Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 The author was knocked down by a cold

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The group fight between the students of the two schools ended with the victory of the Hogwarts students.

Afterwards, Professor Zhang severely criticized the students who participated in the fight on the spot, and deducted 10 points from each college.

After Professor Zhang deducted the points, the group of people smiled and carried the injured person to Madam Pomfrey.

For students, being criticized by Professor Zhang is not a big deal, and being deducted points by the college is even less serious. Because Professor Zhang deducted 10 points for each college, not everyone.

After the access control was over, I was caught traveling at night in the castle, and now I basically start with 20 points.

And with the habit of Hogwarts professors, they will definitely reward them after the fact, and their deans will find ways to find a reason to add points back to them.

That night, in the Hogwarts kitchen, a group of students who had won the fight were having dinner, bragging to others about how heroic they were at that time, or demolishing others' bragging.

Only then did Zhang Xu know the reason for the group fight in the afternoon. To put it simply, a few quarrels led to confrontation, and because of the location, the number of participants snowballed.

The Yule Ball was just held last night, and most of the students who got their dance partners stood by the lake to cement their relationship.

These students included Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

Out of discrimination against Muggle-born wizards, several Durmstrang students verbally insulted Hermione, who appeared as Ron's dance partner last night, in the chat.

As a result, Ron and Hermione happened to be near these Durmstrang students at that time. After hearing what they said, Ron became furious and quarreled with them.

Soon, Harry and Ginny, who were not far from Ron, came to support him. When the scope of the quarrel expanded to Durmstrang's students questioning whether Harry had really dealt with Voldemort, and all this was actually a scam led by the British Ministry of Magic, Ginny took the lead.

Immediately afterwards, Harry and the others followed suit.

At this time, Malfoy, who was strolling nearby, saw someone fighting here, so he came to watch the excitement.

Malfoy saw that Harry Potter was being bullied, and followed suit. The fight between him and Harry is "brothers fight against the wall\

,"It belongs to the internal contradictions of Hogwarts. Harry and the others got into a fight with students from other schools, and that was "resisting insults from outside".

At the beginning of this semester, Zhang Xu gave everyone the action policy of "putting aside disputes and defending against foreign aggression" during the Triwizard Tournament. The reason is to help my family win first, and Dumbledore will bear it anyway when the sky falls.

Therefore, in order to help Fu Rong during the Triwizard Tournament, Zhang Xu declared in advance that he would not participate in the "Triwizard Tournament Warrior Staff" formed by the students, and would not use Hogwarts resources when helping his girlfriend, so as not to He was regarded as a traitor who knew foreign countries.

What? You said that according to the regulations, the warriors can only work hard on their own and cannot get help from others?

A group of students with a long family history immediately dug out a lot of examples from the pile of old papers at home, proving that cheating has been an inseparable part of the Triwizard Tournament since ancient times, so don't play if you are unhappy.

In such a big environment, if Malfoy sees Harry and the others being bullied and doesn't help, he won't have to hang out at Hogwarts for the next few years.

So even if he and Harry Potter were deadly enemies, Malfoy could only take out his wand and rush up with his two followers.

When the wizards were fighting, the more people involved, the more disturbance there would be.

Senior students are the group that needs the most urgent life partner. Most of the senior students are outside the castle today to consolidate their relationship with their dance partner last night, and then look forward to the future. what name.

The news of the fight first attracted this group of senior students who were fearless. Their self-confidence was built on the basilisk and werewolf in the past two years.

When the surrounding students were overwhelmed by the crowd, students from both schools joined the battle group one after another, and the students from Hogwarts even fired cloud-piercing arrows to shout.

Since there were no serious casualties, the high-level officials of the school adopted a cold treatment and exercised restraint.

At dinner, Karkaroff's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, sitting on the professor's chair.

His own students lost the fight, and they didn't have the ability to fight with Dumbledore. Lao Deng didn't need to take action himself, he could restrain Karkaroff in all directions by sending Moody alone. So he can only turn grief and anger into appetite.

Instead, it was Krum who found Hermione in the cafeteria and apologized to Hermione on behalf of the Durmstrang students.

The principal no longer pursued the matter, so the matter was over, and the students of Hogwarts returned to their old lives.

Harry's trio and Malfoy's group continued to quarrel as soon as they met, and then pulled out their wands and "biu~biu~biu~" each other.

After the Christmas holiday, many students discovered that the professor of protection of magical creatures had changed. Hagrid did not appear in the class, and the class was taught by an elderly witch—Professor Graplan.

Zhang Xu knew that this would happen when he was reading the "Daily Prophet" in the morning. Rita Skeeter attacked Hagrid.

On the night of the ball, Zhang Xu discovered Rita Skeeter who had just eavesdropped on Hagrid's speech after turning into a beetle through the Animagus detector in his hand.

Rita Skeeter thought that Zhang Xu didn't know her existence. When she wanted to approach Zhang Xu quietly to collect some gossip about Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu threw a snowball into the bushes and startled the bushes at the same time. There is a pair of male and female students who almost went too far.

This led to Zhang's next act of using snowballs to lower the fire on some students.

The relationship between Zhang Xu and Hagrid has not improved, so Hagrid was not included in Zhang Xu's list of people who prohibited Rita Skeeter from smearing. Rita Skeeter, who got the new material, naturally made big news.

Such big news naturally stabbed Hagrid more than a dozen times in his heart, making him hide in his cabin for many days without going out.

Knowing that Zhang Xu and Rita Skeeter have a good relationship, Ron also took Harry and Hermione to find Zhang Xu who was correcting homework in the office, and asked him to think of a way to change the image of giants in people's minds.

Zhang Xu said that it is not difficult to help a Hagrid.

To help a Hagrid, all they need is for the three of them to encourage Hagrid more, and let Hagrid feel the warmth from his friends.

However, the society's views on giants cannot be reversed by Zhang Xu alone, even with Dumbledore.

To change the whole society’s impression of giants, it cannot be achieved by just one or two people. The most important thing is that giants need to stand up and change their previous vicious and brutal images in people’s minds.

If the giant does not stand up, it will be useless for others to say more. But the giants themselves have no plans to change their image, Harry and the others want to change the image of the giants can only be wishful thinking.

After listening to Zhang Xu's analysis, Harry and the others had no choice but to help Hagrid first.

At this time, Zhang Xu asked Hermione to stay, and asked Harry and Ron to talk to Hagrid first.

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