Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 230 No one can convince anyone

"Hello, Mr. Minister." Zhang Xu greeted Fudge, the Minister of Magic who walked out of the hall.

Seeing Zhang Xu, Fuji was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Zhang Xu didn't come by train with the students.

Fudge nodded almost imperceptibly to Zhang Xu as a greeting.

Zhang Xu can control the dementors, which makes Fudge very dissatisfied with Zhang Xu, especially since he was the one who bridged Zhang Xu and the dementors at the beginning.

Dementors are an armed force affiliated to the Ministry of Magic, and their nature is actually the same as mercenaries. The Ministry of Magic needs the force and deterrence of the Dementors, and the Dementors need the Ministry of Magic to provide them with rations. Both sides get what they need and cooperate happily.

According to the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Magic, only the Minister of Magic and those authorized by the Minister of Magic can mobilize the dementors.

And Zhang Xu recruited the leader of the dementors to testify for Harry in court. This behavior is equivalent to a foreigner colluding with the commander of the domestic armed forces, and then ruthlessly cheating the government of his country.

This kind of thing will only have two consequences in the Muggle society. One is that the government was overthrown by a military coup by domestic armed forces in collusion with foreign forces. Such things have happened in African countries. The other is that the person involved was arrested and shot by the government for five minutes.

Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic cannot be measured by the common sense of the Muggle government.

Zhang Xu dared to do this because he saw that the Ministry of Magic did not dare to embarrass the Dementors, and at the same time did not dare to embarrass himself.

After all, the behavior of the Ministry of Magic is different from the way of thinking of the Muggle government. They don't have the idea of ​​foreign forces colluding with domestic forces to rebel in their heads.

Moreover, Fudge is not that kind of tough person. If there is a tough Minister of Magic, Zhang Xu will be expelled from the country and go home to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Although the Ministry of Magic did not do anything to Zhang Xu, but as far as Minister of Magic Fudge was concerned, after Zhang Xu slapped the Ministry of Magic in the face, the two of them were already hostile.

Now that the face has been torn, it is the duty of the state of etiquette to say hello when they meet each other, and there is no need for further conversation.

Just when the two were about to pass by each other, Fuji suddenly stopped Zhang Xu.

"Are you free now, Mr. Zhang?"

"I'm not in a hurry to finish." Zhang Xu turned around and replied, "What's the matter, Mr. Minister."

"Can you walk outside with me?" Fudge said.

This time it was Zhang Xu's turn to be stunned for a moment. He heard that Fudge scolded him for half an hour in the office after he knew about the dementors that Zhang Xu was behind it. Now he wants to talk to himself, which makes Zhang Xu a little curious about what he wants to do.

Although walking around the campus with a middle-aged uncle is not a good experience, but if you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, you still have to give the face of a minister of magic.

Today's weather was fine, with a breezy and sunny day. The two walked along the Hogwarts lake for a while, neither of them talking first.

"It's been a long time since I took a walk in Hogwarts." Fudge said, looking at the sparkling lake, "It's been about half a century."

"I think the professors and students of Hogwarts welcome Mr. Minister to come back often." Zhang Xu said.

"I have had this thought occasionally, but after sitting in this position, I don't have much personal time." Fudge said, "I heard from Weasley that the campus life at Hogwarts has been wonderful these past few years. I Why didn't I think of organizing a broomstick match when I was at Hogwarts?"

Zhang Xu listened to Fudge recalling his student life at Hogwarts.

"After entering the Ministry of Magic, I no longer have the kind of carefree life except homework." Fudge said finally.

"It is precisely because of Mr. Minister's hard work that other people have a peaceful life." Zhang Xu lifted Fu Ji.

"But some people don't want everyone to live a peaceful life." Fudge looked at Zhang Xu and said, "You know who I'm talking about."

"Yes, I know. The mysterious man is back, and everyone will go back to the life they lived in constant fear more than ten years ago." Zhang Xu said "following" Fuji's words.

Zhang Xu knew that Fudge was referring to Dumbledore and Harry Potter who had been preaching Voldemort's return all day long.

But Zhang Xu didn't want to play tricks with Fuji in this regard, and directly showed his charisma.

If Fudge can realize the fact that Voldemort has returned in time, it will be good news for Zhang Xu, and maybe he can end the war before the college entrance examination.

When Fudge heard Zhang Xu's answer, his face immediately turned red.

Fortunately, having been an official for many years, Fudge still had some self-cultivation skills, and he quickly recovered his calm.

"You also think that the mysterious man is back as Dumbledore said?" Fudge said in a cold voice.

"If Dumbledore threatened you to say that, I can make the decision for you," Fudge continued, in a softer voice.

"It's not that Professor Dumbledore asked me to say that, but I saw with my own eyes the mysterious man who recovered his body come out of the cauldron." Zhang Xu shook his head and said.

"You have never seen the mysterious man." Fudge said, staring at Zhang Xu, "This is Dumbledore's trick, he deceived you. Dumbledore is a superb transfiguration master, and it is very important for him to do this." It's not difficult."

Zhang Xu is no stranger to the routine of being an officer, soldier and thief at the same time, and such characters often appear in literary works.

If Dumbledore and Voldemort are the same person, 135 will appear as Dumbledore, and 246 will be replaced by Voldemort, taking a rest on Sunday, such a thing is not impossible in the wizarding world.

Zhang Xu felt that he could use this subject to write a book.

If Zhang Xu hadn't known the truth early on, maybe he would have been shaken by Fudge's words.

"Mr. Minister, I believe in my own judgment. I also have a way to judge whether the other party is a real mysterious person." Zhang Xu said.

The Horcrux detector in Zhang Xu's hand can increase the detection range while reducing the accuracy.

When the old horse walked in front of Zhang Xu with Voldemort in his arms, the Horcrux detector in his hand kept vibrating.

"And I can't think of a reason for Professor Dumbledore to do this." Zhang Xu continued.

"The reason is simple, for power, for my position." Fudge said in an educative tone, "for power, who knows what he will do."

Zhang Xu really wanted to complain about Fuji, you are talking about yourself, right?

Fudge was the spare tire for the position of Minister of Magic back then, and Fudge could only take the position after Dumbledore rejected that position.

Seeing that Zhang Xu didn't speak, Fudge said again: "No one who has tasted the taste of power will refuse it. Just like you are a professor in Hogwarts now, if one day you lose Without the power of the professor, I believe you will be very unwilling."

Zhang Xu found that what Fuji said was very reasonable, and he couldn't refute it.

It's just that Fudge's hidden threat has no effect on Zhang Xu. If Fudge withdraws his professorship, he will only be happy that he can have more time to prepare for the college entrance examination in two years. Anyway, he doesn't have any girls to take back to the dormitory in the future.

If Fuji knew what Zhang Xu was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

"It would be great if I could refuse this job." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "If it weren't for the fact that I didn't have to do my homework, I wouldn't have accepted this job. In the end, I miscalculated because I forgot that I had to change my homework. Make me busy with my homework."

After hearing Zhang Xu's complaint, Fudge could not help but smile.

"Mr. Minister, I suggest that you pay more attention to the actions of those Death Eaters who escaped sanctions." Zhang Xu changed the subject.

"If the You-Know-Who does come back, then those former Death Eaters must regroup under his command, so that we can get useful clues from their actions."

"For example, Lucius Malfoy, if the mysterious people come back, their actions will definitely make the Malfoy family, the wealthiest among the Death Eaters, pay. If Lucius Malfoy is not as generous as before It means that all his money has been used to help the mysterious person."

Fuji knew what Zhang Xu meant by "generosity" and couldn't help but blushed and didn't answer Zhang Xu's words.

At this time, Zhang Xu found that the two of them were walking and talking, and they had reached the place where the Great Lake and the Forbidden Forest intersected.

Zhang Xu pointed to the lawn surrounded by the Great Lake and the Forbidden Forest, and said to Fudge, "That lawn was reserved by Professor Dumbledore."

Fudge immediately became alert, turned to look at Zhang Xu, and waited for him to speak.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to build his tomb here after his death." Zhang Xu said calmly.

"Professor Dumbledore is very old. Although there are wizards older than him, I can feel that he has realized that his time is running out." Zhang Xu said in a low voice.

"Professors at Hogwarts can see that he has handed over more and more of the Headmaster's powers to the Vice-Headmaster over the years."

"If it weren't for the threat of the mysterious man, maybe Professor Dumbledore has chosen to retire."

"Professor Dumbledore poses no threat to your position, Mr Minister. I don't think anyone would support a man who has not many years to live to be a Minister."

"Instead of worrying about the threat of Professor Dumbledore, you might as well worry about the other directors in the Ministry of Magic."

It was the first time for Fudge next to him to hear the news, and he was also stunned for a moment.

Many people didn't realize it, or deliberately ignored Dumbledore's age.

Everyone only noticed Dumbledore's halo as the first white wizard, but no one thought that one day his life would come to an end.

"So when do you think... it will be?" Fudge asked cautiously.

This question is a bit too much. If it is exposed in the media, Fudge will definitely receive a roaring letter on the fight.

"It's hard to say," Zhang Xu said after shaking his head, "Maybe just tonight, or two years later, I can't say for sure."

Then both fell into silence.

None of them could convince anyone today. Fudge couldn't get Zhang Xu to "refute the rumors", and Zhang Xu couldn't make Fudge pay attention to Voldemort's matter.

Fudge is not the kind of person with a strong personality, so Zhang Xu gave up early on the act of asking him to learn from the "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher thirteen years ago and gained great reputation after the Malvinas Islands War.

Fu Ji, who failed to persuade Zhang Xu, saw that it was useless to stay, and he left soon after trying to repair the relationship between the two failed.

After Fudge left, Zhang Xu also returned to Hogwarts Castle, and then walked towards the kitchen.


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