Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1333: misfortune

It's just that she didn't expect that in the chaotic place of the night scene, she, a young and beautiful single woman, would have been targeted early.

Until late at night, I walked through a remote alley.

However, a few malicious rascals came out, surrounded her round and round, and then turned her around||rape...

The next day, Han Yun woke up, and his spirit was a little abnormal.

When Mu Yusheng heard about this later, she blamed herself very much, thinking that if it hadn't been for her appointment, she would not have done so.

Therefore, during that time, he would often accompany Han Yun and take care of her, hoping she can cheer up.

But I didn't expect that after half a year, she found out that she was pregnant again.

Han Yun seemed to be completely mad. If he was a little clear at first, he was always mad afterwards.

Mu Yusheng thought about destroying the child, but at that time, if she forcefully killed it that month, she was afraid of her life.

After discussing with Han Yun's parents, Mu Yusheng decided to let her give birth to the child.

I thought that maybe she would get better in the future, but I didn't expect her condition to get worse after the baby was born.

He took her to see many psychologists, but he still failed to get her better.

Then one of the doctors suggested to him that the person in Han Yun's heart was him. If he admits that the child is theirs, maybe Han Yun's condition will get better.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded.

According to the doctor, he pretended that the child was his own, and he spent more and more time with her, making her believe that the child was theirs.

Her condition is really getting better as the doctor said.

Even like an ordinary couple, she will wait for him to get off work every day at home, cook meals, and teach her children to read and read.

She really seemed to think they were a family, a husband and wife.

Such days have been going on for several years, and Mu Yusheng thought that she was already like ordinary people, so he wanted to stop.

After all, the person he loves is Lu Zhixuan, and it is impossible to accompany the mother and child for the rest of their lives because of guilt.

Moreover, Lu Zhixuan was also pregnant and gave birth to a child at that time, and she had even sensed that he was wrong, but she had been silently accepting it.

But he still didn't want to tell her about Han Che's mother and son, because once she knew, she would definitely think that it was because of her stomachache that she had harmed Han Yun, and she would definitely blame herself.

He just thought, it would be better to bear such a guilt by himself.

I don't want her to bear it anymore.

After all, he made a decision, and took a day to choose between Han Yun and Ming.

Tell her that Han Che was not their child, but that Han Che's father was his friend for many years, and that he had passed away at the beginning of her pregnancy.

So he has been taking care of it all these years.

But he didn't want to. After Han Yun heard this, he immediately broke out again, and the whole person's state instantly recovered to the previous one.

Mu Yusheng felt unable, and went to consult a psychologist again.

Psychological experts said that Han Yun’s situation is actually not uncommon. She is actually very clear in her heart what happened and how the child came, but she herself refused to admit it or face it.

So when he comforted her with that kind of lie before, she would gladly accept it.

She actually knew the truth very well, but she didn't want to believe it.

People subconsciously choose what they want, so she stubbornly chooses to believe that the child is his.

To deceive yourself and others like this will last forever.

Therefore, the peace maintained is actually nothing more than appearance.

If Hanyun wants to continue to maintain a normal life, then this lie must continue.

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