He does not take a penny to see a doctor for others, does good deeds and accumulates virtue, and while trying to protect the world, he is actually protecting his daughter...

I have to say that the screenwriter is too cruel. Gods believe in cause and effect the most. I am sure that gods do good deeds and accumulate virtue. A large part of the reason is that they hope that the merits and virtues will act on their daughter and bring her back to life. Even if he knows clearly, this is impossible One in a billion.

The road to death is too easy.

Because of Tian Ge, he chose to live in pain, even though every minute and every second of his life was suffering.

There will be three deaths in a person's life.

The first time she died, biologically she died.

The second time was when she was buried. People attended her funeral and remembered her life. She died in society.

The third time was the last person who remembered her and forgot her, and that's when she really died.

Shen Zun is the only person in the world who remembers Tian Ge.

Only when he was alive, could that fresh red dress have proudly and truly existed.


Seeing that this comment was liked by more and more people, Li Qinian didn't hold back his claws, and arrogantly clicked a like.

It is not the sacrifice of love that is worthy of praise. Death is too simple, but it is just opening and closing the eyes.

Shangxie Shenzun puts the shackles of eternal life on herself, and protects the beings in the three realms that she bought back with her life.


She couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

Finally, the acting was over, she didn't want to film anymore, she was exhausted.

Seeing that Li Qinian was about to click on replay and watch the finale again, the cold man sitting next to the sofa held a fruit knife and peeled an apple. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and threw the peeled apple into the fruit bowl.

Li Qinian was immersed in the sadness of the ending, and didn't notice anything wrong with him at all, until the remote control in his hand was taken away...

"What's wrong?"

She was wearing black long-sleeved pajamas, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, looking up blankly.

Jiang Wan casually threw the remote control on the sofa: "Does it look good?"

His tone was light, no emotion could be heard.

Li Qinian pushed her hands back, and shrank back into the sofa with her body:

"Am I not acting well?"

very good.

The premise is that there is no such an eye-catching guy.


Jiang Wang was disgusted and made a sound.

Li Qinian: "???"

Tian Ge's appearance has been blown into the sky by the whole Internet. Many people praised her as the ceiling of beauty in ancient costume fairy tales. After all, she is ugly?

The TV camera just played the scene of Tian Ge wiping the god's tears. Li Qinian looked at the actor's face and felt blessed for a moment:

"Brother Wang, you are not jealous, are you?"


Jiang Wang's denial was forceful.

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows, moved his mouth, and before he could say anything, he heard the man speak again.

"I'm in a vinegar jar."

Li Qinian: "???"

But he is still serious.

"You cried to him."

Jiang Huang knelt on the sofa with one leg, put his hands on the sofa beside Li Qinian, leaned over and approached her, and continued to accuse her of "crimes":

"And smiled at him."

Even though he knew that such a smile did not belong to Li Qinian, but only belonged to Tian Ge, there was still a cloud of depression in his chest.

The man in front of him was getting closer and closer, Li Qinian unconsciously hid back, the pillow under his back was squeezed and deformed, and his tone was guilty:

"Isn't this necessary for the plot? Besides, there was no intimate scene in the audience, and they didn't even hold hands..."

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became.

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