Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2120: Settle accounts

Before getting off the car, Li Mubai's gaze swept over the co-pilot's seat.

The leather chair was stained with a faint blood stain. Although it was not heavy, it was easily noticed by Li Mubai, who was sensitive to smell.

Looking at the woman walking in front, there was obviously a small blood stain on the back of her head, which was sticky with her hair, which had been solidified.

Li Mubai's eyes darkened a bit, and he said nothing.

When she got home, Xia Feise took a bath and changed her clothes.

After all, there is a pile of debris in the warehouse, and it is not comfortable to stay for a few hours.

Li Mubai sat on the sofa and waited for her. When the bathroom door opened, she saw that the woman had taken off her dancing clothes and put on a set of off-white casual clothes, which was elegant and clean.

The little face was white and tender, like a lotus in the water.

Xia Feise looked up at him, saw that he had been staring at him, hesitated for a moment and slowly said, "What's the matter?"

Li Mubai stepped forward and took her into his arms and whispered, "I just found out that you look pretty."

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying, "I thought you chose me because I was good-looking."

There were many people dancing on the stage that day, and there were many shows.

Although almost all of them are beautiful women, Xia Feise still has to thank Gene for giving her a beautiful face.

She always felt that Li Mubai chose her because of that face.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of any reason for this man who had never met before to choose herself.

Li Mubai twitched his lips: "You are not modest at all."

Xia Feise looked at him and said seriously: "Excessive modesty is hypocrisy."

Li Mubai glanced at her, chuckled, it was nothing.

In fact, there were many women on the stage, and many beautiful women.

Even if some faces are not very marked, most of them have good temperaments.

But he didn't know why, among so many beautiful women, he saw her at a glance.

"Let's go." Li Mubai took a coat and turned around.

"Where?" Xia Feise asked him.

"Settle it!" Li Mubai's gaze darkened for a few minutes, and his body was domineering, and there was a coldness from his bones.

Xia Feise was stunned for a few seconds, not knowing who he was looking for.

Yao Ruoshan?

But she didn't seem to tell him that the person who locked her up was Yao Ruoshan.

Li Mubai walked out a few steps and saw that she was still standing there. He frowned and said impatiently: "Why?"

"Who are you looking for to settle the accounts?" Xia Feise asked.

"Yao Ruoshan." Li Mubai said coldly.

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds, followed up, and said, "How to calculate?"

"I don't know." Li Mubai said coldly.

Xia Feise:...

After getting in the car, Xia Feise didn't worry about the topic before, but said: "If you change your face, no woman likes you."

Li Mubai chuckled, Yu Guang glanced at her: "Where did I recruit you?"

"My hair hasn't been blown dry." Xia Feise said slowly.

"Look at your hypocritical, wait for me to serve you?" Li Mubai asked.

Xia Feise slowly said, "I dare not expect a person who can't even wash the bowl."

Li Mubai sneered: "I'm so courageous, see if I can smoke you at night!"

Xia Feise stopped talking, turned her head and looked out the window, thinking that he was so naive.

But when did he turn out to be as naive as him.

The car drove all the way to the palace of culture.

Xia Feise couldn't help but said, "Why are you here?"

Li Mubai looked at his watch and urged: "Get off."

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