Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 232 I'm so tired, I really want to be a salted fish

After eating dumplings with the professors and leaving the kitchen, Zhang Xu met Peeves in the corridor on the way back to the dormitory of Eagle Court.

"Peves, come here." Zhang Xu said to Peeves.

"Work for you at any time, Mr. Zhang." Peeves flew over and saluted Zhang Xu and said.

"Starting today, you can go all out to play pranks in the castle." Zhang Xu said to Peeves with a smile.

"Yes, sir." Peeves happily saluted Zhang Xu.

"You have to treat the new professor this year well." Zhang Xu said in a low voice.

Peeves, who was floating in the air, kept nodding his head to show his understanding.

Back in Yingyuan's own dormitory, Zhang Xu fell on the bed without taking off his shoes.

Because the house elves often come to take care of it, the bed that doesn't come back several times a year doesn't have the damp, musty smell that comes from being left alone for a long time.

Zhang Xu decided to come back and live here this year, and not to be separated from the masses for too long.

Zhang Xu lying on the bed suddenly felt very tired, and really wanted to be a salted fish quietly.

Not long ago, Zhang Xu, who was enthusiastically analyzing the difficulties faced by the professors this semester, suddenly became depressed, lazy, and unmotivated after lying on the bed.

After Zhang Xu realized that something was wrong with his spirit, he just wanted to release a "mechanical mind" for himself and do a self-examination, but he gave up immediately.

He found that he was really tired. After several years of hard work and continuous planning, he basically finished all the things that should be done, and the parts that should be spoiled were also spoiled.

He is used to making decisions before making moves. Now that he has finished his plans, he doesn't want to move anymore.

All the Horcruxes could be solved, and the locket gave the dementor leader a good meal before it agreed to help Harry Potter as a witness. To deal with the remaining Horcruxes, all that is needed now is to stew the snake named Nagini and strangle Harry Potter.

If Harry Potter had strangled him while holding the Resurrection Stone, maybe it would have happened.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Xu didn't think that the prophecy ball was very useful. If Voldemort asked someone to carry the prophecy ball back with the frame, or cut it off with the frame, there would be nothing left to do.

Now the next step is to wait for Voldemort to gather the manpower, and then there will be a decisive battle at the top of Hogwarts, and then the cast subtitles will be released.

Apart from brushing the copy of the Ministry of Magic after the exams, there are basically no major events worthy of his attention this school year, and he can just wait for Harry Potter to call him to go with him.

To do the right thing with Umbridge, he just needs to remind the students at the right time. Under Umbridge's high pressure, he believes that the students who are accustomed to freedom will definitely make the right choice .

As for the fact that Hagrid and Trelawney would be punished by Umbridge, I didn't bother to care about it, and I wasn't their father, so why cared so much.

Besides, Hagrid could give up treatment, so Trelawney was naturally saved by Old Deng.

There is also the matter of Voldemort wanting to see him, the big deal is to call someone from his hometown to support him. If Voldemort doesn't come, it will be treated as inviting his seniors to visit the UK.

During the battle of the Department of Mysteries, let's make soy sauce, don't steal other people's monsters, just throw a gas tank to blow up the meaning, and leave the rest to them to gain experience points.

Voldemort was tricked by himself, and the Death Eaters in Azkaban were turned into "sick men of Western Europe" by himself. The Order of the Phoenix couldn't beat them, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Life and death depend on fate and wealth, so I don't want to be a nanny for others.


I just want to be a salted fish,

lying quietly on the sand,

Let the wind blow and the waves beat you,

Watch it ebb and flow,

Just lay there quietly.

I just want to be a salted fish,

hanging quietly under the eaves,

Let you slant the wind and drizzle,

Watch it bloom and fruit fall,

Just hung there quietly.

I just want to be a salted fish,

quietly in the refrigerator,

Let you refrigerate and freeze,

Look at its vegetables, fruits and fresh meat,

Just leave it quietly.


Zhang Xu just fell asleep on the bed.

When Zhang Xu woke up, the school opening banquet was over.

The person who came to wake him up was Anthony Goldstein, the newly promoted chief of the Eagle Academy this year.

"Are you sick?" Anthony looked at Zhang Xu who was sluggish and said in surprise.

"It's okay." Zhang Xu said after yawning, "Is the start-of-school banquet over?"

"Yes. I didn't see you on the train or at the banquet, so I thought something happened to you." Anthony said, "Would you like to visit Madam Pomfrey? Or go for something to eat?"

"I was delayed by something today, so I didn't take the train." Zhang Xu said, "How about the school-opening banquet today?"

After hearing Zhang Xu's question, Anthony spread his hands and said, "We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, who do you think she is?"

"A person who will be an enemy of the entire Hogwarts." Zhang Xu said while yawning for the second time.

Zhang Xu's words contain a lot of information, and Anthony will not be able to react for a while.

"Someone should know some news from the Ministry of Magic, so let's pass it on to everyone, keep a low profile recently," Zhang Xu said.

After chatting for a few more words, Anthony left.

After Zhang Xu sat in a daze for a while, his stomach started to growl, and he left the dormitory to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

When he passed the common room, Zhang Xu met Zhang Qiu who was holding a plate of food and a large glass of pumpkin juice.

Zhang Qiu took Zhang Xu to an empty table in front of the fireplace in the common room and sat down, then put food and drink in front of him.

"Just now I heard Anthony say that your spirit is not good, and I didn't see you eating dinner, so I brought some food for you." Zhang Qiu said.

"Humanity is as cold as ice, but aunt is the only one who warms people's hearts." Zhang Xu sighed.

"Stop talking." Zhang Qiu gave him a white look, "How are you today? Are you sick?"

"I've been so tired recently, I suddenly don't want to move." Zhang Xu replied while eating.

"If you don't want to move, then don't move. If you fall down, lie down there." Zhang Qiu sighed and said, "It's tiring to watch you live all the time. Last year, your wife came over to distract you a little bit." attention."

"Yeah, so I plan to not be so tired this year, it's time to let myself relax." Zhang Xu nodded and said.

"Why don't you find another girlfriend at Hogwarts?" Zhang Qiu said to Zhang Xu with a smile.

This time it was Zhang Xu's turn to give her a white look, and said, "I heard that little Mr. Digory in the Ministry of Magic is very popular in the Ministry because of his handsome and elegant appearance. When I have time, I will encourage those mature and sensitive big sisters." Go after him."

Come on, let's hurt each other!

Valentine's Day or something, it doesn't exist.

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