Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1975: This one is different

After being raised at home for two days, Rong Chen transferred Jun's internship to the hospital he used most often.

When Jun Li and Rong Chen went to the hospital to report, they were still a little unreliable: "Will it be bad for us to come together? Would they think I was under the unspoken rules?"

Rong Chen stopped the car and said warmly, "That's right."

Jun flattened his mouth, looked at the hospital several times larger than before, and felt a little nervous for no reason.

Rong Chen took her to the department, and soon a director greeted her.

I looked up and down and said, "This is the intern you mentioned? How about I arrange for Dr. Jiang to take her?"

Jun looked at Rong Chen, after all, she didn't understand this Doctor Jiang at all.

Rong Chen said warmly: "Don't bother Dr. Jiang, I will bring it myself."

The director was a little surprised: "You never want to worry about this kind of trouble."

You are now:...

Being called troublesome, she was really embarrassed.

But think about it, isn’t it?

She seems to be a real trouble.

"This is different." Rong Chen looked at Jun and said warmly.

The director seemed to want to ask something, but Rong Chen didn't mean to explain any more, and took Jun to his office.

As soon as he entered the office, Jun looked up at his office.

The office is huge, it's...a bit wasteful.

There is a faint smell of disinfectant in the room, and the same items are placed neatly.

"Rong Chen, what am I doing?" Jun asked Pidianpidian.

Rong Chen took out a few cases and handed them to her: "This is the operation scheduled for the next week. When you follow the stage, you should first understand the situation of these people."

"Yes!" Jun got a little more serious.

Rong Chen's gaze became softer, looking at the woman sitting behind the small table, he felt that it was more secure to put people under his eyelids as expected.

Jun looked at it seriously, and Rong Chen was not idle either.

The office is extremely quiet, with only the occasional sound of paper turning.

The whole morning passed quickly, and when it was approaching eleven o'clock, Jun Li's cell phone suddenly broke the peace in the office.

She glanced at Rong Chen, stuck out her tongue, and quickly turned out her phone.

The number above is the phone number of the doctor in the hospital she had previously saved.

Jun's heart sank a bit.

Is the inspection result coming out...

She glanced at Rong Chen and stood up and said, "Should I go out to answer the phone?"

Rong Chen raised his eyes and looked at her without making a sound.

He was wearing a white coat and still wearing those glasses. He looked a little colder than when he was at home, and he was more inexplicably majestic.

When he agreed, he hurriedly left the office to find a quiet place to answer the phone.

"Hello, how are you Dr. Liu?" Jun said in a low voice.

"Is that right?"

"Well, it's me, did my inspection results come out..." Jun asked, and his hand holding the phone tightened involuntarily.

"Now, you have time to come over. I think it's better to say it in person." The other side said warmly.

Jun Liao's heart sank a bit. She has been in the hospital for a while, and naturally knows that if she wants to meet to talk, usually the situation is very serious.

Jun let out a sigh of relief, and then said, "Dr. Liu, please tell me directly. I have checked in other hospitals before, so I am mentally prepared."

Hearing this, the other side was silent for a few seconds and said: "Oh, it's stomach cancer. The situation is not very optimistic. I suggest you be hospitalized."

Even if he had been prepared, he still buzzed his mind once, and he couldn't get back to his senses.

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