Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 Fighting in Progress

On the second day of the Christmas ball, Zhang Xu slept until after lunch before getting out of the warm blanket.

After finishing the seafood spaghetti that the house-elf in the kitchen brought to him, Zhang Xu decided to take a stroll outside the castle with Fu Rong in the afternoon, to see if he could find some good things in the Forbidden Forest.

As soon as he walked to the foyer of the castle, he saw two first-year students from the Badger Academy rushing in.

"Zhang, it's not good! Something big happened!" Owen Caldwell shouted as soon as he saw Zhang Xu.

"What? You ate the giant squid in the lake?" Zhang Xu asked.

"No, there's a fight," said Kevin Whitby loudly. "Everyone's fighting by the lake."

When Zhang Xu heard this, his face immediately became serious.

It is common for students to fight in the school. Except for the few days when preparing for the exam, if there is no incident of student fighting for three consecutive days, the professors will feel very strange.

As long as the professors didn't find out on the spot, or caused no serious harm, everyone would keep their eyes open and close their eyes to such things.

Generally speaking, students fight one-on-one, and there are very few group fights.

So when the people involved in the fight were "everyone", especially at this point in time when students from three schools gathered in Hogwarts, Professor Zhang had to take this matter seriously.

"Tell me what's going on?" Zhang Xu asked.

"By the lake, our men fought Durmstrang's students." Kevin Whitby replied.

"Which side has the upper hand now?" Zhang Xu asked again.

"Uh... We have a lot of people, and there are many senior students by the lake." Owen Caldwell replied.

"Then there is nothing to worry about." Zhang Xu said with a sigh of relief.

While Zhang Xu and the others were talking for a minute or two, many sixth and seventh grade students rushed out of the gate of the castle, and many of them even beckoned Zhang Xu to go with them.

"You report to Professor Dumbledore," Zhang Xu said to Owen Caldwell, "You can guess the password at the door of his office slowly."

Then Zhang Xu said to Kevin Whitby: "Go and watch around the lake right now. If our people suffer, hurry back and report to Professor Dumbledore. The password at the door of his office is 'Honey Grapefruit Tea'."

The two students nodded in understanding, and then split up.

"It seems that I have to solve this problem first." Zhang Xu said helplessly to Fu Rong.

After walking out of the castle, Zhang Xu walked straight towards the accident site by the lake, while Fu Rong followed to watch the excitement.

Zhang Xu walked towards the place by the lake where the shouts were loud, and soon reached the scene of the incident.

The crowd by the lake stands on three legs,

A group of Durmstrang students wearing red robes were pinned down on a grassy field by the lake.

Beauxbaton's students in blue robes stood in the distance together, becoming a melon-eating crowd. But after seeing Gabriel in the crowd, Furong walked over immediately, for fear that she might encounter any accident.

The largest number of Hogwarts students gathered together, and the students in front lined up to cast spells on the students of Durmstrang. Farther away from them was a group of Hogwarts watching A student of the lower grades.

Hogwarts students, who have experienced many battles in the past few years, are particularly knowledgeable about group fights.

Durmstrang is famous for teaching black arts to students, and the student representatives who came to Hogwarts this time are even the elite of the school.

When it comes to heads-up, Hogwarts students don't have many students who can beat their students.

If it is ten against ten, the students of the two schools will be split 50-50.

But when there are more than 20 people, Hogwarts students can overwhelm their opponents, not to mention that this is Hogwarts' home court, there are not many people but there are many people.

Now standing opposite the Durmstrang students were several rows of Hogwarts students.

Different from myself, although a group of people gather together,

But everyone is fighting alone without cooperation.

The Hogwarts students on the opposite side automatically form a group of four or five people, select a target and attack together, knock the opponent down before changing to another target.

What made Durmstrang's students most distressed was that the Hogwarts students standing in the back row were responsible for casting the Iron Armor Charm on the students standing in the front row, so that the students in the front row could concentrate on attacking.

Fortunately, Cedric, who was in charge of the command, saved a little face for the students of Durmstrang. The total number of students participating in the fight at Hogwarts was equal to that of Durmstrang, otherwise Durmstrang The students have long been crushed by Hogwarts' crowd tactics.

Zhang Xu, who was carefully observing the battlefield, suddenly felt light in his hands. Looking down, he found that the bag of fried chestnuts in his hand had been snatched away by several friends who were watching together.

"Young people, watch carefully how the seniors fight." Zhang Xu said to Dennis Creevey, Kevin Whitby, Ola Quelke, and Malcolm Baddock, who were beside him. A group of lower grade students started on-site teaching, "In terms of individual strength, Durmstrang's students are no worse than our senior students. Not to mention there are Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mal Fu waits for several fourth-grade students. Do you know why we can beat Durmstrang's students now?"

"Courage," says Dennis Creevey of the Lions.

"Unity," says Badger Yard's Kevin Whitby.

"Tactical," said Ola Quelke of the Eagle Academy.

"Glory," said Malcolm Bardock of the Serpent Yard.

The answers of the surrounding first and second grade students also mainly have these meanings.

"You are all right." Zhang Xu said to his juniors.

"No matter what kind of opponent it is, we all need to have the courage to face it. If you don't have the courage, even if your magic power is as strong as that of Professor Dumbledore, you will not even be able to beat a Flobberworm."

"No matter how it happens, when our opponents are people outside Hogwarts, we must stick together for the glory of Hogwarts."

"We are all members of Hogwarts. Facing the enemies of Hogwarts, there is no distinction between griffins, badgers and snakes, and no distinction between grades. No matter who you are, you have the responsibility to maintain the honor of Hogwarts. Be determined to sacrifice everything."

"At this time, no matter what personal grievances you may have, for the glory of Hogwarts, everyone must put aside past grievances and fight together under the Hogwarts banner."

"Look at Harry Potter and his two friends. We all know that they have a bad relationship with Malfoy, but at this time they can fight together regardless of past suspicions."

"In the face of a powerful enemy, we need to learn to use our own wisdom. Let's take a closer look at the formation of the seniors. In the front row are the senior students in the sixth and seventh grades. Many of them have rich combat experience. And the ones in the back row are the lower grade students."

"You observe and study the details of the seniors' battle carefully. I will mention this matter to Professor Moody in the next semester, and let him ask you about your gains and thoughts about this battle."

When Zhang Xu mentioned Moody, the surrounding first graders shuddered.

After finishing the topic, Zhang Xu continued to appreciate the battle in the beginning.

Now the balance of victory on the court is tilting more and more towards Hogwarts.

The resistance of the Durmstrang students has been exhausted, and it is only a matter of time before the big rout.

So far, no headmaster of any school has appeared. It seems that neither Hogwarts nor Durmstrang wants to elevate the matter, and let the students solve the problems themselves.

Beauxbaton, on the other hand, obviously remained neutral in this incident. It was good to watch by himself, and there was no need to follow the muddy water.

More than ten minutes later, the students of Durmstrang ushered in a disastrous defeat, and all the students were beaten to the ground.

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