
Because Li Qinian was worried about Jiang Lu, he wanted to visit Jiang's house early in the morning, but as soon as he went downstairs, he was nailed to the spot by Xiao San'er:

"Xiao Niannian, are you really having sex with Jiang Wang??!"

There was an uproar on the Internet, and it was hard for him not to know!

Li Qinian: "..."

What is a base?

They are in a reasonable relationship, ok?

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Xiao San'er was immersed in shock and couldn't extricate himself.

"I've known for a long time that he has ulterior motives for you and wants to do something wrong, but I didn't expect that he actually did it..."

"I did it to him."

Li Qinian corrected her seriously.

Little San'er: "What??!"

Li Qinian spread his hands innocently: "I was the one who turned him around, there is no way, I am greedy for brother Wang's beauty."

Xiao San'er's eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets, she was stunned for a long time, and gave her a thumbs up:



Li Qinian accepted the compliment without humility.

As soon as Li Jin came down from the stairs, he saw Li Qinian was about to go out, he paused:

"where are you going?"

"Where else can I go, of course to go on a date." Xiao San'er made up the knife at the right time.


Li Jin frowned, the 2g old man didn't know about the uproar on the Internet.

Xiao San'er took out her mobile phone and let Li Jin see it clearly:

"Boss, congratulations, you have a sister-in-law!"

Li Jin: "..."

He looked at Li Qinian: "When did it happen?"

Li Qinian couldn't tell the exact time, anyway, they got together in a daze:

"The period before and after the college entrance examination."

Li Jin's brows were knotted, his expression was not good-looking: "Are you going to find him now?"

"Yeah." Li Qinian admitted frankly, "It's getting late, brother, I have to go, what's the matter, I'll talk about it when I come back."

Before Li Jin finished speaking, Li Qinian hurried out.

Li Jin: "..."

His face was completely black.

Xiao Saner witnessed the whole process, and secretly patted Lao Bai on the shoulder:

"Do you think the boss looks like a lonely old man whose son is out on a date and can only stay at home alone, tsk, look at the way the boss looks at the gate, pitiful, really miserable..."

"Alone? Aren't we human?" Lao Bai's attention was completely lost.

Xiao San'er rolled his eyes, stared at him angrily, and forgot to control the volume for a while:

"Football, is this the point of my father? The point is that the boss is so miserable, and he has become a left-behind old father!"

In the next second, Li Jin's chilly eyes fell on him...

"Ahem! I'm suddenly very hungry, Lao Bai, let's go, let's go out to buy steamed buns..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Xiao San immediately dragged Lao Bai away and disappeared after a while.


When Li Qinian came to Jiang's old house again, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

All the servants are...specially enthusiastic about her? ?

"Where's your young master?"

Halfway through the wall, she was caught by the security guards who checked the surveillance. When Butler Jiang found out, he let her in through the gate.

Butler Jiang's expression was unnatural for a moment: "Master stayed up late last night to process some documents, and he is still sleeping."

A doubt flashed in Li Qinian's eyes.

It's almost ten o'clock now, and Brother Zhuan hasn't gotten up yet. According to his schedule, even after staying up late, he should get up, right?

"You wait here for a while, the young master will be here soon." Steward Jiang arranged carefully, "Master Li, what would you like to drink?"

Li Qinian's thoughts were all on Jiang Huang, and he said casually, "A glass of American style."

Good night!

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