Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 220 Professor Dumbledore, what are you doing?

It was another school year's school-leaving banquet. In the Hogwarts cafeteria, students from the three schools gathered together.

It’s just that compared to before, the headmaster of Durmstrang, Karkaroff, who was on the professor’s seat, disappeared, and Fudge ordered that Karkaroff had something urgent to do, so he knew that his headmaster had cheated Hogwarts There are not many students in Durmstrang who ran away.

In this Triwizard Tournament, no one was killed or seriously injured or disabled. The students of the three schools were all very happy.

The delicious food on the table today is very rich, just like the day when the teachers and students from the two sister schools first arrived.

In this cheerful atmosphere, only Dumbledore and Harry Potter seemed unhappy. To be exact, the two of them had been unhappy since they knew Voldemort was back. .

Oh, and there's Snape who looks unhappy all year round.

As for Zhang Xu, he has nothing to be unhappy about.

He was sure that the halo of the protagonist in this world was on Harry Potter and not on himself.

Just imagine which protagonist will be driven to spend the night on the balcony by his girlfriend?

If it wasn't for the luck of the Harry Potter protagonist who flashed a few times, how could he help at the last moment and take Dumbledore and him to Voldemort's side without any danger.

I can follow the protagonist to the final boss and come back safely, instead of letting Lao Deng hold a glass of wine on the stage and say, "I must first announce with great pain that we have lost a very good man." Man, he should have been sitting here and enjoying this dinner with us. I hope everyone will stand up and raise their glasses to pay tribute to Zhang Xu." Then Fu Rong, Gabriel and others wept like rain and tears at the table Si Jiaoyi, isn't that enough?

Not to mention the private money obtained this time, but luckily Harry Potter didn't tell about it that night.

Zhang Xu guessed that Voldemort was regretting not saying "get rid of those who are in the way" at the first time, but he was severely tricked by Zhang Xu.

Throughout the dinner, Zhang Xu focused on discussing with Furong about summer vacation activities.

In the future, Fleur will have less time to return to France, and she wants to spend more time with Gabriel during the recent period.

And Zhang Xu has a lot of things to do this summer vacation. The birth of Java last month and the official release of Windows 95 two months later are all closely related to the company he opened in China. Stay in the country for a long time.

At the end of the dinner, Zhang Xu saw Dumbledore standing up, and the cafeteria fell silent.

"Another year is over," said Dumbledore, looking at the students.

"There is one thing I think I must tell everyone," Dumbledore continued.

Zhang Xu frowned, he immediately thought of what Dumbledore was going to say next.

"Voldemort is back."

Dumbledore's words blew through the entire cafeteria like a cold wind, and many students shivered.

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you this," continued Dumbledore. "Some of the parents of my classmates may be shocked by my actions, either because they can't believe that Voldemort is really back, or because they think I I shouldn't have told this to you, after all, you are young. However, I believe that telling the truth is always better than lying."

"Everyone, please look at the big screen." With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, a large piece of curtain fell on the wall behind the professor's chair, covering the entire wall, blocking the school emblem hanging on the wall.

The next moment, the candles in the cafeteria were extinguished, and the whole cafeteria was plunged into darkness except for the curtain.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared on the curtain, and many students recognized the picture taken by the photography crystal at this time.

This crystal was hung on Zhang Xu's collar from the beginning, and Zhang Xu has been using it as a driving recorder.

When Dumbledore asked him to negotiate with Voldemort about the video of Voldemort's resurrection,

Without saying anything, Zhang Xu copied the content of the video and gave it to Lao Deng. At first, Zhang Xu thought he was going to show it to the officials of the Ministry of Magic. Who knew that he had prepared it for the students of the three schools from the very beginning. Look at the plan.

Seeing the beginning of the video on the big screen, Zhang Xu heaved a sigh of relief. At the beginning of the video, the hooded old horse put Voldemort into the boiling cauldron, avoiding Zhang Xu's use of " Stunned (Physical)", the kidnapping of Harry Potter and the deal with Voldemort.

When the students in the cafeteria heard the phrase "Do you want to add some angelica, red dates, wolfberry, tangerine peel, star anise, grass fruit, radish", they knew that there was someone next to them, and everyone turned their attention to the Zhang Xu.

As the Death Eaters added to the cauldron, the incantations chanted as they added bones, meat, and blood, were heard by the students throughout the dining hall.

Especially when it was finally seen that the last blood used came from Harry who was tied up in the fire wall, the whole cafeteria was in an uproar.

At last, a puff of white steam rose from the cauldron, and a black figure of a tall and thin man like a skeleton stood up from the cauldron.

At this moment, I don't know how many people didn't realize that they had completed a mythical achievement: seeing Voldemort's naked body.

Fortunately, the scene was smoky and Zhang Xu was standing a little far away, so there were no scenes that were too unsuitable for children.

The man put on his clothes and walked towards the camera. At this moment, everyone could see his face clearly—a face that was paler than a skeleton, two big eyes that were as red as a little white rabbit, and his nose was gone. It's two slits.

Immediately afterwards, the wall of fire that surrounded Harry Potter just now disappeared without a trace together with Harry, and soon after, Dumbledore appeared in the picture.

The recording ends here.

The students in the cafeteria were all silent, followed by buzzing discussions like bees flying, and soon the re-lit candles in the cafeteria fluttered up and down amidst the waves of students' voices.

Dumbledore, who had just made a big news, stood on the professor's chair without saying a word, just quietly looking at the students below.

At this moment, Zhang Xu felt that his hand was about to break a bone. As soon as the video recording started, the nervous Fu Rong tightly grasped his arm.

After finally comforting Fu Rong, the discussion in the cafeteria also quieted down.

"When talking about this matter, there is another person that must be mentioned," Dumbledore continued after the cafeteria fell silent, "Oh, I'm talking about Zhang Xu."

There was another commotion in the cafeteria. The students turned their heads to look at Zhang Xu, and then at Dumbledore, hoping that he would tell the story of the news at that time.

"Zhang Xu and Harry Potter were captured by Voldemort's subordinates together," said Dumbledore, "surrounded by Death Eaters, he risked his life at any time, while dealing and negotiating with Voldemort, Managed to get in touch with me. He showed in every way full of wisdom and fearlessness that few wizards have shown in the face of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. For this, I salute him .”

At this moment, Zhang Xu really wanted to throw a wine glass on Lao Deng's forehead. A few days ago, he persuaded Fu Rong to leave the UK. Looking at Fu Rong's expression and eyes, Zhang Xu reckoned that he slept on the balcony for nothing that night.

Dumbledore turned to Zhang Xu seriously, and raised his goblet again.

Most of the people in the auditorium did so. They shouted Zhang Xu's name loudly and toasted him.

When Zhang Xu stood up to pay homage to the crowd, through the gaps in the standing crowd, he saw that half of the Slytherin students were sitting still, and they only raised their wine glasses by a centimeter or two, meaning to put them down.

After everyone was seated, Dumbledore made another speech calling on everyone to unite.

At this time, Zhang Xu was no longer interested in listening to those words, and Lao Deng's actions today exceeded Zhang Xu's expectations.

There is an old saying in China called "No picture, no truth". The dilemma faced by Dumbledore and Harry in the "Story" is just like that.

As a result, this time Lao Deng not only had pictures and videos, but also had a number of Aurors as witnesses later, making the truth unbelievably true, which will definitely cause great shock in the entire wizarding society.

If Fuji can cover the lid now, Zhang Xu will admire his wrist.

And Lao Deng pushed Zhang Xu to the front this time, probably because he wanted him to help share some of the firepower. Lao Deng knew that in the minds of many wizard families, Zhang Xu was about equal to the God of Wealth.

Zhang Xu, who was secretly tricked by Lao Deng, was also speechless, but he couldn't jump back to Voldemort's side. The fact that Voldemort slaughtered a large number of Muggles to create infernal corpses cut off the possibility of Zhang Xu and Voldemort joining forces. All I can do is to see where I can get the account back.

Dumbledore's speech came to an end after repeated appeals to everyone to move forward in solidarity.

With the end of the principal's speech, the school leaving banquet also ended, and it was time for everyone to say goodbye.

By the lake, the crowd bid farewell to the students of Durmstrang.

Fortunately, this boat is usually driven by students, so it doesn't matter that Karkaroff is not there.

About Karkaroff, Zhang Xu has already told Krum everything, and asked him to tell other students and professors when they returned to school.

After bidding farewell to Durmstrang's big ship with Squid, Zhang Xu sent Furong and Gabriel to Beauxbaton's carriage.

After making an appointment and calling when they got home, Sister Furong got into the carriage.

Then there was Dong Niya, she asked Zhang Xu for his phone number before getting into the carriage. She said that after graduation, she didn't want to open a store in St. Petersburg these few years, so she went to join her parents, so everyone had a chance to go out for a drink.

After watching Beauxbaton's carriage fly into the sky, Zhang Xu walked towards the gate of Hogwarts.

Outside the door, a carriage pulled by a Thestral was waiting for him.

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