there is a bell tied under the red rope, and when the wind blows, it will jingle, which is very nice."

Thinking of the bell in the wind, a smile gradually spread in her eyes, but she seemed to hear the crisp sound of the bell after thousands of miles away.

"I wanted to find you, so I wrote your name on it. I was so greedy that I wanted you to make steamed buns for me for the rest of my life...but now I realize that what they said is all lies, and no god can make it happen." my wish……"

Her tone was a little lost.

The figure of the god swayed for a moment, and his five fingers clenched into fists.

He was the last god in the world, but he couldn't fulfill her wish.

"It's too embarrassing to be deceived. After I disappear, you will take off the red rope for me... okay?"

Tian Ge waited earnestly for his reaction.

God Venerable: "...Okay."

Tian Ge closed his eyes contentedly, and at this moment, the red clothes turned into dots and completely disappeared into the air.


Three years later.

Everyone in Yong'an City knows that in front of the Wuyi Alley, there is always a handsome gentleman in white clothes sitting idle, asking people's pulse every day for free, he is called a person of great merit.

Lang Jun is handsome, not like ordinary people.

Every time a young woman with a young heart starts to talk, Mr. Lang will always point to the longest and most beautiful red rope on the tree and say:

"I already have a wife at home."

Everyone looked up and found that the red rope was exquisitely weaved, which was completely different from others.

There are two wooden signs tied under the red rope. On the wooden sign on the left, "Tian Ge" is written in crooked childlike handwriting. The ink marks are dry, and it seems that it has been written for many days.

The wooden sign on the right is completely different. The word "Shangxie" is written in Thunderbolt's strokes, and it looks like ink marks that were newly added in the past two years.

The ugly and the beautiful two wooden signs are stuck together, and they look inexplicably harmonious.

"Xiao Langjun has a family, why don't you go home?"

The gentleman in white looked up at the red rope on the tree, his black eyes were gentle:

"A place of peace of mind is my hometown."


This is the last shot of the two of them.

Looking at the figure in white clothes sitting quietly on the screen, many netizens cried out directly.

【Actually, the living are the ones who suffer the most. Shangxie God knows that Tian Ge's soul will be scattered, and there will be no afterlife at all, but he is still waiting under the tree. Help, I'm going to cry blind...】

[The legend that the red thread has been together for generations is like irony, he knows that he will never wait for her]

【"I already have a beloved wife at home" ahhh, in his heart, Tian Ge is already his wife】

Some film critics even wrote a small essay to dig into the details of this relationship between gods and demons——

"I don't know if you have noticed a certain detail. My daughter's cleanliness habit of hating blood came after she met the god. He likes white clothes and is always spotless. Once my daughter reached out to pull his sleeve, but because of There was blood on my hand, so I secretly took it back...

She has never been treated kindly in her life, and she doesn't know what love is at all, but she tied a red string for him, learned how to make steamed buns for him, and searched for him for ten years. Unfortunately, before her daughter died, she didn't know that this is what ordinary people say Say love.

She didn't know she loved him until she died.

The ending of the gods is also embarrassing.

He didn't choose to commit suicide and left with his daughter, but instead guarded her in another way.

Just like what my daughter said, she has not disappeared, thousands of mountains and evening snow, yellow sand all over the sky, stars and sea, everything in the world can continue to exist because of her, she is everything in the world, she is all living beings.

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