Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 860 Jiang Delusion’s University Major

"Then you go back."

As the culprit, Li Qinian didn't feel guilty at all.

The squad leader left without saying a word.

He needs quiet now!

Seeing him leave, other students began to leave one after another. When Li Jin and others came back, only Li Qinian and Jiang Lu were left in the base.

"Xiao Niannian, you can do it, the national top scorer in the college entrance examination, and now the Internet is going crazy!"

As soon as Xiao San'er entered the door, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and made a noise at the top of his voice.

"Everyone said that you are a top scorer in the college entrance examination. It's a pity to stay in the team to play e-sports. They said that they will hire someone to sneak into the base and steal you to the National Research Institute overnight."

Li Qinian closed his eyes and dozed off, with a perfunctory attitude: "You are so noisy."

"No, you got the highest score in Jiangcheng's history. Are you really not excited at all?"

As a scumbag student, Xiao San'er suddenly had a god-level academic master by his side, and he always felt that he was dreaming.

"I'm excited."

Li Qinian's tone was indifferent, without any disturbance.

Little San'er: "?"

Do you dare to be more perfunctory?

"But seriously, are you really planning to go to college? You might not know it if you didn't answer the phone. You are now the favorite of colleges and universities across the country. Everyone can't get through to your phone, so they just call Brother Yan... "

Xiao San'er sat down on the sofa.


Li Qi thought that the sunlight outside the window was dazzling, and wanted to grab a pillow to cover his eyes, but unexpectedly, he caught a hand.

When she opened her eyes, she saw his brother standing in front of her expressionlessly.

"elder brother."

She let go quickly.

Li Jin: "Do you have a goal in mind?"


Li Qinian nodded.

Li Jin didn't say anything more, he didn't even ask which school she wanted to go to, and sat down calmly beside her.

Looking at the two brothers, Xiao San'er suddenly felt that her life had been insulted.

This is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, the top scorer in the college entrance examination, each of them, can we not be so calm? !


Soon it will be time to fill out the volunteer application form.

During this period of time, Li Qinian did not log in to any social platforms, nor did he answer any calls from the Admissions Office. The reporter stayed outside the base several times, and did not block anyone.

This is the first time that the volunteers for the college entrance examination have begun to fill in the form, and there is no news about the number one in the college entrance examination.

It took Li Qinian two minutes to fill out the volunteer information, then completely forgot about it, and sent a message to Jiang Wang——

【Brother Wang, what did you fill in? (Seven's.jpg)]

【Beautiful Flowers: Financial Management】

Li Qinian looked at the news on the screen, not surprised at all.

She stood up and was about to go downstairs to fetch water. As soon as she reached the stairs, she saw a group of old men in black suits standing in the living room.

Li Jin was sitting on the sofa, confronting a group of people in front of him.

"As I said, I don't care about my brother's affairs. It's not up to me which university he wants to go to. Please go back, everyone."

"Mr. Li, don't worry, we just want to meet classmate Li Qinian, and we will never force you to volunteer for the college entrance examination."

The old man standing on the left was the first to speak.

"Yes, yes, we just want to talk to him. As for his final decision, we promise not to interfere."

The people around him immediately agreed.

The old man standing on the outermost edge wanted to speak, but when he raised his head, he saw Li Qinian standing at the stairs. His eyes revealed surprise, and he exclaimed:

"Student Li, you finally came out!"

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