Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2089: like what?

"What?" Li Mubai turned to look at her, and asked in a cold voice.

"It's the woman just now." Xia Feise said slowly.

Li Mubai looked at her for a few seconds and whispered: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

Xia Feise retracted her gaze and fell silent.

Li Mubai's pace was a bit faster, and he didn't know what he was upset about.

I only know that I can find it this way, and the more I go, the more chaotic.

Xia Feise didn't speak any more, and didn't have to try to keep up with him.

She had an ankle injury, so she walked slowly behind her at her own pace, looking the same whether he was there or not.

After Li Mubai walked a few meters out, he turned to look at her and said, "Walking so slowly, are you planning to walk until dawn?"

Xia Feise looked at him calmly, and said warmly: "You can go back first."

"Heh." Li Mubai sneered, took a deep look at her, and then turned around and left.

Xia Feise slowly stopped, seeing his figure getting further and further away, she retracted her gaze and looked for a step to take a rest.

Anyway, he is gone, so she doesn't need to worry.

It's really tired after walking for so long.

The night breeze is blowing, and the temperature at night is a bit cold.

Xia Feise sat for a while, and was suddenly covered by a shadow.

She slowly raised her head, looked at the man's stern face, and said nothing.

Li Mubai looked down at her and said coldly: "I know if it's wrong."

"I know." Xia Fei said warmly.

"What's wrong." Li Mubai continued to ask.

"Well... you shouldn't get lost, your life was wasted." Xia Feise said slowly, feeling like she was coaxing a child.

But it is true that he turns his face faster than he turns a book.

Li Mubai sneered and said coldly: "You have a good temper. You are still sitting on the ground with a few words. How old do you think you are, huh?"

Before Xia Feise could answer, she saw him turning around and squatting in front of her: "Come up."

Looking at the straight back in front of him, Xia Feise was stunned for a few seconds, forgetting to react.

Li Mubai frowned and said impatiently: "What is the ink!"

"Oh." Xia Feise returned to her senses and slowly climbed up.

Li Mubai carried her on her back, bent her arms across her legs, and yelled: "I gave you a lot of face, and even let me ride on Lao Tzu's neck."

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying: "I think I am riding my waist."

Li Mubai glanced at her sideways, his eyes became more frivolous: "Why, I really want to ride?"

Xia Feise ignored him, he kept talking like this anyway.

After a while, she asked softly: "Am I sinking?"

Li Mubai squinted at her and sneered: "It's very light, and there is no two flesh, and there is no longer what should grow or not."

Xia Feise put her head on his shoulder, and the faint aroma of her body poured into his nose.

Li Mubai lowered his eyes slightly and said nothing.

Xia Feise looked at his ears with her eyes open. The outline of the ears was very nice. They were originally white, but this would make the auricles and earlobes a little red.

Xia Feise looked at it for a while, couldn't help reaching out and touching it lightly, and whispered, "Li Mubai, your ears are red."

The woman's voice was soft and soft, and it was unspeakable when he called his name, and it was more sultry than those women who scratched their heads and posed.

Li Mubai sank again, and said quietly, "The wind blows."

Xia Feise lay on his shoulder and slowly said, "Like shy."

Li Mubai threw her down, turned and looked at her directly, his eyes frivolous.

Xia Feise looked away and didn't intend to answer.

Li Mubai directly pushed her on the street lamp, lowered her head and kissed her, which was fierce and heavy, and she wanted to scream pain when she bit her.

"Like what?" Li Mubai didn't know how long he bit her, let go of her and whispered.

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