Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 164: The game begins

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Time soon came to the first day of the Triwizard Tournament.

This morning, the students and professors in the entire Hogwarts castle seemed a little absent-minded.

Everyone's thoughts are all on the game that will start in the afternoon.

It's just that the mood of the students is curiosity and excitement, while the mood of the professors is worry.

During lunch, the students in the cafeteria were discussing the upcoming competition.

Zhang Qiu had already sat at the dining table in Badger Yard, and kept persuading Cedric to eat more.

Hermione sat next to Ron at the table in the Lion Court, filling his plate with grilled sausages, fried tuna and boiled potatoes.

Fearing that Fu Rong would be too nervous to eat lunch before the game, Zhang Xu found Dobby yesterday and asked Dobby to prepare her favorite veal blanc, seafood pasta, and Napoleon for Fu Rong at lunch today. cake.

At the dining table in the Snake Court, Krum sat by himself, watching the other three warriors, while eating a chicken sandwich by himself.

Lunch time ended quickly, and Madame Maxime came to pick up Fleur.

Zhang Xu, Gabriel and Dongnia walked towards the arena beside the Forbidden Forest.

Sitting in the auditorium, Zhang Xu found that the layout here is a bit interesting.

Instead of enclosing a field like a Quidditch pitch, the auditorium faces towards the Forbidden Forest like an opera house. There is also a stage made of wood next to the Forbidden Forest, and a long pool of water was built between the stage and the Forbidden Forest.

There were not only students from the three schools in the auditorium, but also many foreign wizards occupied a stand.

This time the Triwizard Tournament sold a lot of tickets to the public. Unlike the Quidditch World Cup that the whole family watched, many of the people who came to watch the Triwizard Tournament this time were young wizards. I saw many Hogwarts students who graduated in the past two years.

After all the audience sat down, Dumbledore stood up, and the whole arena immediately became silent.

Next, Dumbledore began the leadership speech.

at the same time,

Zhang Xu distributed snacks to friends sitting next to him.

Gabriel's sugar-fried chestnuts, Scarlet's sunflower seeds, Tonya's cranberry cookies, Zhang Qiu's dried figs, Harry's tomato-flavored popcorn, Hermione's fried corn on the cob, Neville and Hannah's nougat, twin brother's toffee, Daphne and her sister's syrup filling QQ candy...

Zhang Xu handed over a snack they liked to the friends sitting nearby.

Even Draco Malfoy, who was sitting not far away, Zhang Xu threw him a pack of dried fish.

After the snacks were distributed, Dumbledore's leadership speech also ended.

As soon as Dumbledore's speech was over, there was applause from the audience, and everyone saw the Weird Sisters' band appear on the stage.

Soon, a passionate melody sounded over the arena.

With the singing of "go, go,! ale, ale, ale!", the emotions of the audience on the field were aroused, and even Gabriel waved her hands along with the audience.

Seeing that "the cuplife" which he had copied out according to the Triwizard Tournament became an instant hit, Zhang Xu nodded in relief. Music crosses borders and barriers between wizards and Muggles.

As the music ended, the Weird Sisters, who had finished playing the theme song for this year's Triwizard Tournament, left the stage to warm applause from the audience.

Next, with a wave of the wand in Dumbledore's hand who stood up, the water in the pool behind the stage sprayed from bottom to top at high speed, atomized to form a "screen" like a wall, and then appeared on the water screen Portraits of the four warriors.

At the same time, Fu Rong and the other four came out of the tent in a corner of the shopping mall and stood in the center of the stage.

At this time, Ludo Bagman, director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic, who came out of the tent with Fu Rong and the others, came to the referee's seat and introduced the upcoming game to the audience.

"In the Forbidden Forest, there are seven different fire dragons, and there is a golden egg in the egg guarded by each fire dragon, and the task of the warriors is to pick up the golden egg."

"Every time the warriors pick up a golden egg, they will get corresponding points. The more golden eggs they pick up, the higher the points they get."

"After the game, the referees scored the warriors based on their performance and the number of golden eggs the warriors picked up."

"While the warriors are looking for the fire dragon in the forbidden forest and picking up the golden eggs from the fire dragon, they must also beware of the dangers in the forbidden forest."

After Ludo Bagman finished his introduction, on the water curtain behind the stage, the heads of the four warriors turned into live images of the four of them.

Just like playing a game, the viewing angle on the water curtain is located behind and above them, and their activities and surrounding scenes can be seen from the water curtain.

Zhang Xu could tell that it was Dumbledore's handwriting. Last year old Deng made a lot of trouble with Zhang Xu's big screen for class and the equipment they used for filming.

In the end, Dumbledore developed this water curtain movie and live broadcast system.

Following Ludo Bagman's order, the four warriors walked through the water curtain into the Forbidden Forest.

"This event is quite interesting." Zhang Xu said while eating a yogurt and berry sandwich biscuit.

"Old Deng and the others also play two peaches to kill three warriors." Scarlet said while nibbling melon seeds, "there are four warriors and seven golden eggs. These few days have eliminated the possibility of everyone sharing the golden eggs equally. In order not to let my golden eggs They have fewer eggs than others, so they must get at least two golden eggs. If they don’t want to get only one golden egg, or even none, then they must go all out.”

"In fact, the best option is for three of them to join forces to deal with the six fire dragons. Before the isolated person gets the second golden egg, each of them gets two golden eggs. This is safe and trouble-free." Zhang Xu said while putting away the biscuits and taking out a bag of peanuts.

"The problem lies in this time difference," Scarlett said after turning out a trash can on the ground to hold the melon seed shells. "The time for three people to deal with six fire dragons is theoretically shorter than the time for one person to deal with two fire dragons." Long. And this has not counted the time to find the location of the fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest. If the three of them are to join forces, then just to be on the safe side, they must send one person to drag the opponent's hind legs. But this is very likely to change When it becomes two duos, the advantage of the trio is gone, and everyone is on the same starting line."

"The people who designed the competition at the Ministry of Magic seem to have put a lot of thought into it." Zhang Xu said, "They were not afraid that the warriors would join forces from the beginning."

Several people around listened to Zhang Xu and Scarlet's analysis, and nodded incessantly.

"Are the other animals in the Forbidden Forest dangerous?" Tonya, who was sitting next to Gabriel, asked worriedly.

"There are no very dangerous animals on the side near Hogwarts." Zhang Xu said after thinking for a while, "The centaur tribe living inside, I believe Dumbledore has dealt with them. Man-eating spiders are almost extinct. Now there are only a small number of large animals that can kill people who enter the Forbidden Forest at once. Other animals, such as various poisonous snakes, as long as you pay attention to them, the problem will not be serious."

Tonya nodded reassuringly, and then focused all her attention on the live movie on the water curtain in front of the auditorium.

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