Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1332: coincidence

He was blank at the time: "Why?"

Han Yunqi's eyes were red: "You fool, I like you, don't you know!"

He was greatly shocked at the time. He never thought that some cold and strong Han Yun, who never talked about love, would actually like himself?

But at that time, he was all focused on Lu Zhixuan, where he could take care of so much.

Although he was a little slow at that time, he was not indecisive, so he simply refused.

Han Yun laughed at himself at the time: "I know...knowing that you are full of another woman, I never thought about arguing with her, just hope you don't mention her in front of me again."

He was silent, but he also understood how she felt at the time.

After all, A's honey, B's arsenic.

But in the same way, after that, he deliberately kept a certain distance from Han Yun. Firstly, he was responsible for himself and Lu Zhixuan. Secondly, he hoped that Han Yun could fade away from his liking and choose another good partner.

Han Yun saw his indifference and alienation in his eyes, and was also a little angry.

After all, she is the proud woman of heaven, and she has always been a little arrogant, so how can she receive such treatment?

At first, she had also been in a stalemate with him, always feeling that he would bow his head in this way.

But at that time, she had forgotten that she was never the pivotal woman in his life. She was all alone, but he was really far away from her.

She was emotionally complicated at the time, and she repeated it for a long time.

Finally understood that he didn't love her, he really didn't love her.

After struggling for nearly a year, she finally decided to study abroad and completely broke off with these.

But after all, she was the one she loved when she was young, no matter how decisive she was, the girlish feelings and depression that she was full of would eventually turn into deep reluctance.

Immediately, before leaving, she asked him to see him for the last time, which was considered goodbye.

Mu Yusheng was silent for a moment, and nodded when he thought that he might not see you again in this life.

That day, Han Yun packed himself up early, and painted a makeup carefully for the first time.

In fact, she seldom applied grease and powder, thinking it was just a waste of time.

But that day, she drew carefully for a long time, and then changed to a brand new dress that she had never tried before.

She wanted to leave a still beautiful impression in his heart before leaving, and wanted to make people understand that she was still the perfect and proud cold cloud, even if he didn't love her, she would not be dim and embarrassed because of it.

They agreed at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Mu Yusheng planned to go there as scheduled.

Unfortunately, when she was about to go out, she heard Lu Zhixuan's servant come over and said that Lu Zhixuan had a stomachache and passed out at home, and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

He was very anxious at the time, and his heart was full of Lu Zhixuan's affairs. Wherever he had the intention to meet Han Yun again.

He simply sent someone to the agreed place and sent a message to Han Yun, saying that he had something to do and couldn't go, and he had a chance to get together again in the future.

Han Yun waited for him happily, but never thought that he would not even leave her the last chance to meet.

Her heart turned into running water, she just asked the servant briefly what he was delayed.

The servant hesitated for a moment and then frankly told Lu Zhixuan about her stomachache and coma.

Han Yun waved his hand and let people go.

After leaving, she went to the night market to buy drunk herself.

She has always been proud, and she is also free and easy.

But when I was young, it was always sad to love but not to.

She was drunk by herself until midnight, and although she was not as drunk as mud, she was also drunk.

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