Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 859 Seventh Brother: There Are Delicate Flowers at Home

The most frightening thing is that he clearly remembered Li Qinian's expression at that time, his face was taken for granted, as if to say "what's so strange about this"?

"You took the wrong water glass."

Li Qinian saw that he was holding the water glass of the girl next door and was about to give it to his mouth, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Cough cough cough..."

The squad leader choked on the bread and started coughing desperately.

Finally stopped coughing, looked up, and saw Jiang Juan naturally seated beside Li Qinian, and poured her a glass of milk.

"Cough cough cough..."

His eyes widened and he coughed harder.

"Squad leader, are you okay?" Someone couldn't help being concerned, "It feels like your internal organs are about to be coughed up."

"No, nothing..."

The squad leader tried his best to wave his hands, not daring to raise his head and look at Jiang Ju.

Oh shit.

It's so exciting.

His two good brothers are actually together? !

The most outrageous thing was that the two had been dating for so long under his nose, yet he didn't notice it at all? !

No, not only him, but the other students in Class 3 didn't think about it!

It's perfectly normal for good brothers to have an intimate joke, but who would have thought that two steel straight men who couldn't be more straight are really fucking curvy? !

It's curved!

The squad leader took a deep breath, suppressing the curiosity gushing out of his heart.

"Calm down?"

Seeing that his expression softened, Li Qinian took the initiative to speak.

The squad leader clenched the water glass in his hand: "Then...what are you going to do in the future?"

Li Qinian: "Let nature take its course."

Just after she finished saying these four words, the man next door put his hands on his thin lips and coughed softly, just enough to penetrate her eardrum.

In an instant, her desire to survive was overwhelming.

"Actually... I said let nature take its course, which means that I want to be a good man who is responsible and responsible... Cough, monitor, don't worry, I will be absolutely responsible to him to the end."

The squad leader felt his scalp go numb, and every nerve was screaming crazily!

Brother Seven is responsible for Brother Zhuang?

Help, so Brother Seven is the one above? !

His pupils trembled, and he couldn't accept that the "omnipotent, comparable to a god" brother in his mind was actually the one who was responsible!

In just half a day, his understanding of the Three Views kept refreshing.

"Brother Seven, what are you talking about? Are you responsible or not..."

After the classmate next door chatted with someone, he vaguely heard Li Qinian's words.

Li Qinian smiled back at him:

"It's okay, let me tell you that my new tweed is very delicate, and if I don't take good care of it, it will start to lose my temper with me."

Jiang Jiaohua pretended: "..."

"Such a delicate flower, don't raise it at all, let's raise a cactus, it's easy to raise."

The classmate believed it and began to give her other plants.

Li Qinian shook his head with a smile, and directly refused, with doting eyes in his eyes:

"It's okay, I just like delicate ones."

Classmate: "Your hobby is really special, all right, then you grow flowers well, don't let the flowers die."

"Don't worry about it, the flowers are blooming just right."

Li Qinian smiled like a little fox.

Jiang Wang turned his head and stared at her trembling smile, with an expressionless face.

The only squad leader who knew the inside story was already messed up in the wind.

What did he do wrong to eat dog food between the young lovers early in the morning? !

He looked at the huge "human-shaped delicate flower" on the opposite side, put down the water glass in his hand, his face was paralyzed, trying not to let his face twitch:

"I am full."

The dog food is full.

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