Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1974: Where did you go

After Jun was relieved, he was not hypocritical, and planned to go to the hospital for another checkup while Rong Chen was not at home.

Because she was afraid that Rong Chen and Jun Chengen would find out, she first ruled out the hospitals under the names of Rong and Jun.

She didn't plan to go to the hospital she went to last time. Jiang Nannan said that many of the free medical check-ups were done for the sake of performance.

In the end, Jun chose a private hospital an hour away from here.

Although it is a private hospital, the fees are high and the environment is very good, and the reputation is relatively good.

When Jun arrived at the hospital, he first registered, and then went to the gastroenterology department.

Because of the pertinence, the series of inspections did not take too long. After the end, Jun walked through the corridor of the ward and looked at the men, women, old and young who were wearing hospital gowns in the ward.

Lightly touched his arm, feeling a chill for no reason.

Because most of the people in the hospital are undergoing chemotherapy, many people shave their hair early.

Jun Lei slowly sat on the chair mountain in the hospital corridor, feeling a little lost.

As a result, it took three days to come out, and Jun had faintly hoped that he had been misdiagnosed, or that he had taken the wrong test sheet.

But she also knows that this is unlikely.

She hasn't been able to come, in addition to being financially tight, she is even more afraid that she will be diagnosed again, and the last bit of luck in her heart will also be extinguished.

Before long, the phone rang.

Jun took a look at Rong Chen, and quickly picked up the phone and said, "Your surgery is over?"

"Well, I'm almost home."

Jun Li hurriedly went out: "I'm going out to buy something. It may take a while to get home."

"Where, I'll pick you up." Rong Chen said.

Jun thought for a while, reported the name of a supermarket, and hurriedly took a taxi and hurried over there.

Rong Chen turned the front of the car and drove the car into the underground parking lot of the supermarket. When he came up from downstairs, he saw a slender figure rushing in from the outside, and then directly got on the elevator leading to the supermarket.

She looks very anxious, and has been climbing up quickly after getting on the escalator.

Rong Chen stood there, looking thoughtfully at her back.

When Rong Chen reunited with Jun, Jun Jun had already thrown some things in the shopping cart, not a lot, but it looked like he had been shopping for a while.

Rong Chen glanced at the shopping cart and said warmly, "What else to buy?"

"Well, buy some more milk." Jun thought for a while and said.


Seeing that he had no doubt, Jun Yi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The hospital was really not close, she almost came back before him.

The two picked a lot of things again, until they went to the cash desk to check out, Rong Chen looked at the sanitary napkin that was passing through the scanner, and looked at Jun, "Why do you get so much of this kind of money?"

Jun was stunned for a while, and after looking at what she was holding, he realized that she was actually holding all the mesh money.

The ones she used before were all soft and soft...

She was so anxious at the time that she happened to pass the shelf of sanitary napkins and took a few bags to fill the shopping cart, but she didn't expect the wrong one.

Jun became nervous and looked at Rong Chen and said, "Maybe I didn't pay attention when I took it. I'll change it."

With that, he picked up the wrong packs of sanitary napkins and ran into the supermarket.

Because it is a working day and it is noon, there are not many people, so there is no need to worry about affecting others.

Rong Chen didn't rush to put things in his shopping bags.

Well, I don’t use brand laundry detergent, messy fruits and snacks.

Yes, where did you go?

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