Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1315: Can't wait to die

Su Xiangwan nodded, touched the cotton cloth tied on his face, and checked Han's mother again.

"Now let's see if the inside of the stairs hasn't burnt yet."

Su Xiangwan followed his words and looked at it, only to realize that the inside of the stairs hadn't really burnt up yet.

Only the middle of the stairs and the side of the handrail were already ablaze.

Fortunately, the fire started in the middle of the upper floor and spread to the surrounding areas and the stairs a little bit, so the fire on the stairs was relatively small.

Of course, that is only relative.

"If not, just lean over the wall and go downstairs."

Su Xiangwan held the phone in his mouth, got up with red eyes, and calmed down a bit with his words.

She can't wait to die here.

In the previous life, she was seriously injured and tied up, unable to escape, but in this life, she can... she can definitely!

Su Xiangwan forcefully carried Han's mother on her back, because she was not strong enough, so she could not lift up all of her, and Han's two legs were still on the ground.

But as long as she can walk with her, it is enough for Su Xiangwan.

She fumbled the walls from time to time, and walked down the stairs little by little.

Those large and small happy flames were beating on the feet.

After calming down for a few minutes, Su Xiangwan realized that the places that had not been poured with oil were burning not as fast as she had imagined.

A moment without her imagination is enough to start a prairie fire.

The stairs are wooden and seem to last a while.

Regarding the small flames at his feet, Su Xiangwan calmed down a lot, and was not so afraid.

After walking down a few steps, Su Xiangwan gradually realized that the fire on the back half of the stairs was actually not as big as expected, but the smoke billowed, making people unclear.

Su Xiangwan, who was choking with smoke, couldn't open her eyes, and she didn't care if she was right, so she simply put on her sunglasses.

Although the smoke is blocked a lot, the visible line is not very good.

Su Xiangwan didn't bother to look any more, groping for the wall, and walked down with the cold mother on his back.

Mu Beiting's voice was low and continued: "Don't panic, be careful not to empty the steps. Once you get down to the first floor, stay away from the building on the second floor, pay attention to the roof beams, pay attention to the chandeliers..."

Although he knew she hadn't walked downstairs yet, he was afraid that she would be uneasy and repeated it tirelessly.

Su Xiangwan didn't know how long it had been before, and finally came downstairs with Han Mu on his back.

The clothes on her body were sticky and hot, and it was terribly uncomfortable.

She couldn't take care of so much, and quickly glanced around.

The smoke on the first floor was much less than that on the second floor, and the fire was much smaller.

But as expected, a lot of things fell from upstairs, smashing to the ground, and because of the oil on the ground, the fire was still burning.

There was still flames all around, but fortunately, Su Xiangwan was able to discern the direction.

It can only be distinguished, but there is a lot of oil at the top of the stairs, and the fire is so fierce. If she can rush over, she can only rush with the cold mother on her back... even walking is very laborious...

"Late night, don't be afraid, tell me about the situation." Mu Beiting said in a deep voice, trying to calm her down.

"There is a fire blocking the way...I can't walk." Su Xiangwan slowly said, his voice hoarse, but without the choking of just now, he became a lot firmer.

"The fire is not big. If it is not big, check if there is anything around you and use physical methods to reduce the fire. If it is big..."

According to what he said, Su Xiangwan tore off the soaked cotton cloth that had been wrapped around him and Han Mu, and slapped the fire in front of him vigorously, trying to make the fire smaller.

But there is oil under the fire, so it doesn't have much effect, on the contrary, there are a lot of flames on the cloth towel.

Su Xiangwan's eye circles were a little red, and he didn't tell Mu Beiting that he still couldn't.

He was not here at all, and couldn't see the situation, she knew that what he could say was the best way he could think of.

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