Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 208: A Maze That Doesn’t Kill Warriors Is Not a Good Maze

In the principal's office, Dumbledore and a group of Hogwarts professors were surrounding a large table with a sand table.

This sandbox is a model of the maze used in the final match of the Triwizard Tournament.

Standing beside the sand table, Zhang Xu held a huge protractor in one hand and a long ruler in the other, and positioned himself on the sand table while looking at a drawing beside him.

After determining the five positions, Zhang Xu picked up five stones and placed them in the corresponding positions in the maze.

After placing the stones, Zhang Xu patted the non-existent dust on his hands, then nodded to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore raised his wand and tapped the five stones several times in turn, and a faint mist suddenly appeared in the circle surrounded by the five stones on the sand table.

Then Zhang Xu put the borrowed Lai Fu in, and saw Lai Fu jumping around in the circle, as if he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. Every time he was about to jump out, he would turn his head and jump to the center of the circle.

In the next half an hour, Le Fu has not been able to escape from the circle surrounded by these five stones.

Seeing that the effect was good, Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction.

The professors around the sand table were also very satisfied with this, and everyone nodded like Dumbledore.

What Zhang Xu arranged in the sand table of the maze was a miniature version of the ** array.

The battle formation that Zhang Xu arranged according to the textbook with his senior three textbooks is naturally better than Zhuge Liang's "strange rocks are towering, and the branches are like swords; horizontal sand stands on earth, overlapping like mountains; the sound of the river is like the sound of swords and drums" The eight formations are short of the Pacific Ocean. But it can disturb the five senses and confuse the direction to a certain extent, and it is enough to be used in the maze of the Triwizard Tournament.

As a toad without much intelligence, Leffe was naturally affected much more severely than humans, and it could only bump around in the formation.

Zhang Xu had set up a similar formation around the Screaming Shack many years ago, and it has been working well. The professors have studied this formation, so they agree that Zhang Xu should arrange a better one in the maze. .

After removing the effect of the ** array, the labyrinth went through some adjustments, and its overall layout was finally determined.

After determining the overall layout of the maze, the professors at Hogwarts began to discuss and place various obstacles in the maze.

Every time an obstacle is decided, the professors will put a flag with the name of the obstacle on the corresponding position in the maze.

Among them, Hagrid was the most active one. All the magical animals he cultivated were stuffed into the maze by him.

Snape set some traps so that the warriors must be poisoned, and then there must be an antidote within twenty steps, provided you can find it.

And Professor Sprout even contributed the immature mandrakes in the greenhouse.

Naturally, Zhang Xu would not let go of such a good (kēng) chance to play (rén).

In the world of magic, there is nothing impossible but unexpected. Even if Dumbledore doesn't let you do it because it's too dangerous, it's easy to come out through magic COS.

The professors have been busy for a whole Sunday, and finally designed the competition maze.

After the completion, the professors nodded in satisfaction as they saw the densely packed flags planted in the maze sand table.

It's just that the area of ​​the maze is very large. According to the original plan, it is not enough to set the maze inside the Quidditch field. Now it can only be placed on the lawn outside the field.

In Dumbledore's office, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch, who came to review and accept the design of the maze as representatives of the British Ministry of Magic, couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads.

Especially Barty Crouch, who has just returned to work after being discharged from the hospital. At this moment, he is afraid that people from friendly countries who come to participate in the competition will get stuck in the maze, and it will be troublesome if diplomatic disputes are caused.

"Professor Dumbledore," Ludo Bagman asked cautiously, "is the maze too difficult?"

He saw the enthusiasm of the Hogwarts professors when they designed traps just now. He felt that the professors were not designing mazes, but designing final exam papers, and they were seriously over-the-top.

Dumbledore smiled slightly at Ludo Bagman, and then said: "Is it difficult? I don't think it is difficult at all. I believe that the Hogwarts warriors will achieve good results."

After hearing Dumbledore's answer, Ludo Bagman stopped talking after wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Sitting back on the chair, Ludo Bagman glanced at someone Zhang who was drinking tea, and the obstacles in the maze were the ones he arranged the most.

For example, let the warriors step on the magic trap that will return to the starting point. The magic and physical defense are extremely high. Only by jumping on its back and stepping on the turtle shell can it subdue the big turtle. It is installed in a wooden box floating in midair. Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water packaged in exquisite crystal bottles, zombies in red football uniforms and helmets running rampant, seals popping out of a round hole on a section of icy road, zombie dogs with grim faces and muscle tissue exposed , the number of grids marked with the number of grids with magic traps next to them...

Ludo Bagman didn't think he'd be able to pass these hurdles easily.

If Zhang Xu hadn't taken the initiative to ask him to make an "unbreakable oath" at the very beginning, promising not to reveal the secrets of the maze, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch would think that he was trying to kill him The other three warriors, then let his girlfriend get the Goblet of Fire.

There is a reason why the professors at Hogwarts are all trying to stuff difficult obstacles into the maze today.

Naturally, Beauxbaton and Durmstrang couldn't hide the fact that Barty Crouch Jr. pretended to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In order for the Ministry of Magic to face up to Voldemort's return, Dumbledore planned to make it big from the beginning, let the students of Hogwarts know about it, and then spread it.

It's just a side effect of doing so, that is, people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang used this as an excuse to start questioning Dumbledore, and then questioning the teaching level of Hogwarts.

You see, it took so long for the professors in this school to find out, which shows how good the teaching level of this school is.

When these rumors reached the ears of the professors at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall lost his temper.

In the faculty lounge one day, Professor McGonagall, who was out of anger, held a mobilization meeting.

Now that the other two schools are questioning the quality of our teaching at Hogwarts, let's show our true strengths.

Because the last game of the Triwizard Tournament is in charge of the host school, Professor McGonagall asked the professors present to show all their housekeeping skills, so that the friends of the Allies can take a good look at the level of the Hogwarts professors . Then train our own warriors hard, anyway, we have two warriors, one will be disabled and the other will be disabled, so that the friendly people can take a good look at the level of Hogwarts students.

Professor Zhang lit a candle for Ron and Cedric in his heart, and he was the first to stand up to show his loyalty. The school honors me, the school shames me, and I won't do it just because my girlfriend is Beauxbatons. Let the water go, please the party and the country... The principal is assured of his loyalty.

So, there is this labyrinth that can be said to be insane.


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