"Okay, wait a moment."

Steward Jiang ordered a maid to go down to prepare, while he stayed where he was with Li Qinian.

Before the maid came back, Jiang Lu went downstairs first, Li Qinian looked at the person in front of him, his eyes flickered slightly: "Brother Lu, are you actually wearing a black shirt today?"

Usually, Li Jiangwang wears light colors, mostly gray and white, but today he suddenly changed to black, and Li Qinian noticed the difference at a glance.

"Isn't it pretty?"

Jiang Lu went to sit beside Li Qinian, the sofa suddenly sank, Li Qinian unconsciously moved to Jiang Lu's side.

Li Qinian's first reaction was to turn around with a guilty conscience, and glanced at Butler Jiang, meeting the other's shocked eyes.

Being caught in public, Steward Jiang smiled very educatedly:

"I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to do in the kitchen, young master, I'll go down first."

He retreated very naturally.

There were only the two of them left in the living room for a moment, Li Qinian finally couldn't help complaining, and took advantage of the opportunity to poke Jiang Lu's chest:

"Brother Zhuang, I didn't mean you, there are so many people, don't be so aggressive..."

Jiang Huang grabbed her fingertips, leaned close to her ear, and asked what he had just said again:

"Don't you like it?"

"I love it to death."

Li Qinian unscrupulously boasted about her delicate figure.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, she flew towards Jiang Lu's right cheek and pecked heavily!


Jiang Lu felt the wet water on his face, the corners of his mouth curved up, bent over to get close to Li Qinian, intending to kiss back.

But in the middle of the movement, he suddenly stopped for a moment, his expression flashed a bit unnatural, and the next second he continued to bend down and get closer.

"What's wrong?"

Li Qinian sensed that something was wrong with him, and her black eyes fell to his waist:

"Is your waist uncomfortable?"

The waist is not good at a young age, and the problem may be a bit big.

Jiang Wang didn't expect her observation skills to be so amazing, and said indifferently: "No problem."

"Shall I rub it for you?"

Li Qinian thought he was a good massager, so he volunteered to do it, but as soon as his fingertips pinched Jiang Lu's shirt, his hand was suddenly grabbed.

"Huh?" She looked up suspiciously.

Jiang Ju's face was calm: "It's fine, I accidentally flashed just now."

If Li Qinian saw that he was injured, apart from feeling distressed, he would probably have to fight Jiang Yi.

"There's something wrong with you."

Li Qinian looked at him for a while, then suddenly folded his arms around his chest and opened his mouth.

Jiang Lu's back tensed: "Huh?"

"Why are you so reserved today?"

Li Qinian moved closer to his chin, and looked carefully, "If I took off your clothes in the past, you would have been lying on the bed with me..."

Jiang Lu: "..."

"Do you want to take it off yourself, or should I take it off for you?"

Li Qinian considerately gave him two choices.

Jiang Lu suddenly held her hands: "Promise me first, don't be angry."

"I'm already getting angry."

Li Qinian pretended to be angry, and began to pull Jiang Huang's shirt.

"Why are there so many buttons..."

She unbuttoned five buttons in a row and did not take them off. With a violent tug, the remaining buttons fell apart with a shattering sound and fell to the ground, revealing her broad and well-shaped chest.

Li Qinian: "..."

Jiang Lu: "..."

"What are you guys doing?!"

As soon as Mr. Jiang came downstairs, he saw his grandson being crushed under him, his clothes disheveled, his hair disheveled, and he looked miserable and ravaged.

Li Qinian bounced with a "biu" like a spring!

"Hi, grandpa!"

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