Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 219 What happened to Dumbledore?

In the week after the exam, the students who have nothing to do with paperwork should have fun and fall in love with each other.

However, the professors at this moment are busy, and they are hurrying up to correct the students' test papers.

Professor Zhang is no exception, but unlike other professors, a person who has spent two lifetimes in the examination room naturally knows how to correct the paper and it will be easier.

So since last year, many little wizards realized for the first time what multiple-choice questions and answer sheets are.

Instead of using a card reader, just use an answer sheet with the correct answer hollowed out to cover the students' answer sheets. Even Peeves can change the test papers.

Except that it takes some time to correct the quizzes, Zhang Xu spent two days and nights with the energy he used to play the "Civilization" series and "Football Manager" series to correct all the test papers and calculate the scores.

Such a good method will naturally be learned by other professors, but there are several multiple-choice questions with more than a dozen options in the exam paper of Potions class, which makes Zhang Xu feel a little toothache.

It was already late at night after finishing all the work, Zhang Xu did not go back to the dormitory to sleep soundly, but hugged left and right on the stone bench by the lake.

On the left is Hermione's pet, Crookshanks, and on the right is Mrs. Norris raised by Filch. Zhang Xu is holding a small dried fish in an attempt to provoke a war between them.

After being raped several times, Crookshanks suddenly rushed up and snatched away the bag of dried fish held in Zhang Xu's left hand, and Mrs. Norris also ran away with Crookshanks.

Zhang Xu sat alone on the stone bench, looking up, just like the description in "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond", there are one or two stars leaking through the gaps between the trees, and the listless ones are the eyes of a drowsy person.

Zhu Ziqing once said that under the boundless moon, you can think about anything, and you can think about nothing. I feel like a free person. What must be done and said during the day can be ignored now. This is the beauty of being alone.

It's a pity that we can't grow lotus in the Hogwarts lake, and we can't feel the breeze passing by, sending wisps of fragrance.

The time alone was soon interrupted. Under the starlight, Dumbledore came alone with a handful of white beards. His beard fluttering gently with the breeze and footsteps was particularly eye-catching in the night.

Dumbledore sat beside Zhang Xu without saying a word, and seemed to be enjoying the cool breeze blowing over his cheeks from the lake.

"Zhang, do you know Feng Shui?" Dumbledore asked suddenly.

The combination of the two English words of wind and water,

Zhang Xu was stunned for a moment before he figured out what Dumbledore was asking.

"Slightly understand." Zhang Xu replied.

Some things have been heard a lot, and he can also fool a few words.

"I want to have my tomb built in Hogwarts after I die, which place do you think is good?" Dumbledore asked.

This time it's Zhang Xu's turn to have a big head. He knows more about the geomantic omen of buildings and living rooms, but he only knows the geomantic omen of tombs. Taboo" These are the most basic taboo songs. After all, the Feng Shui of the building room can be used in the construction and decoration of the house. The location of Zhang Xu's ancestral tomb has not changed for hundreds of years, so the Feng Shui of the tomb cannot be used.

And there is nothing too mysterious about these taboo songs. For example, the "don't bury the rush water" in "Ten Unburied in the Plain" is to prevent the cemetery from being washed away during floods, and the "don't bury in the mountains" "Bury in Steep Mountain" is to prevent landslides from damaging the cemetery, and "Do not force the palace in front of you" in "Ten Do Not Go to the Tomb" is because there are too many buildings in front of the cemetery, and naturally there are too many people. Too many people will inevitably damage the cemetery, etc. .

At first, Zhang Xu wanted to find traces of spells, but found that what was mentioned here were all about natural conditions and urban planning.

Moreover, the feng shui of the cemetery is also different because of the different topography in each region, and some sayings of each school are different. There are many mountains on the side of Zhang Xu's house, so most of the cemeteries are built near the mountains. So some of what Zhang Xu knows is not applicable in Hogwarts.

In the end, Zhang Xu used Transfiguration to conjure up a Hogwarts sand table on the ground, and clicked on the junction of the Great Lake and the Forbidden Forest.

"I think this place is good." Zhang Xu replied.

The Great Lake at Hogwarts has never flooded, so it's okay to be closer to the lake. The Forbidden Forest on the side is just in the upwind direction, which can protect the cemetery from the wind.

Dumbledore thought about it after reading it, and then nodded in approval of Zhang Xu's plan.

Seeing Zhang Xu's frown, Dumbledore thought he had some bad thoughts, so he said, "When you get old, you will inevitably worry about what will happen to you after your death. You don't need to mind."

In fact, just now Zhang Xu suddenly thought that it was the place where the students of the dance association used to practice, so wouldn't it be like dancing on Lao Deng's grave?

Moreover, Old Deng was buried on the campus. If someone used Hogwarts' strongest spell—Professor Dumbledore to fly over, then Old Deng's coffin would not be able to hold it down.

Zhang Xu also remembered that he often heard that many new schools were located in former cemeteries, mass graves and other places, in order to let the yang energy of young students suppress the yin energy of the cemetery. Later, Zhang Xu asked a retired veteran cadre of the education system this question. The veteran cadre laughed and said that the most basic reason for choosing to build schools in those places was that the land cost no money.

Zhang Xu naturally wouldn't tell Dumbledore that his mind was running out of bounds just now.

"It seems that Professor, you don't have the confidence to survive this war." Zhang Xu said to Dumbledore with a smile.

"Yeah, everyone may die in the next war," said Dumbledore.

"This is impossible," Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "You are the combat and spiritual pillar of the anti-Voldemort forces. Even you think that you will not survive this war, so do others still have confidence? Heartbreak It’s not easy to lead the team.”

After hearing this, Dumbledore smiled and said nothing. After a while, he said, "Zhang, are you afraid of death? What do you think of a person's life?"

Zhang Xu raised his eyebrows, why Lao Deng started talking about this today.

"Men are inherently mortal, or they are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather."

"The most precious thing for man is life, and life belongs to man only once. A man's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor will he be ashamed for doing nothing. "

I used to hear people say that reading too many books is useless, Zhang Xu has always been "hehe" to such people. Poems and books are in the belly, and when you talk to people, you can find chapters and use allusions at your fingertips. This is the difference between "West Lake is so beautiful" and "The water is shining and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy."

Lao Deng hadn't read "Letter to Ren Shaoqing" and "How Steel Was Tempered", but the meaning of Zhang Xu's words could still be heard.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "I hope my death is as heavy as the mountain."

Dumbledore left after speaking.

Zhang Xu watched Dumbledore disappear into the night, recalling his slightly strange behavior tonight.

Perhaps it was because he realized that he was too old to suppress Voldemort after a few moves with Voldemort a few days ago, or he realized that this time Voldemort must get rid of him first and then quickly, and finally expressed his feelings.

And this time Voldemort came back aggressively, but the Minister of Magic, Fudge, was holding him back for the sake of power, so that he could not suppress Voldemort's power in the initial stage. Anyone who met such a pig-like teammate would feel tired.


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