Li Qinian was holding a cup in his hand, with slippers on his feet, his hair was messy, and he looked like he had just woken up.

Facing the eyes of a group of old men, she calmly walked to the sofa:

"Don't worry, I'll get some water."

"No rush! Take your time, we'll wait for you here!"

"That's right, there's no rush!"

One or two representatives from each school came, looking at each other at the moment, as if they were looking at an old enemy, but turned to Li Qinian, and everyone tried to smile kindly.

Li Qinian turned around and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, returned to the living room and sat down, the first sentence he spoke shocked everyone:

"You are late, I have already filled out the volunteer."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and someone immediately responded.

"It's okay, the deadline has not yet arrived, you can change it if you fill it out, let me introduce myself first, I am the person in charge of the Admissions Office of Nantah University, if you come to our school, not only will the tuition be free, but you will also get an extra 100,000 scholarship every year... ..."

"Okay, it's my turn when you're done talking."

Some people continued to introduce themselves.

Li Qinian interrupted the scrambling among the crowd: "I filled in University A, and I have no plans to change schools. You should go back."

It turned out to be a major...

No one was surprised.

The person in charge of University A immediately stood up excitedly, feeling that there was a holy light shining on his head:

"Student Li really has a unique vision, but I still want to ask, which major did you apply for, so that I can go back early to deal with business."


Li Qinian slowly spit out three words.

The person in charge's face was slightly stiff, with a delicate expression: "Astronomy?"

Astronomy is a delicate existence in A University.

The popular majors of University A are finance and management, and at worst, medicine and computer science. There are very few freshmen who choose astronomy every year, and many people don't even know that University A also offers an astronomy major.

Li Qinian had already expected his reaction: "Yes."

This major has been established for more than 70 years, but it has always been an unpopular major.

"Student Li, you may not be very clear about it at a young age. In terms of qualifications in astronomy, University A is definitely not comparable to Nantah University. If you really want to study astronomy, you still have to come to Nantah University."

The person in charge of Nantah University suddenly saw a glimmer of hope.

Li Qinian shook his head: "A major is enough."


Hearing the firmness in her tone, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Since my brother has made a decision, you should go too."

Li Jin chased people away.

Li Qinian: "Everyone please go ahead."

Everyone looked at her with hatred, sighed, and could only leave resentfully.

In just one afternoon, the news that Li Qinian chose to major in astronomy spread like wildfire.

At the same time, in the laboratory of University A.

A slovenly old man wiping the astronomical telescope suddenly looked up:

"Are you sure you heard correctly, she chose astronomy?"

Assistant: "Professor, the outside news has spread, I'm sure I heard it right."

The bad old man threw away the handkerchief in his hand suddenly: "I really saw her right, she was seriously ill at a young age, she won't go to the golden nest, she insisted on coming to my kennel."


Professor Yi really doesn't look like a professor at all.

Moreover, this year's top student in the college entrance examination, is it really appropriate for you to say that about him?

"Okay, you go out."

Yi Jingnian waved his hand impatiently.

The assistant closed the door of the laboratory and walked out.

Yi Jingnian rubbed his hair violently, finally took out his phone and sent a message.

That's right, the answer is astronomy! Let me explain, hypermemory is a scientific anomaly, and there is currently no way to treat it, so even if Brother Qi studies medicine, he can't cure Brother Wang. I originally planned to draw three lucky winners, but in the comment area, a total of four darlings guessed correctly, so let’s go together, I left my contact information, everyone hurry up and add me to receive the prize, good night~~

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