Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 233: A New Storm Begins

In the common room of Eagle Academy, students who were familiar with Zhang Xu kept coming to say hello to Zhang Xu.

Many people also joked that he has no opposite sex this year, and finally his humanity has returned.

After Zhang Xu explained why he didn't attend the opening banquet under the pretext of feeling unwell today, the classmates who originally wanted to continue chatting with him stopped bothering him.

And in a corner of the common room, this year's first-year freshmen are gathering together, listening to the old students (chuī) tell (xū) what happened in the past.

There are only three Asian faces in the Eagle Academy, Zhang Xu, Zhang Qiu and this year's newly promoted Padma Patil.

The appearance of Zhang Xu immediately attracted the attention of the freshmen.

Seeing that the freshmen were interested in Zhang Xu's sudden appearance, the senior students entered the mode of narrating (chuī) holding (niū) and preached what Zhang Xu had done in the past few years to the freshmen with embellishments.

Of course, in those awesome stories, there will definitely be a storyteller beside Zhang Xu.

When a student questioned Zhang Xu after reading a report by a Western reporter in the Daily Prophet two months ago, he was suppressed by the old students on the spot.

The quality of a great personality, the most important thing is a word of sincerity. ——Lu Xun

The word-of-mouth accumulated by Zhang Xu over the years made the students finally choose to trust him.

After Zhang Xu had eaten and drank enough, the students in the common room began to return to their dormitories to sleep one after another.

After everyone had left, Zhang Xu left the common room and returned to the office to take out the Marauder's Map.

Seeing the names of Ron and Harry appearing in the prefect's bathroom, the corners of Zhang Xu's mouth twitched a little.

Seeing that there was no one in the professor's bathroom and all the other professors were in the dormitory, Zhang Xu went to the bathroom to take a hot bath.

Having learned the lesson from the last time when Furong and Furong just started taking a shower, a certain professor broke in, and then he was hung in the corridor, this time Zhang Xu cast a spell on the door of the bathroom to seal it.

Although it is not difficult for the professors to untie it, it can tell them that there is someone inside.

Lying in the bath that was big enough to swim in, the warm hot water wrapped his body, and the calming bubbles floating on the water, Xianyu Zhang slowly regained a little vitality.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to get up and go back to the dormitory for a good night's sleep, there was a "ding" sound from the bathroom door.

This is not a reminder that Zhang Xu is cooked in the bath, and that someone is breaking the spell on the door.

Zhang Xu, who quickly put on his robe, walked out of the bathroom. When he opened the door, he saw a witch studying the door of the bathroom.

"Uh, good evening, Professor Babling." Zhang Xu greeted with some embarrassment.

Standing in front of the bathroom door was Bathhida Babling, professor of ancient runes.

"Ah, good evening, Zhang." Professor Babling seemed to be taken aback by Zhang Xu, "I'm sorry to bother you. I just saw the magic spell on the door very interesting, so I studied it."

Zhang Xu had an expression of "I knew it would be like this".

"It's okay, I just want to go back to the dormitory to sleep." Zhang Xu said, "Good night, Professor Babling."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he turned around and ran away under Professor Babuling's slightly regretful eyes.

Professor Bathhida Babling of the ancient magic text class is in her forties this year. She is a typical blond beauty, who looks about ten years younger than her actual age.

But if you go up to strike up a conversation just because of her appearance, you will have a different experience.

If you don't know that there are four ways to write a certain rune, you will be greeted with an extremely disgusted look.

She belongs to that kind of fanatical researcher, and she only studies ancient runes and various ancient spells in her life.

Except for showing up in class, she usually spends most of her time in the office obsessed with magical research.

According to one of her juniors who did not want to be named, she was like this when she was a student, and all she talked about when dating was the rune, so that she is still single now.

Back then Zhang Xu was caught several times by her,

Every time I get my head blown by her question.

So now Zhang Xu immediately finds an excuse to run away when he sees her outside the classroom.

After teasing Mrs. Norris with dried fish for a while on the road, and bypassing Professor McGonagall who was climbing on the window sill basking in the moon, Zhang Xu finally returned to the dormitory.

The next morning, Zhang Xu came to the cafeteria for breakfast after returning from morning exercise.

At the dining table, Zhang Xu heard that the most talked about by the students was this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Zhang Xianyu didn't join the classmate's topic, but chatted with Luna next to him about the ball fish while eating breakfast.

After breakfast, the first class of the day is herbal medicine.

Since fifth year pupils take their Ordinary Wizarding Level exams, students spend much of the year studying more dangerous plants, such as the fang geraniums in the greenhouse today.

Professor Sprout first explained the living habits and medicinal value of geranium fangs to the students, and then explained in detail the things to pay attention to when planting and fertilizing it.

The last is the practical class. The teeth of the fang geranium are not decorations. If you are bitten, you have to report to the school infirmary.

Today, Professor Sprout treats Zhang Xu kindly, which probably has something to do with the fact that there was no mandrake in yesterday's dumplings.

After the herbal medicine get out of class, there was a history of magic class that everyone loved.

After passing the salted fish in class, the students came to the cafeteria to have lunch.

During lunch, a bad news came from the long table in the Lion Court.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning, several seventh-year students of the Lion House had a verbal conflict with Umbridge.

Umbridge's teaching philosophy also began to spread among the students.

Then the students went crazy, saying that such a professor is not as good as Quirrell and Lockhart.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xu finished today's Muggle Studies class, and when he came to the cafeteria, more exciting news came from the dining table in the Lion Court.

Almost all the fifth grade students in the Lion House had a quarrel with Umbridge. Harry Potter announced again in class that Voldemort had returned, but Umbridge fined him for confinement.

When Zhang Xu was doing his homework in the common room of the Eagle Academy at night, he heard many students around him complaining that the professor of this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was another parallel importer.

The fifth grade students are all (owed to Zhang Xianyu) crazy. Everyone is going to take the general wizard level exam this year. Wouldn't it be a pill to meet such a professor.

And the seventh-grade graduates have already begun to figure out how to make up lessons by themselves.

In the end, when some people wanted to discuss with Zhang Xu, they found that he was no longer in the common room.

The introduction of the book has been changed

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