Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2119: Come back home

Xia Feise reached out her hand and hugged him gently, leaning in her arms and did not speak.

She thought it would be good even for a while.

No matter who this person is.

Li Mubai hugged her with one hand, did not speak, and let her hold.

After a while, Xia Feise slowly raised her head to look at him and said, "Are you going home?"

Li Mubai stared at her for a few seconds, and the woman's eyes had returned to her usual softness and calmness, as if nothing had happened.

"Go." Li Mubai grabbed her wrist and turned to leave.

Xia Feise was dragged and staggered, and slowly followed.

After getting in the car, Li Mubai lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, his face gloomy.

After Xia Feise slowly fastened her seat belt, Wen said: "How do you know that I am here?"

Li Mubai turned his head and glanced at her, sneered: "I found it one by one, how did you know how I knew it!"

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds before whispering: "You are not my Laozi, don't talk nonsense."

Li Mubai sneered: "It's pretty poor."

Xia Feise didn't speak, and after a while she whispered, "Thank you."

She never thought he would come, nor expected him to come.

She even thought of countless people who found her first, but never thought of him among them.

Li Mubai watched the road with his cigarette in his mouth, took the cigarette out of his mouth and asked, "How can I thank you?"

Xia Feise thought for a while, and slowly said, "I'll make you some good food for the evening?"

Li Mubai said coldly: "I want to kill me as soon as I have a meal, do you treat me as a beggar?"

Xia Feise remained unmoved, and continued: "Sweet and sour pork ribs?"

Li Mubai didn't speak.

Xia Feise continued: "Crystal hoof?"

"Buddha jumping off the wall?"

"Steamed sea bass?"


Xia Feise said several things, and slowly said, "Don't eat it."

Li Mubai glanced at her, as if thinking of something, threw his cell phone to her and said, "Save the phone."

Looking at the black phone that suddenly fell in her hand, Xia Feise was stunned.

Then he looked up at him and asked: "Mine?"

"Otherwise it's mine?" Li Mubai asked.


Xia Feise lowered her head and opened his mobile phone. Without a password, Xia Feise opened it directly.

The screen saver is the wallpaper that comes with the phone, and nothing has been set.

Xia Feise didn't mess around, she clicked on the address book, and slowly stored her number in it.

Just as soon as the deposit was finished, with a dingdong sound, a text message came into the phone.

Xia Feise didn't want to read it, but the text message banner had a hint on it.

She still saw a little bit of content inadvertently.

It seems that the woman named Han Jingrong I met last time, seems to be saying something, if he doesn't reply to her, she won't live...

Xia Feise raised her head to look at Li Mubai. Seeing that he didn't mean to read the text message, she couldn't help but reminded: "You have come in a message."

"Don't care." Li Mubai said coldly.

"Oh." Xia Feise nodded and returned the phone to him.

Li Mubai turned on the phone and glanced at the number saved by Xia Feise. The remarks were the three characters Xia Feise, which was quite satisfactory.

Li Mubai changed the remarks with one hand, and changed it to: Seise.

Xia Feise was stunned, her ears were stained with a layer of pink, "I don't call this."

Li Mubai said lightly: "What's that called?"

Xia Feise saw him knowingly asking, but looked at him and didn't speak.

Li Mubai put away the phone and completely ignored her.

Xia Feise waited for a while, and couldn't help but speak: "Then I will save your remarks as an idiot."

Li Mubai twitched the corner of her lips and glanced at her: "You try?"

Faced with those evil eyes, Xia Feise could not speak. After a long while, she was defeated and turned her head to look out of the window without speaking.

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