Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1312: oil

Su Xiangwan simply looked at it. There was dust in the room, and many places were covered with covers. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

However, the dust is not too thick. I think someone will come to clean it, but it will take a longer time.

Because he was eager to find Han Mu, Su Xiangwan didn't look at it for too long.

I hurriedly found the location of the stairs, and I saw a wheelchair and threw it there.

Su Xiangwan recognized that the wheelchair was Han Mu at a glance, but didn't she act the same? How did you get to the second floor?

Without thinking about it, Su Xiangwan hurried upstairs.

But after taking two steps, I felt my feet slippery.

She couldn't help but stop, looking down, a large area of ​​transparent water stains all over the stairs.

Su Xiangwan's pupils shrank, and then looked up, only to find that the floor on the first floor, as well as the window frames and walls on all sides, had many signs of being wet.

When she just came in, she also noticed that some furniture had different shades of color, but she only thought it was because of age, but she didn't realize that it was getting wet at all.

Su Xiangwan's breathing heavier for a few minutes, and then looked down.

Those oily and translucent liquids flow slowly.

Where is water, it is clearly oil!

Su Xiangwan's figure flickered for two minutes, and one hand subconsciously supported the stair railing on the side.

She remembered that Han Che had said that her mother, like her, was burned to death by fire.

Han Che had always suspected that Mu Beiting was the one who killed and killed people in the previous life. She had no trace of the things in the previous life, but in this life she could be sure that Mu Beiting would never do such a thing!

So what's the matter with these oils?

Is there only Aunt Han upstairs, or are there others?

Before the fire started, Su Xiangwan's eyes had already started to turn black, and his throat seemed to have started to smoke.

Looking up again, the surrounding area seemed to be full of smoke, and the fire was overwhelming.

Su Xiangwan closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, trying to make himself sober.

Since she was burned to death by fire in her previous life, she has been fearful of fire, but it is not serious, and she always treats it with caution.

But at this moment, standing in this room full of kerosene, she felt that her legs were filled with lead, and her heart was trembling.

After calming down for a few seconds, Su Xiangwan opened his eyes again, and there was still calm in the duplex building.

Su Xiangwan lightly breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed the fear in his heart. As he walked upstairs quickly, he tremblingly dialed the fire alarm number and reported his location.

Regardless of whether the fire burns up or not, the oil all over the floor is not safe.

Su Xiangwan ran upstairs quickly, but the closer she got, the more she felt that the temperature was getting higher, and a strong burning sensation began to hit her face. Her heart tightened, and when she looked up, she saw that the second floor was already burning in the blink of an eye. Up.

The crimson flames spit out tongues of fire like a giant dragon, gathering from all around to the middle, and almost in the blink of an eye, they became a sea of ​​fire.

And Su Xiangwan clearly saw that Mother Han was leaning on the sofa, her eyes drooping slightly, as if she had fallen asleep.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there is also a bottle of wine and a glass.

"Auntie Han!" Su Xiangwan's heart tightened, and subconsciously rushed to the person in the middle.

If you delay any longer, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Her legs were shaking all the way.

The surrounding heat waves rushed towards her face, making her remember the burning pain once again.

Su Xiangwan's eye circles turned red, trying to calm himself down, but still couldn't resist the body's reaction.

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