Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 163 The author wrote this chapter while eating grilled fish

Zhang Xu, who returned to the dormitory alone, made himself a cup of hot cocoa, and sat on the balcony thinking about what he saw tonight.

There are seven fire dragons, neither an integer multiple of four, nor can it be made into stewed dragon head soup, spicy dragon neck, cold dragon wing, fried dragon steak, sliced ​​thighs for hot pot, dragon whip... um... this time they are all The female dragon... came to divide, Zhang Xu didn't know how to divide it for a while.

The fire dragons prepared this time are only different in number, type and "plot".

The biggest possibility is that single-handedly turned into gang fights.

The next morning, Zhang Xu came to the cafeteria early in the morning.

Not long after, Ron and Cedric, with dark circles under their eyes, entered the cafeteria. It seemed that the two of them didn't sleep well last night.

Then came Krum, who also had dark circles under his eyes.

Finally, it was Gabriel who came to find her sister.

Fu Rong came to Zhang Xu's bedroom at three o'clock in the morning, and she was obviously terrified when she saw the seven fire dragons tonight. At first, she thought she was going to single out the seven fire dragons, but she almost fell off the flying sword.

After Zhang Xu lit a few Ningshen grass in the incense burner, it took a lot of effort to comfort Fu Rong, and now Fu Rong is still sleeping in Zhang Xu's bed.

When Zhang Xu and Gabriel finished breakfast, he found that the owl of Ron's family had sent a letter to Ron. It seemed that Ron had asked his second brother for help overnight. After the Quidditch World Cup this year, Charlie's vacation will end at the Spring Festival next year, and he is still living in the Burrow.

After walking out of the cafeteria, Zhang Xu took Gabriel to the lake to watch the giant squid.

Gabriel, who has Veela blood, is now very popular with animals. Whether it is Mrs. Norris or the unicorn in the Forbidden Forest, they are very happy to play with Gabriel.

And Gabriel also likes to play with all kinds of animals. Recently, Zhang Xu is too busy to feed Mrs. Norris. Now Gabriel has taken over this work.

One day when the Animagus detector in Zhang Xu's hand was beeping, he also saw Gabriel holding a tabby cat with a look of lovelessness coming to him for dried fish. .

Now even the giant squid in the lake, which is said to be Godric Gryffindor's Animagus form, comes out to play with Gabriel every time she's at the lake.

Of course, the content of the play is very healthy, that is, Gabriel walks on the water on the squid's tentacles, and the squid lifts Gabriel high. There is no such thing as loli tentacles that some people love to see.

Just when Gabriel asked the squid to help her catch fish and was about to eat grilled fish for lunch, Zhang Xu saw Ron and Hermione walking towards them along the lake.

"Hey, are you two dating?" Zhang Xu greeted Ron and Hermione, "Where is Harry, why didn't you see him?"

"Harry is looking up information in the library." Hermione said, "Ron is too nervous, I will accompany him out for a walk."

"It seems that you are making good progress." Zhang Xu looked at the two of them with a bewildered smile, "I thought you were in the library, and Harry came out to accompany Ron."

Ron's face turned red all of a sudden, but Zhang Xu couldn't tell whether Hermione's face was red.

"Zhang, do you know how to defeat the fire dragon?" Ron asked Zhang Xu while using the Flying Curse to bring firewood from a distance.

Although Ron has recently received training against fire dragons, it was all simulated by the students. He still has a deep memory of the scars left by Charlie's injuries when he was a dragon trainer. When he saw Qijo last night, he was still instinctively scared.

Zhang Xu squatted by the water, using the sharp edge Snape no longer wants to speak Wuying to deal with the fish caught by the giant squid.

Hearing Ron's question, Zhang Xu thought for a while and said, "If you want to defeat a fire dragon head-on, it's impossible. I don't think a student can easily defeat an adult dragon that requires several adult wizards to control. Fire Dragon. You should find a way in other ways."

"Is there any way?" Ron asked.

"Remember what I told you three years ago on Halloween night after you and Harry rescued Hermione from the troll's big wooden club?" Zhang Xu asked back, "You have to figure out what advantages you have. and weaknesses, and figure out what the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy in front of you are."

Zhang Xu went on to say: "If you figure this out, you can use your own strengths to address the other party's weaknesses. How to do this can only be answered through your own analysis, and no one else can help you."

Zhang Xu finally said: "Do you still remember the floating spell you used to stun the giant? Sometimes, the best spell is not the most powerful one, but the most suitable spell."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he ignored Ron who was in deep thought and continued to handle the fish in his hand.

Zhang Xu broke off a lot of branches from the willow trees by the lake, put the cut and boned fish on the willow branches, and used the willow branches to support the fish like a butterfly spreading its wings.

Then they brought the fish skewered on willow branches to Hermione's lit pyre, and formed a circle around the burning pyre.

When the fish is grilled to medium rare, sprinkle with salt, chili powder and cumin powder.

It didn't take long for the delicious grilled fish to be ready.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much," Zhang Xu, who was eating grilled fish, said to the absent-minded Ron, "The competitions will definitely not be simple, and they may even be dangerous, but there will definitely not be any content that confuses you Besides, you also know that the price of a fire dragon is not cheap. If you want to fight the fire dragon head-on, if one or two of the fire dragons are accidentally killed or disabled by you, the school will lose money. Hogwarts It's nothing to do with Beauxbaton's money, but Durmstrang will probably feel bad for a long time."

After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Ron's expression became a little more relaxed.

Zhang Xu still remembers that in the "Story", Black had a simple little magic to deal with the fire dragon.

Zhang Xu didn't know what this magic was. It was probably because Harry wasn't going to the competition, so Black didn't tell Harry and Ron.

Zhang Xu reckoned that this magic was just like how the goblins of Gringotts dealt with the dragon guarding the underground vault. It used some kind of conditioned reflex to make the fire dragon fearful.

If there is such magic, it stands to reason that Ron's second brother must know about it, but judging by Ron's appearance today, Charlie didn't tell Ron that such magic is probably an industry secret.

After eating the grilled fish, Ron and Hermione went to find Hagrid. Hagrid knew the characteristics of all kinds of dragons very well. I believe he can give Ron a lot of opinions and suggestions. .

Zhang Xu carried the packed grilled fish and brought Gabriel back to his dormitory. There was still a girl in the dormitory who was lying in bed and hadn't had lunch yet.

On a business trip today, an old classmate who happened to be working in this city was free, so everyone came out to eat grilled fish. So I can only eat, chat and write.

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