Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 238 She is a respectable professor

Back in the dormitory, Zhang Xu lay on the bed, muttering "I really want to be a salted fish" and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xu met Professor Babuling on the way to the cafeteria.

Professor Babling's spirit seems to be not very good, and the two dark circles are about to catch up with Zhang Xu's Animagus form.

"Good morning, Professor Babling." Zhang Xu greeted, "Why didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Good morning, Zhang." Professor Babling said, "I didn't sleep last night, and I have already written the paper."

After speaking, Professor Babling handed Zhang Xu a roll of parchment.

"You should pay attention to rest, it will be bad if you fall asleep in class." Zhang Xu said jokingly.

Zhang Xu said while browsing through the papers on the parchment.

The thesis was written... Zhang Xu didn't understand all of it...

In the study of black magic, Zhang Xu's level is not enough.

If Zhang Xu wants to fully understand this paper, he has to go to the library and read it while flipping through books.

Just looking at the conclusion, it can be seen that this magic is evaluated as extremely vicious black magic in the paper.

Zhang Xu's attention was not on the paper itself. He saw that the pictures of the wounds included in the paper were all written with the names of the mice, and he knew that if this paper was published, this alone would be enough to make British Magic The world fryer.

Zhang Xu handed back the papers that he had browsed through to Professor Babuling, who took the papers and said, "I'm going to send the papers to the "Magic" magazine now,

I greeted them before, and they reserved a front seat for me. The latest issue happens to be released the day after tomorrow, and I have to hurry. "

When Professor Babling walked past Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu heard Professor Babling whisper: "I just use my own way to protect my students."

"Go to the owl post office in Hogsmeade, I'm afraid the school's owl room is being monitored." Zhang Xu said to Professor Babling through voice transmission.

Zhang Xu didn't expect that the first one to stand up in this matter was not Professor McGonagall and the deans, and Professor Babling who was usually quiet.

In the wizarding world where knowledge is power, researchers like Professor Babling hold a high status.

With Professor Babling's reputation in the circle of magic researchers, the resources she can mobilize are terrifying.

Just imagine, if Grand Druid Yuan said to a farmer, "The rice your family grows is not good", then that family would have to grow sweet potatoes instead.

McGonagall taught them long-term administrative work, and perhaps taught them to compromise and give in.

But the relatively innocent Professor Babuling doesn't have so many worries. She uses her best efforts to help her students purely out of love for them.

Perhaps it was because her combat effectiveness was not high that Zhang Xu had previously ignored her existence.

But I have to say that Professor Babling is the purest and most respectable professor in the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry. When the students were hurt and other professors were indifferent, she was the only one who stood up resolutely.

When Zhang Xu came to his senses, he had already finished his breakfast and sat in the classroom of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Zhang Xu suddenly found that the atmosphere in the classroom was a bit strange. It was more like preparing for the battlefield than preparing for class.

Moreover, the students kept turning their heads and looked at themselves sitting in the last row with "I'll see you later".

Many students who walked in behind Zhang Xu patted him on the shoulder when they passed by him, and at the same time said "Come on", "It's up to you", "Don't lose to Gryffindor" and other words encourage him.

Zhang Xu really wanted to jump up and point to their noses and ask, you guys don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, and you don't think there are too many brides when you drink my wedding wine, right?

Why do both of you think that I will cause trouble today!

Although I'm not afraid of Umbridge, it doesn't mean I'll take the initiative to pick things up.

And Anthony Goldstein, you are a prefect, what do you mean you go first, and then I will see you last? Are you going to do "Umbridge No Misfortune"?

Before Zhang Xu could react, the class bell rang.

Umbridge walked into the classroom, and she could tell she was in a bad mood, her dark face looking angry and nervous at the same time.

Professor Zhang understands her feelings quite well. We are all professors. If we put ourselves in the shoes of the students, no one will be in a good mood after being bullied by the students for a week from the first class.

Umbridge finished explaining her teaching philosophy with a straight face, then arranged the reading tasks, and then stared at the students in the class, as if waiting for some students to make trouble.

The Eagle Academy students lived up to Umbridge's expectations, and Terry Boot was the first to raise his hand.

"Do you have any questions about the text?" Umbridge asked after getting Terry to his feet.

"Yes, Professor Umbridge," said Terry, "do we need to practice using Charms?"

"Obviously," Umbridge replied, as calmly as possible, "we will learn defensive spells in a safe and risk-free manner."

"I see, thank you Professor Umbridge." Terry bowed slightly to Umbridge and sat down.

Such an obedient student made Umbridge a little uncomfortable for a while, and she froze for a moment after Terry sat down.

Immediately afterwards, Michael Corner raised his hand.

After Umbridge asked him to ask questions, Michael stood up and said: "Professor Umbridge, in the first book of "Standard Spells" compiled by Miranda Goshawk, it was emphasized that spells must be practiced repeatedly to be proficiently mastered. .So we don't practice using spells, so how do we become proficient at them?"

Umbridge's face darkened suddenly, and she replied: "The Ministry of Magic believes that theoretical knowledge can help you pass the exam more effectively. After all, it is the purpose of the school to let students pass the exam. So you just need to master It’s good to have the theoretical content.”

After thanking Umbridge, Michael sat down too.

Seeing that the students in this class didn't seem to be as rebellious as other classes, Umbridge also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it was Kevin Entwistle's turn to raise his hand.

Kevin asked: "Professor Umbridge, what should we do if we are in danger? Take "Magic Defense Theory" and open the relevant chapters, and then tell the other party that we are going to do this, so please hurry up Are you going to catch him without a fight?"

The students in the class laughed, and Zhang Xu also laughed.

Umbridge, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, turned darker and darker.

"I don't think you're going to be attacked in my class," said Umbridge. "You don't think you're going to be attacked in class."

At this point Anthony raised his hand, and it took him two minutes to get permission from Umbridge to ask questions.

"I'm sorry, Professor Umbridge." Anthony said with an uneasy expression, "in our first year, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a dark wizard who infiltrated Hogwarts. In the second year, we The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor of the DADA class released the basilisk in the castle. In the fourth year, our professor was a Death Eater in disguise. We met three Defenders from the Dark Arts who did harm to us in four years Professor of Art, so please forgive us for our concern about this matter. After all, less than a week after the start of school, several students were seriously injured because of your confinement."

The students in the classroom kept nodding with a "yes, yes" expression.

It was only now that Umbridge knew that the students who asked the question had tricked her together. Looking at the students nodding together in their seats, it seems that the whole class is involved.

Umbridge blushed, with blue veins on his forehead, and argued, "I'm a professor appointed by the Ministry of Magic, so I can't intentionally injure a student... Injury! ... Being in confinement can be considered intentional injury." Is it?"

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