Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2090: You blush

He held her in his arms, Xia Feise felt quite warm, but the legs he kissed became soft and his cheeks were hot.

Li Mubai lightly raised her chin, and looked carefully at the street lamp, as if tasting some treasures.

He bowed his head a little closer to her, and said ambiguously: "You blush."

Xia Feise didn't want to pay attention to him, her eyes fell silent.

This person is really careful, she just said a word and he wants to retaliate.

Li Mubai lowered his head again and said in her ear: "The way you look now is the same as when I slept with you."

His breath is warm and itchy on the ears.

Xia Feise hid, pushed him away, turned and left.

Li Mubai gave a chuckle, followed behind her, walking unhurriedly, and seemed to be in a better mood.

Fortunately, I didn't go far, and I got to the parking place.

Xia Feise was a little sleepy, yawned and felt a little cold, and got into the car quickly.

Xia Feise shrank into a ball in the car and arrived home in a daze.

After a simple wash, I climbed into bed. I have to get up early tomorrow, and I have to go to bed quickly.

After Li Mubai came out of the shower, he saw the woman on the bed sleeping quietly, and the soft cheeks would calm people's heart.

He turned around and went to the study to light a cigarette. He stood in front of the window and looked at the night without knowing what he was thinking.

The next day, after Xia Feise got up, Li Mubai had already left.

She sat on the bed for a while, wondering if his frequency of appearance had been so high recently that she was a little uncomfortable.

He didn't touch her last night, but she could feel him holding her in his arms, so warm.

After Xia Feise got up slowly, she saw another pile of Grandpa Mao thrown on the head of the bed.

I don't know where he got so much cash. Is it bad to transfer money or swipe card?

Xia Feise was really worried that she would be robbed of the money.

Xia Feise felt that Li Mubai shouldn't be a person with great desires, because every time he tossed her, he always had a lot of tricks.

But every time he withdrew and left, he was determined and simply, as if he had no nostalgia.

After Xia Feise cleaned up, she ate some bread and hurried to the dance troupe.

In fact, she should take a good rest for a few days. The foot that fell yesterday was a bit serious. It is really not a good thing to add new injuries to old injuries.

Slowly rubbing against the dance troupe, I ran into Fan Xiaoai on the road.

Xiao Ai took her arm and said, "Blush, yesterday...Did you get a Lamborghini just yesterday!!!"

Fan Xiaoai struggled all night to ask Xia Feise, and was afraid to disturb her dating the mysterious person in the car. After struggling for a long time, he finally decided to wait until I saw her today to ask questions.

"En." Xia Feise replied softly, not wanting to mention more about Li Mubai, but also didn't want to deceive his friends.

"Um... who is he? How did you meet him? Boyfriend?" Fan Xiaoai asked curiously.

Xia Feise smiled at her and said warmly: "It's my husband."

Fan Xiaoai's eyes widened and looked at her in shock: "You, you, you, you are married!"

Xia Feise made a silent gesture to her: "Well, he doesn't like me to mention him, otherwise I will introduce you to him."

Fan Xiaoai nodded, a little bit uncomprehending the meaning of these words, and her gaze at Xia Feise couldn't help but feel distressed.

Is he too ugly?

That's why I don't like to come out to meet people.

After all, they are so beautiful, does that man know that he is not worthy of it!

Fan Xiaoai was thinking wildly, and the two had already entered the dance troupe.

There are all kinds of discussions everywhere, some are very low, and some are uncontrollable, as if they are telling a story.

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