The front and rear slopes all collapsed, burying the road they came from, and their position on the road just now was not spared.

"Fortunately, you just turned around and drove the car into the ditch. If we hadn't moved just now, we would probably be buried under it now..."

The first time he faced a natural disaster at close range, he was still a little dazed.

Li Qinian's expression turned ugly: "How much food is there in the car?"

The mountain road was completely destroyed, and they were buried in the middle. The car must not be able to drive, and they could only walk out with their legs.

But the biggest problem is that they don't have enough food.

There is a distance of more than 20 kilometers from the camping base here. Even if the mountain road is not destroyed, they will have to walk for nearly a day, not to mention that there is no road in front of them, it is all pouring down loess and stones, mixed with many branches and hard It is extremely difficult to walk a few steps.

The assistant teacher is a big man of 1.85 meters, almost crying:

"Thinking about going back to the campsite at night, we didn't bring much food, only today's supper, a few pieces of bread and biscuits... Oh yes, and a few bottles of water."

"Three days."

Drenched in heavy rain, Li Qinian said a deadline, "We must go out within three days."

There were seven people in the car, and this little food would last us through tomorrow at most.

Assistant teacher: "I hope the rescue team can quickly find us before we go out..."

"Go back to the car first, it's raining too much."

Li Qinian returned to the car first, her coat was completely wet, she took off her coat and threw it aside.

"What shall we do now?"

Yun Sheng stared at Li Qinian sadly.

Li Qinian: "Sleep."

Yun Sheng suspected that she heard it wrong: "What?"

"It's raining too much. I can't walk the mountain road now. I'll sleep to save my energy. When I wake up, the rain should have stopped."

The more critical Li Qinian got, the more rational he became.

Lu Li: "Seventh brother is right, we don't have enough food, so we can only conserve our energy."

The windows of the car were completely broken and could not be rolled up at all. The originally warm interior space of the car began to be invaded by the cold wind, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Li Qinian caught a glimpse of a gray blanket on the back seat of the car, took it directly, and handed it to Yun Sheng:

"Put on."

Yun Sheng had a sore nose and almost wanted to cry.


Even though his hair was all wet, and the rain was dripping down, he still gave her the only blanket!

"I'm not cold, Seventh Brother, your hair is wet, wipe it off quickly, you can't catch a cold in this kind of place."

Li Qinian shook his head: "I'm fine, it's going to be dark soon, and the plateau is very cold at night, you should wear it."

She threw the blanket to Yun Sheng directly, with an attitude that no one could refuse.

The wind and rain were blowing, and Yun Sheng's cold lips turned white. Feeling the warmth of the blanket in her arms, she squeezed her lips tightly, and looked at Li Qinian with a complicated expression:


In this kind of weather, no one is cold, including Li Qinian.

Li Qinian didn't speak, leaned against the car door, pulled up the collar of his shirt, put his arms around his arms, bowed his head and began to doze off.

It rained heavily until half past nine in the evening.

When the rain stopped, several people in the car woke up one after another.

Driver: "We don't have a flashlight. It's not safe to walk at night. We can only leave tomorrow."

Cell phones have flashlights, but they must conserve power so they can contact rescue teams in time when the signal is restored.

Who will come tomorrow, good night~

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