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Zhang Xu rushed back to England overnight with two newly mounted calligraphy. When he returned to Hogwarts, it was already noon on the first day of class resumption after the Easter holiday.

Fortunately, Zhang Xu took the time to prepare lessons on the plane, so after he had a simple lunch in the Hogwarts kitchen, he could take a rest in the faculty lounge.

"Professor, I see that your seal is shining brightly and your face is full of red. There must be some happy event happening." Zhang Xu said.

As a result, Snape didn't want to talk to Zhang Xu, and threw a sharp edge at Zhang Xu.

"Zhang, where have you been on leave these days?" Professor Flitwick asked. Dumbledore only told the other professors that Zhang Xu was going to be on leave for a while, but he didn't say where he was going.

"It's a little urgent to go back to China." Zhang Xu said.

"It's a pity you're not here, otherwise our Ravenclaw College would have won a few more medals in the flying competition." Professor Flitwick said in a regretful tone.

"No way, there is an emergency this time, next year I will get a few more medals." Zhang Xu also felt that it was a pity.

This year, the Flying Club took advantage of the suspension of the Quidditch competition in the college. Since November last year, it has held competitions such as the 24-hour broomstick race, straight-line race and obstacle race.

As a result, Zhang Xu missed the 24-hour endurance race and obstacle course held during the Easter holiday.

After chatting with Professor Flitwick for a few words, Zhang Xu looked at the school timetable hanging in the faculty lounge, and found that his first period in the afternoon was Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and the timetable stated that the substitute professor was Snape .

"Professor Snape, what do you plan to teach in Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon?" Zhang Xu turned his head and asked Snape.

In the end, Snape still didn't want to talk to Zhang Xu, and threw a cold smile at Zhang Xu.

Seeing Snape's expression, Zhang Xu felt that Snape seemed to be making trouble.

Sure enough, Professor Snape, who was acting as a substitute again, played brilliantly again in today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

During class, Snape brought Zhang Xu and the others to the edge of the chestnut forest beyond the Forbidden Forest.

"Before this, you have learned a lot of ways to deal with black magic and dark wizards in class,

I think it's time for you to experience the battle between wizards for yourself. "

As soon as Snape finished speaking, the students whispered excitedly.

Then Snape opened a suitcase he brought, which contained transparent crystal balls the size of a fist, and then Snape said: "The person whose name I read comes to get a crystal ball and walk into this chestnut forest After ten minutes, half of the crystal balls will turn white, and the other half will turn black. Your task in this class is to subdue the other party with a spell, and take away the other party’s crystal ball that is not the same color as yours. This section After class, only those who walked out of the chestnut grove with two crystal balls of different colors will not have to do their homework, otherwise today's homework is to write a paper on six feet of parchment. Remember, jinxes are forbidden."

After Snape introduced the content of today's class, the students with higher abilities were elated, while the students who thought they were not capable enough were trembling with fear.

Zhang Xu looked at Snape in surprise. Who would have thought that you, a cold-eyed person, would be so good at playing?

When the other students walked into the chestnut grove with crystal balls, Zhang Xu was playing with the crystal ball which was slowly turning white beside Snape, without any intention of going into the chestnut grove.

Looking at Snape's puzzled eyes, Zhang Xu said, "Professor Snape, I have the privilege of not having to do my homework, so it doesn't make sense for me to grab another crystal ball."

Snape: ...

In the end, Zhang Xu, who was driven into the chestnut forest by Snape, sold the crystal ball in his hand for 5 Galleons.

After finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Zhang Xu came to the Muggle Studies classroom early.

As soon as Zhang Xu opened the door, someone flew over from behind and knocked him into the classroom.

Through the familiar touch on the back, Zhang Xu knew that this was Fu Rong, whom he hadn't seen for many days.

"When did you come back?" Asked Fu Rong who hugged Zhang Xu's neck from behind and hung herself on Zhang Xu's body.

"I came back after lunch at noon, and I went to class after a short break." Zhang Xu stretched out his hand and pinched Fu Rong's outstretched face.

"Will you leave again?" Fu Rong asked.

"I will definitely not leave for the rest of this semester." Zhang Xu replied.

At this time, the students who were preparing for class began to enter the classroom one after another, and the two chatted for a few more words. After that, Fu Rong returned to her seat to prepare, and Zhang Xu started to prepare for today's lecture on the podium.

The content of this class is "the decisive role of practice in cognition". In the class, the professor gave a wonderful lecture, and the students were confused.

After class, Zhang Xu, who was packing up his things and going to have dinner with Fu Rong, suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something very important during this time.

After Zhang Xu served Gabriel a serving of spaghetti at the dining table, he suddenly remembered that Barty Crouch Jr. was still tied up with several of his golden ropes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xu couldn't stop breaking out in a cold sweat. Barty Crouch Jr., who had been tied up for so many days, couldn't go to the bathroom... Then can his golden rope still be used in the future...

After a hasty meal, Zhang Xu hurried to Dumbledore's office and asked about the current situation of Barty Crouch Jr.

Dumbledore was also speechless. He was also having a headache about this matter. He just wanted to ask Zhang Xu to come over and untie the rope on little Barty. Zhang Xu came. According to the house elf who has been taking care of little Barty, Now Barty Jr. has a stiff neck.

It has to be said that Dumbledore is a genius in language. Having learned the mermaid language, he can learn Parseltongue by rote without any pressure. Now he can go to the secret room by himself without taking Harry.

In the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore handed Zhang Xu the golden rope that he had cleaned up himself.

Although Dumbledore repeatedly assured that the golden ropes that he had personally cleaned with "clean up" were as clean as they had just left the factory, Zhang Xu still refused to take back these golden ropes.

After formatting the key, Zhang Xu doubled the price, and then asked Dumbledore if he was interested in buying all these golden ropes.

As a result, after some haggling, Dumbledore bought the golden ropes after cutting Zhang Xu's price in half.

On the way out of the Chamber of Secrets, Zhang Xu heard Dumbledore say that Fudge, the Minister of Magic, still did not accept the fact that Voldemort had returned, and he blamed the kidnapping of Barty Crouch and the death of Bertha Jorkins on the arrested On the Carlo brothers and sisters.

Barty Crouch, one of the victims, has remained silent, saying that he knew nothing on the grounds that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse.

So now Barty Crouch Jr. is an important card in Dumbledore's hand, and he will not play it unless necessary.

Zhang Xu can only shrug his shoulders. Behind this is Fudge, who is full of "Dumbledore wants to harm me", fearing that Lao Deng will rebel and seize power. Although Zhang Xu has hinted at Fudge before, Dumbledore may die soon when he is old, so Don't be so wary of Dumbledore, but Fudge still didn't believe Zhang Xu's words in the end.

You can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, unless you pour a pot of freshly boiled water or boiling oil on him, otherwise such a person can't wake up. Unless Voldemort appeared in public in person, Fudge would just continue to cover up.

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