Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1316: How could it be him

At this moment, a figure stepped into the fire and rushed in in a cloud of smoke.

"Su Xiangwan!"

Song Ziming ignored the driver's obstruction, rushed to a nearby convenience store, poured a bucket of water from his head, and rushed in.

The small building has been burnt to a halt, and the thick smoke fits the furniture.

Soon after Song Ziming rushed in, the wooden furniture and buildings upstairs began to fall, making a loud noise.

Song Ziming searched for her figure, vaguely saw a slender figure shrinking at the top of the stairs.

"Su Xiangwan!" Song Ziming's pupils shrank and ran forward quickly.

Su Xiangwan was a little fainted by the smoke at this meeting, saw a figure rushing towards him in the hazy, and immediately stood up: "Here!"

When the voice fell, a decorative cabinet on the wall of the stairway fell off.

Su Xiangwan's heart tightened and hurried to pull Hanmu.

The cabinet smashed down at the feet of the two of them, splashing a lot of sparks, which was particularly thrilling.

But in a hurry, the phone fell into the fire with a ‘pop’.

The page still stayed on the page where she was talking to Mu Beiting, and within a few seconds, the screen went black.

Su Xiangwan bit his lip and squatted down again, trying to pick up the phone.

I stretched out my hand and tried several times, but the surrounding flames had already engulfed it.

Although it's not big, she tried several times, but she couldn't get it out.

At this time, Song Ziming had already rushed to the two of them.

Seeing Su Xiangwan still trying to pick up the phone, Song Ziming frowned and kicked the phone away from the fire.

Su Xiangwan was a little lost and looked up at him.

But when he saw Song Ziming's face, he was a little dazed.

How... how could it be him...

How could it be Song Ziming?

"Don't pick it up, it may explode under high temperature!" Song Ziming said in a deep voice.

Su Xiangwan was still absent and immersed in the shock of Song Ziming.

"Why, did you find that I'm handsome?" Song Ziming frowned, only to see that there was a burden behind Su Xiangwan.

Su Xiangwan recovered, and said nothing.

Song Ziming didn't talk nonsense anymore: "Can you go?"

Su Xiangwan nodded, Song Ziming took off his suit jacket, and patted the flames that stopped Su Xiangwan and Han Mu for a while.

I couldn't put it out, but maybe the oil was almost burned, and the fire was slightly smaller.

Song Ziming stepped forward quickly, grabbed Su Xiangwan with his big hands, first helped her up, and then fell on Han Mu and asked, "Alive?"

Su Xiangwan nodded, just now she tried Aunt Han's snort, and she was indeed alive.

Song Ziming didn't say a word, and picked up Han's mother on his back.

"Hurry up!" Song Ziming said in a deep voice, and rushed over with Mother Han on his back.

Su Xiangwan let out a sigh of relief and followed closely.

After escaping the stairs, Su Xiangwan let out a sigh of relief.

But the things upstairs were already crumbling, and before two steps out, the huge chandelier on the roof fell off first.

"Be careful!" Su Xiangwan tugged Song Ziming behind him.

The chandelier slammed heavily in front of the two of them, and they both raised their arms to cover their faces.

The glass shards were everywhere, and Su Xiangwan's neck and arms were scratched with two blood marks, and a few pieces of shards sank into the skin through the clothes.

Song Ziming is a bit more serious than her, but this level can only be regarded as painless or itchy.

The two walked around the glass and the fire, and Song Ziming glanced at her and asked, "Is it okay?"

Su Xiangwan shook his head with complicated eyes, never expected that he would come to save himself.

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