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On the Quidditch pitch, Ron rode a broom and focused on the situation on the pitch.

Today is the last Quidditch match of the three schools, Hogwarts vs. Beauxbatons.

The first match on the first day of the Easter break was Hogwarts against Durmstrang.

The biggest highlight of this game is the Seeker battle between the two sides. One side's Seeker is Harry Potter, the savior of Britain and the star of the wizarding world. Viktor Krum of the Snitch.

From the start of the game, the two Seekers battled fiercely, fighting for every inch of space.

Just as the battle between the two Seekers reached a stalemate, the audience found that the contest between other players also showed a trend of sparks hitting the earth.

Durmstrang, who can train such an outstanding player as Krum, naturally has a high level of Quidditch.

At the beginning of the game, the Chasers of the Durmstrang team, under the cover of the batsmen, launched waves of attacks towards the Hogwarts goal. In the first five minutes of the game, Durm The number of shots for the Strong team accounted for 90% of the number of shots in the game.

However, what Durmstrang's three Chasers faced today was Gordon Banks, Raymond Clemens, Peter Shilton's spirit-possessed Hogwarts keeper— —Ron Weasley.

Under the five-minute indiscriminate bombardment, Ron was one man at the gate and one man at a time. He miraculously blocked all of Durmstrang's shots from the goal, making the audience's attention shift from the Seeker battle to the goal. Inside the stadium.

With Ron's efforts, the Hogwarts team stabilized their position under the tide of attacks from their opponents, and began to launch a counterattack under the leadership of Cedric.

It has to be said that the overall strength of the Durmstrang team is higher than that of the Hogwarts team. Throughout the game, the number of attacks by the Durmstrang team accounted for more than 60% of the entire game.

However, Ron made a contribution! No chance for Durmstrang! He miraculously blocked nine out of ten shots from Durmstrang's Chasers!

In the next game, Ron defended Durmstrang's Chasers into doubting life.

In the Seeker's battle, the amateur player Harry finally lost to the professional player Krum. After a fierce battle,

The Snitch was finally caught by Krum.

Relying on Ron's godlike defense, Hogwarts narrowly lost by 20 points.

In the second game, Beauxbaton and Durmstrang fought each other.

During the game, Beauxbaton's seeker Tonya used interference tactics to interfere with Krum non-stop.

On the court, the two teams fought against each other.

Early on, Durmstrang's Chasers took the lead and found confidence in Beauxbaton's keeper.

The mentality of Durmstrang's Chasers gradually returned, but this was the beginning of their keeper's life of doubt.

Durmstrang's keeper faced Fleur Delacour, Beauxbaton's Chaser, whose rage was off the charts.

Because of someone Zhang, Fu Rong on the court was filled with a lot of anger, so she vented her anger on the court.

As a result, Durmstrang's goalkeeper felt sad, and every time he saw Fleur coming over with the Quaffle in a murderous spirit, his momentum weakened.

In addition, in order to calm Furong's anger, someone Zhang lent her his vector propulsion broom before. With the help of the weird maneuverability of the vector propulsion broom, the Quaffle thrown by Furong came from Durmstrang again and again. The goalkeeper flew past and got into the goal.

This made Durmstrang's final score less than Beauxbaton's by ten points when Krum got rid of Tonya's interference and caught the Snitch.

But now, facing Fleur, who was still angry, Ron was staring intently at the Quaffle in her hand amidst the singing of "Weasley is our king" in the audience.

Ron, who knew the cause and effect of the incident, was the same as Fu Rong, and at the same time, he was cursing at one person——Zhang Xu.

(; ̄3)≤·Ah Sneeze··Ah Sneeze···

Zhang Xu, who was thousands of miles away, turned his head and sneezed twice in a row.

"Xiao Zhang, have you caught a cold?" An old man sitting opposite Zhang Xu asked with concern.

"It's okay, maybe someone missed me." Zhang Xu said after wiping his nose with a tissue.

"It's your girlfriend who missed you. I'm so sorry to call you back suddenly." The old man adjusted his glasses and said, "How about I ask someone to bring you some salted goose, soup dumplings and Sixi dumplings?" , when you go back to school, take it back to make amends to your girlfriend?"

"Thank you, chief, I don't need it anymore." Zhang Xu waved his hand and said, "I have these small problems."

Now Zhang Xu is in the study of Zhao's hometown in Beijing. In addition to Zhang Xu, Mr. Zhao and the elder who talked to Zhang Xu just now, there are several characters who usually appear in the first five minutes of "News Network".

Zhang Xu picked up the notebook again and continued to talk about the contents inside.

On the day of the first Quidditch tournament of the three schools, Zhang Xu received a document from China asking him to return home immediately. The document did not specify the reason for returning to China, but the red head and the official seal at the back of the document made Zhang Xu not take it lightly.

After speaking with Fu Rong, Zhang Xu immediately ran to ask Dumbledore for leave.

After Dumbledore's approval, Zhang Xu immediately flew to Hogsmeade, flooed to London, and then took the latest flight back to the capital.

After Zhang Xu said a word, he ran away. Fu Rong, who wanted Zhang Xu to take a good look at her demeanor on the Quidditch pitch, was very annoyed and helpless.

Women want to be pleasing to themselves, and Furong really wants to show her boyfriend a good-spirited side of her. As a result, Zhang Xu had something to do and left at the last moment.

Seeing the red letter on the letter looked up, Fu Rong knew that she couldn't stop Zhang Xu. She knew that this was part of Zhang Xu's career, and she had no reason to hold Zhang Xu back.

After getting off the plane, Zhang Xu was taken to a compound on the outskirts of the capital by the pick-up staff.

When Zhang Xu was taken to a conference room to meet Mr. Zhao, he knew what was going on when he saw the map hanging on the wall—it was a map of the Taiwan Strait.

Zhang Xu remembered, it seemed that the other side was going to make trouble at this time like he did in his previous life.

After Kinmen was liberated here, the Korean War broke out as scheduled the following year, and the Seventh Fleet sent a larger fleet than Zhang Xu's previous life to station in the Taiwan Strait. There is only a destroyer formation stationed there, while a heavy patrol formation is stationed here, and an aircraft carrier formation is on standby at the Okinawa base.

Mr. Zhao, who knew the direction of history, was so worried that he didn't sleep for a week.

At that time, the country had just been liberated for less than a year, and all domestic industries that had experienced years of war were waiting to be flourished. Although Zhao Lao and the others can paralyze the Seventh Fleet's heavy cruiser formation in a short period of time, the final battle still depends on the ordinary army to complete.

With the national power at that time, it could only support a war with Western countries led by the United States, and the northern neighbors were notoriously unreliable and cheating.

Even if the beheading operation is carried out on Taiwan Island, the final result will only make the independent forces that Chang Kaishen and his son suppressed for decades rise in advance.

The problem faced at that time was that if the two fronts fought, it was very likely that both would lose due to logistical problems. If the national power is overdrawn too much, it will cause the country to miss development opportunities, and the losses caused by this will be more serious than Taiwan Island's failure to recover within decades.

If you choose to liberate Taiwan Island regardless of the Korean Peninsula, the Northeast of the heavy industry base without barriers will face the US forces across the river, and the development of domestic heavy industry will be out of the question. Moreover, without the heroic sons and daughters fighting the "United Nations Army" on the Korean Peninsula, the Western world would not realize that the history of imperialism conquering a country and a nation by setting up a few cannons in the East is gone forever. . The most fearful thing is that the Seventh Fleet will block the strait after hundreds of thousands of troops arrive on the island, then the island army will face the situation of running out of ammunition and food. At that time, even if Mr. Zhao and the others try their best to transport supplies, they will not be able to meet the needs of the army.

If he chooses the Korean Peninsula and delays the recovery of Taiwan Island, Mr. Zhao is afraid that the reunification will be delayed until the next century as he did in his previous life.

After Zhao Lao analyzed the consequences of the two choices to Taizu, he handed over these issues to Taizu to choose.

Taizu's final choice has been written in the history textbook.

After nearly 50 years of development, the strength of the land, sea and air forces of the mainland is no longer afraid of the other side.

When Zhang Xu was a child, he saw in a magazine that in the 1980s, a squadron of F-14 "Tomcats" was imported from China, and now a batch of "Chinese Pastoral Cats" have been domestically produced, plus the ones imported from the north a few years ago. Su-27/30, the air force is no longer afraid of the other side. With air dominance, sea dominance is guaranteed, and the rest depends on speed.

And now there are no alchemists on the island. The alchemist families who followed Chang Kaishen back then returned to the mainland one after another after digging out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and the rest didn't care about the government's affairs.

But now there is an opportunity to send troops, and there is news from insiders on the island that the puppet president is going to go to the United States to make big things happen.

Therefore, Mr. Zhao hurriedly recruited Zhang Xu back from England in order to let him make some contributions in this matter.

"What do you mean?" Elder Zhao asked Zhang Xu.

After listening to Mr. Zhao's narration, Zhang Xu took out a red panda from the cigarette case on the table in the conference room, sat on the chair and began to puff.

There were only Zhang Xu and Mr. Zhao in the meeting room, so no one came to stop him, a minor with his ID card, from smoking.

Zhang Xu was very speechless at the moment. How could there be a lot of things that had nothing to do with Harry Potter when he agreed to travel to the world of Harry Potter. If you use your own experience as the starting point to write fandom, you will definitely be scolded by readers.

And what else can I do? Others speak lightly, and he can't influence the country's major affairs.

Looking at the current situation, it is estimated that the superiors have already made up their minds to fight, not only to win a fight, but also to fight with momentum and beautifully.

Otherwise, Mr. Zhao would not have asked him to come back, and asked him to refer to the information he got in his previous life to fill in the gaps.

Zhang Xu really wants to write such a paragraph in his memoirs in the future, "I said please be smart. I am not humble. How can I, an excellent student at Hogwarts, participate in national decision-making. However, Mr. Zhao said "I've made a decision after research." Later, I read a few sentences from Zuo Qiuming's "Zuo Zhuan Four Years of Zhaogong", "Gou Li Sheji, death and life are based on it", so I did some small work afterwards."

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