Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 231 Is there something wrong with making dumplings at Hogwarts?

Now that the Hogwarts students were on the train, if Voldemort and the railway guerrillas attacked the train, maybe Harry Potter would be cold by now.

There were no students in the castle, so the professors' lunch was basically delivered to their offices or dormitories by the house elves, and only a few professors would come to the kitchen to eat by themselves.

Zhang Xu walked into the kitchen, found Dobby, and asked him to prepare the waken dough, and then asked him to roll out the dough with the dough.

Then Zhang Xu took out the ten catties of lean meat that he had prepared, and finely chopped them to make saozi.

After the saozi is cut, put it in a pot, add the processed shrimps, shiitake mushrooms, seasonings, sesame oil, etc. and stir well.

After Dobby rolled out the dumpling wrappers, Zhang Xu, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and Professor Snape made dumplings together.


What is this weird style of painting!

Harry Potter fans over at "Old Home" will cry and beat themselves to death seeing this scene!

If they see the cold-faced Professor Snape skillfully taking out the stuffing and squeezing the dumpling wrappers, will they go crazy because of the broken three views?

Zhang Xu himself was devastated.

As the saying goes, if you don't eat dumplings at the beginning of school, your test scores will be low.

Seeing that it wasn't time for lunch, I ran to the kitchen on a whim to make some dumplings for lunch, and then went back to sleep until the start-of-school dinner began.

As a result, when Zhang Xu was chopping the minced meat, Dumbledore first, and then the four deans came to the kitchen one after another to watch him inhumanely.

If he knew this would happen, he would go back to the dormitory and eat instant noodles.

Today, Zhang Xu was bumped into by a group of school leaders in the kitchen, because Dumbledore decided to find an informal place to call the school leadership team for a small meeting. , take a breath.

Some things are not good to say in the principal's office, otherwise it will be regarded as the principal giving orders to everyone,

If the place is changed, for example, the school’s leadership team is chatting together while making dumplings in the kitchen. Afterwards, it is impossible to find out whether the principal gave the order or the grassroots cadres made their own decisions.


Zhang Xu got involved so inexplicably.

"We will welcome a new colleague today." Dumbledore said while making dumplings, "The Ministry of Magic appointed Dolores Umbridge, Deputy Minister of Magic, to be the head of Hogwarts in the new year." Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Ministry appointment?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Yes," said Dumbledore, "the Ministry of Magic passed Educational Decree No. 22 on August 30, ensuring that if the current headmaster cannot provide a candidate for a teaching position, the Ministry will recommend one." The right person."

The four deans frowned.

No one who can become the dean is an idiot, and he quickly figured out the intention of the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, Hogwarts has always been free from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic. For many years, the Ministry of Magic has been trying to reach into Hogwarts, but it has been blocked by the successive headmasters.

Back then, the basilisk incident was quite a big deal, and the Ministry of Magic just sent two Aurors to have a look around. It wasn't that they didn't want to send people to open a "campus police station", but Dumbledore blocked them.

Later, Sirius Black escaped from prison, and the Ministry of Magic once again tried to use security work to reach into the Hogwarts campus, but Dumbledore pushed them outside the school wall again.

At the end of last school year, after Dumbledore released the video of Voldemort's return, the Ministry of Magic stepped up its intervention in Hogwarts. At the last moment, no one dared to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts to pass the "Second Education Decree No. 12".

When the Order of the Phoenix held a meeting a while ago, Zhang Xu proposed to Dumbledore that Black should be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts altogether, so as not to give the Ministry of Magic an opportunity, and Black also agreed to this proposal at the time.

But in the end Dumbledore still rejected this proposal. The curse of this position is too strong, even Old Deng is a little bit timid, and he dare not put Black in this position. If Black is folded in this position, it will be a lot of fun. up.

Later, Zhang Xu proposed that Snape be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and another professor of Potions, but Dumbledore rejected the proposal again for the same reason.

As a result, this gave the Ministry of Magic an opportunity.

"I hope her level is higher than Professor Gilderoy Lockhart." Zhang Xu said.

Except that Dumbledore's face was a little dark, the other four professors all smiled.

It can only be said that Lockhart's disguise was so good that even Dumbledore got caught.

Zhang Xu, who knew what the new professor was like, was already thinking about tearing off the cover of this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook and wrapping it on other books.

"I'm afraid the new professor won't teach the students in peace." Professor McGonagall said with a sneer.

"This is inevitable," Zhang Xu entered the "prophet" mode, "first go to Hogwarts as a professor, and then formulate various targeted regulations through the Ministry of Magic. On the one hand, restrict the various actions of the students. At the same time, the professors will be reviewed and cleaned.”

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, Dumbledore and the four professors stopped making dumplings and looked at him in unison.

"Zhang, you see this more clearly than us. Tell me what you think she will do?" Professor Flitwick said.

Zhang Xu naturally did not dare to disobey the dean's order.

Zhang Xu put down a freshly made dumpling, collected his thoughts, and said, "Let's look at the goals of the Ministry of Magic first, and then deduce the actions they will take from their goals."

"The biggest goal of the Ministry of Magic is to completely control Hogwarts. At present, the biggest obstacle preventing them from accomplishing this goal is Professor Dumbledore."

"In the past two months, the Ministry of Magic has spared no effort to smear Professor Dumbledore in the public opinion, and caused the professor to lose many important jobs. This is all to drive the professor away from the position of headmaster of Hogwarts. prepare for."

"So Umbridge's most important task is to find the 'evidence' that can drive away Professor Dumbledore."

The four deans nodded and agreed with Zhang Xu.

"What evidence can Professor Dumbledore have?" Professor Sprout asked, frowning.

"I'm not sure about that," Zhang Xu replied, "but the Minister of Magic, Fudge, has always been very afraid that the professor will take his place. Maybe they will find clues that the professor has organized an army in the school to prepare Assault on the Ministry of Magic."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, the four deans and Dumbledore all smiled at the same time, and even the corners of Snape's mouth, who had been keeping a cold face, twitched.

"They're worried about Professor Dumbledore, they might as well be worried about you." Professor Flitwick said sharply, "If there is an army in Hogwarts, it was built by you, Zhang."

"Actually, I'm also a little worried," Zhang Xu said, "Will ...'s Defense Association (Defense) be considered 'Dumbledore's Army' by them?"

Except for Dumbledore who remained calm, the four deans were all stunned for a moment. They found that it was really possible to be interpreted by the Ministry of Magic in this way.

"...'s activities?" Professor McGonagall said, frowning.

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Xu replied, "I can find someone to take this matter down."

Except for the cramp at the corner of Snape's mouth, the other three deans and Dumbledore all looked at Zhang Xu curiously, trying to figure out who he was going to ask to take the blame.

It's just that Zhang Xu kept it a secret first, just shook his head, and didn't say the person's name.

At the same time, on the train heading to Hogwarts, Malfoy, who was arguing with Harry and the others, sneezed loudly, and Harry seized the opportunity to lose a round.

"In addition to Professor Dumbledore, Umbridge will also attack other professors." Zhang Xu continued, "As a leader, there must be a few of his confidantes. So Umbridge will definitely find an opportunity to fire A number of professors, and then let the Ministry of Magic arrange its own people."

"For example, take the method of classroom assessment and score professors, and professors who fail will be dismissed."

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, the four deans were stunned again. Snape squeezed the dumpling in his hand hard.

Among the professors, Snape had been a Death Eater before, and he knew how he was imaged in the hearts of the students, so he was the easiest to be targeted.

"The professors here are not a problem," Zhang Xu said, "I think the most worrying ones should be Professor Hagrid, Professor Trelawney and myself."

Dumbledore, who had been silent all this time, gave an "um" at this time, and then stopped talking.

Hagrid is his confidant, Trelawney is also very important, Dumbledore will naturally make preparations for it.

"Apart from the professor, all that Umbridge has left is to discipline the students." Zhang Xu continued.

"Recently, I got news from the Ministry of Magic that the Ministry of Magic seems very displeased with students mastering combat skills. Just like how we defeated the basilisk and repelled the werewolves back then, this is not allowed by the Ministry of Magic."

"So for students, it is nothing more than restricting students' activities through various rules and regulations, and then reviewing various activity organizations in the school. Only organizations approved by Umbridge can continue to exist."

"In this way, ... such organizations and activities can only be disbanded and cease activities."

"Maybe she will also forbid the distance between boys and girls to be less than five to eight inches." Finally Zhang Xu shrugged and said.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, the deans fell silent.

This thing is a little tricky.

"Then what should we do?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking at Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore didn't answer, but just cast his eyes on Zhang Xu.

The other professors followed Dumbledore and looked at Zhang Xu.

After all, no professor would want to have a shitstick like that at Hogwarts, and everyone would be unhappy.

However, the professors are not good at such things as the Ministry of Magic's obedience and inconsistency, so they all hope that Zhang Xu can come up with an idea.

Zhang Xu understood what Dumbledore meant. After all, what he said and what Zhang Xu said about the fight against the Ministry of Magic were two different things.

So Zhang Xu thought for a while and said, "If the sky wants it to die, it will drive it crazy."

"Professors, don't confront her head-on. I'm here to get everyone moving."

Out of trust in Zhang Xu, the dean and principal didn't say anything, they all knew that Zhang Xu had a sense of propriety.

After unifying their thoughts, Dobby brought up all the cooked dumplings, and everyone began to eat lunch with vinegar.


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