"The weather forecast here is too unreliable. We checked it before we set off. It's sunny these days."

The assistant teacher's face was disheveled.

The driver has long been used to it, and can still laugh and tease:

"It's like this here. It's sunny for a while, and it's raining for a while. We can go back and forth several times a day. We locals never believe in weather forecasts."

Li Qinian said suddenly: "Then how long do you estimate the rain will stop?"

Driver: "It's probably an hour or two."

"Forget it, everyone will sleep well, so just wait quietly."

Lu Li put on his earphones and got ready to sleep.

Li Qinian listened to the crisp sound of the rain hitting the glass, and was about to close her eyes to rest, but suddenly felt dizzy, she suddenly turned her head to look at the position of the car door.

A bottle of mineral water was placed by the car door, and at this moment, the water surface that was originally level suddenly shook and oscillated, creating layers of ripples.

"Did you feel the car shaking..."

Yun Sheng hesitated to make a sound, wondering if he was hallucinating.

"It's not the car shaking, it's the ground shaking."

Li Qinian's tone was a bit serious, but his expression was calm.

The teacher's eyes widened, and he immediately realized: "It's an earthquake!"

According to the intensity of the earthquake felt by everyone, the magnitude coefficient of this earthquake should not be small.

"I'll turn on the news to see..."

The assistant teacher took out his mobile phone and was about to go to Weibo to check the specific news, but found that the mobile phone signal was blank, there was no signal at all!

"how so……"

He restarted the phone, but found the same result.

"Where's your mobile phone, try to see if you can contact the outside world?"

Lu Li took out his phone, and was surprised to find that his phone had no signal:

"Mine is gone too, it's weird, ten minutes ago, I was still watching anime..."

Li Qinian's eyes darkened: "It should be due to the earthquake. There is probably something wrong with the nearest signal source. Not only us, but other people who stayed at the camping base should also have no way to contact the outside world."

"Then let's go back to the base quickly, everyone stay together and don't get separated," the teacher said.

Driver: "OK, wait for the rain to subside..."


Li Qinian's pupils dilated suddenly, and suddenly turned up the volume, trying to snatch the steering wheel!

The driver turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw the dirt and gravel on the left hillside pouring down at an unstoppable speed!

He was frightened and froze in place. After a second, he started to frantically turn on the ignition, start the car, and reverse the car!

But it's too late!

The speed of the mudslide was too fast, and it arrived in front of me in a blink of an eye, and the car was about to be buried!

At the very moment, Li Qinian suddenly turned the steering wheel to the right, the car jerked violently, and fell into a ditch half a meter deep!

A stone wall was built at the ditch, and it was precisely because of this wall that a large amount of soil and gravel was blocked, and only one front of the car was buried in the end!


The driver's hands and feet were cold. Recalling the scene just now, he felt that he had just picked up his life from hell!

Fear came to his mind, he looked gratefully at Li Qinian: "Thank you..."

If she hadn't changed direction at a critical moment, all the people in this car would have been buried alive today!

Li Qinian's expression was not good: "I'll get out of the car and have a look."

"I'll go down with you."

The teacher's hands and feet were shaking, and he gritted his teeth and got out of the car with her.

The two got out of the car, only to find that the surrounding environment was worse than they had imagined.

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