Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1313: Fire

One staggered and fell to the ground.

Raising his head again, the flames in front of him were already rising higher and higher, and the figure of the Han mother also flickered in the shadow of the shadow.


She has to stand up!

She has to save Aunt Han!

I can't die here!

Su Xiangwan's eyes filled with a layer of water mist, and he hurriedly climbed up, trying not to look at the devilish flames with his teeth and claws, and ran straight to the cold mother.

"Auntie Han...Auntie Han?" Su Xiangwan shook her shoulder vigorously, but she still closed her eyes tightly and motionless.

How to do?

What to do...

Su Xiangwan's heart beat fast, and she reached out to try her snort.

Still angry, people are still alive.

She tried to lift her up, but although Han's mother was not fat, she was not too light. In addition to the inconvenience of her legs and feet, Su Xiangwan was extremely difficult, and she dragged her away from the burning sofa for a long while.

The temperature on the ground is getting higher and higher, and the smoke billowing in the room is getting heavier and heavier.

Su Xiangwan glanced at Mother Han, and he couldn't go on like this.

She tried to run to the window and blindly call for help to the driving driver and pedestrians, but the window frame was already burning, the glass was burned red, and the heat was about to crack almost in the next second.

Su Xiangwan's throat tightened because he was unfamiliar with the structure here, and there was a lot of smoke billowing, and there was no window frame.

The restroom...Yes, the restroom!

Su Xiangwan searched for the direction of the bathroom, but fortunately, the bathroom hadn't burnt up yet.

Su Xiangwan ran in quickly and pulled the cotton cloth apart, intending to soak it.

But when I turned on the faucet, I found that the faucet didn't respond at all.

Su Xiangwan's legs softened and fell to the ground.

There is no water...There is no water...

Why did she forget that this house has not lived for a long time, and the water and electricity must be cut off.

But the light in the room just turned on, where is the switch?

Where is the main water valve?

Su Xiangwan looked around in the bathroom, but couldn't find it.

Her heart is getting tighter and tighter.

Could it be that the two lives are human, she can't escape the fate of being buried in the flames?

When she thought of the scene in the previous life, her hands began to tremble. The intense fear and anxiety seemed to be like the billowing smoke and heat waves, which almost swept her whole body, making her look like a stone statue, stiff and difficult to move.

no no……

She can't die here, what should Mu Beiting do if she dies? What to do every year? What to do with soft...

What about father and brother?


She can't die here.

There are so many people she loves, and so many people who love her, how could she die here.

Su Xiangwan got up from the hotter ground with red eyes and forced himself to calm down.


He glanced across the bathroom, and then landed on the toilet tank.

After a pause, he stepped forward and opened the water tank cover.

Although it has not been used for a long time, there is still half a tank of water in it!

Su Xiangwan showed a touch of joy, soaked the cotton cloth quickly, and then tore off the intact piano cover he had just picked up, and stuffed it into the water tank.

The piano cover is too big to fit into the water tank completely.

After plugging it in, the water in the water tank was almost dry after a while.

The piano cover was soaked for most of the time, and Su Xiangwan couldn't take care of that much. She couldn't worry about her mother, put the piano cover on her body, covered her mouth and nose and ran out to find her.

She had just placed Hanmu in a safer place, but the fire had already swept over her face, making her face red.

Su Xiangwan's heart tightened, and quickly dragged her up.

First dragged her to her side, then quickly tied the soaked cotton cloth to her nose and mouth, and then tied herself again, dragging Hanmu downstairs.

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